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Tired of being asked by other moms to be dishonest re: Paypal

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I guess I'm thinking that homeschool moms would be the "honest ones"


Naw, homeschool moms are just people like the rest of the folks.

Some are honest, some dishonest.

Some kind and polite, others not so much.

Some tidy, others not so much.


Why not lie if it saves a few bucks, after all that's the Most Important thing. Right?


Or not.



Folks is folks. It takes all kinds.


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Well, I don't see it as breaking the rules. Sorry that you do. I see it like a yardsale.


Paypal is a company with employees. They have expenses. It is NOT a yard sale. You are also insisting that the person buying your item give up all forms of buyer protection. That is wrong! If you don't want to pay the fees, take checks or money orders.

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I guess I don't see it as a yardsale. For example, I don't have the option of accepting credit cards at my yardsale. If I wanted to do that (not that I have any idea HOW to do that, LOL), I'm pretty sure I'd end up paying a credit card processing fee for each credit card transaction.


There is a huge flea market here on Oahu where they sell all sorts of goodies. Most of them you can buy at the flea market much cheaper than buying the same thing at the local shops (with a few exceptions). Probably about 50-65% of the vendors only take cash. Those that do take credit cards charge you a processing fee. The difference here is that they are "allowed" to pass that fee on to the buyer whereas paypal is trying not to let people pass on that extra fee. That isn't fair or a good business practice, especially when selling low-cost items. I can't blame people for wanting to process items as "personal" when it's something inexpensive, sold "among friends."


I think in order to truly take the moral high ground one should be offering to cover the paypal fees when the buyer asks one to process it as personal. After all, the buyer is making life easier for you by not making you send them a check or money order and waiting until it clears before sending the item. And no, I've never sold anything here.

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Guest RecumbentHeart

Found this from a PayPal Rep (I guess it was before the change):

"PayPal must pay banks and credit card companies every time money is moved for transactions. Small seller, big seller, or someone sending money to a friend...PayPal has to pay for all of those transactions if it's bank or credit card funds being sent. For personal accounts, we're actually losing money by allowing a limited amount of non-credit card payments to be received into the account and withdrawn on a monthly basis, but we offer it as a courtesy to the accounts."


So now people can misuse the personal/business option rather than the personal/premier account set up but the deal is the same - PayPal is providing a service and they have an expense whether a transaction is personal (ie a gift or such as previously listed) or business (the sale of goods or services) so twisting definitions around to justify using the service in a way not intended by PayPal is being dishonest. This is no doubt WHY fees have gone up - PayPal is still having to pay for "personal" business transactions which people are avoiding the payment of themselves so they need to cover their expenses somehow to try to compensate for such abuse of their service.


... and the cycle continues ... more abuse to escape fees ... more fees to compensate for the expense of abuse ... etc.

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Well, I don't see it as breaking the rules. Sorry that you do. I see it like a yardsale. I don't pay taxes and fees to have a yardsale. Selling a book here is not a "business" for me. It is just like an online yardsale. Paypal gets their cut from me ALWAYS because I have a premier account. They have taken fees from me for YEARS now just for having a transaction. I still pay those fees - even when someone pays with cash. The "extra" fees are just a slap in the face. And IMO, I am NOT breaking the rules. Hey...we are all friends here...Right? :glare:


Aren't earnings from yard sales taxable income? I always thought the earnings were to be reported. It's a hassle, but I think it's the law.

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... and the cycle continues ... more abuse to escape fees ... more fees to compensate for the expense of abuse ... etc.


OR Paypal could do what the credit card companies do-allow businesses to pass those fees on to their buyers. What is ridiculous is Paypal expecting buyers to eat the fees just because they don't want to eat the fees. If you want the ease of use and protection of paypal then both sides should pay a small fee. It only make sense.


But why should we expect paypal to allow us to use their service for free? Even if it's a small transaction?


They shouldn't. They should probably charge a fee on all transactions, to both buyer and seller. Both sides are using a service.


Aren't earnings from yard sales taxable income? I always thought the earnings were to be reported. It's a hassle, but I think it's the law.


From a tax website (not the irs):

"For most taxpayers who sell on eBay, this is not an issue. Often items are sold for less than what was originally paid for them. If this is the case, losses on the sale of personal use property are not deductible and are not required to be reported. Unfortunately, personal losses cannot be used to offset any profits you may have.

The same rules apply to personal items sold in a garage or yard sale -- if an item is sold for more than its cost, the gain is taxable income and should be reported as a capital gain on Schedule D. If a taxpayer regularly receives income from yard sales or ebay sales, the taxpayer may be operating a business and should report income and expenses on Schedule C as a sole proprietor."


In other words, if you are selling items at a loss and only selling once in a while you don't need to report it.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Found this from a PayPal Rep (I guess it was before the change):

"PayPal must pay banks and credit card companies every time money is moved for transactions. Small seller, big seller, or someone sending money to a friend...PayPal has to pay for all of those transactions if it's bank or credit card funds being sent.


Not true.


Moving from my PayPal balance to your PayPal balance is shuffling digital "money" around -- there are no banks involved, nor is the cost anything but negligible. In fact, PayPal benefits by those people who keep money as paypal balance instead of moving it to their bank accounts.


And please explain how shuffling $200 around costs $6, while shuffling around $2 costs 36c -- isn't it the same amount of "work" to shuffle money?


Why should we expect it to be free? Because that's how it was when the company was founded. Yes, that's right. The people who started it designed it to be that way. I know because I've met the pioneers of this industry in person and discussed the concept of electronic funds transfer with them. :) The current owners of PayPal are not those people.

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Guest RecumbentHeart

Or a similar question: Why should PayPal pay for our private transactions?


How about they stop paying for our private transactions so that it's free for them too?


But that would mean they couldn't provide the service so then we'd all have to go back to the trouble of writing checks and mailing payments and such inconvenient things because PayPal stopped paying for us to make use of their convenient service for free. How outrageous of them.

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Guest RecumbentHeart

Charging fees for all transactions for both buy and seller is probably the only way to stop it all, you're right.


Stop all but the complaining, that is :)

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Paypal is a company with employees. They have expenses. It is NOT a yard sale. You are also insisting that the person buying your item give up all forms of buyer protection. That is wrong! If you don't want to pay the fees, take checks or money orders.




But it's all moot to me because few people will sell to Canada anyway, even if the shipping wasn't insane.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
Not true.


Moving from my PayPal balance to your PayPal balance is shuffling digital "money" around -- there are no banks involved, nor is the cost anything but negligible. In fact, PayPal benefits by those people who keep money as paypal balance instead of moving it to their bank accounts.


And please explain how shuffling $200 around costs $6, while shuffling around $2 costs 36c -- isn't it the same amount of "work" to shuffle money?


Why should we expect it to be free? Because that's how it was when the company was founded. Yes, that's right. The people who started it designed it to be that way. I know because I've met the pioneers of this industry in person and discussed the concept of electronic funds transfer with them. :) The current owners of PayPal are not those people.


I apologize if I passed on false information from the Rep I quoted.


So .. there are new owners .. and exactly why are they obligated to us to not change in any way? I missed that part :-/

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Because we are Entitled.

We have a right to do so. We know our rights.


Or....maybe not.... ;)




You're cracking me up. :lol:


I take paypal only (well, I'm easy and could be talked into taking a money order, but THAT'S IT!) I just realize there are fees involved and I price accordingly. I can't get too wrapped up in X is the selling amount, Y is the postage amount and Z is the fee amount. Since my option is sell it for what I can get and be thankful I got a return on my initial investment, or I can have the item sit here and collect dust. IMO, something is better than nothing, for most items.

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Or a similar question: Why should PayPal pay for our private transactions?


How about they stop paying for our private transactions so that it's free for them too?



Here's an article from cnet about Paypal:

About 90 percent of the 210,000 transactions that go through PayPal's system each day already go to fee-based accounts, meaning that the change will have only a small effect on profitability, he said.


After debuting as a free service that planned to make money by investing the balances held in members' accounts, PayPal began charging fees last year.


<-- you see, like I said -- they earn money from the funds you keep in your PayPal balance. No one is acknowledging that they benefit from this.


Payments to credit card companies have proven costly for PayPal. The company pays 18 cents plus 1.9 percent of each payment made using a credit card, according to documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In contrast, the company pays only 3 cents per transaction for payments made using a bank account and incurs no charges for payments using PayPal balances.

Did you notice that?


They're not exactly some impoverished soul we should be crying for. They're coming out ahead.


The reason people expect it to be free is that that's how it was founded. They can become a new company with a new agenda, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't evaluate if they're the right service anymore.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
Here's an article from cnet about Paypal:

About 90 percent of the 210,000 transactions that go through PayPal's system each day already go to fee-based accounts, meaning that the change will have only a small effect on profitability, he said.


After debuting as a free service that planned to make money by investing the balances held in members' accounts, PayPal began charging fees last year.


<-- you see, like I said -- they earn money from the funds you keep in your PayPal balance. No one is acknowledging that they benefit from this.


Payments to credit card companies have proven costly for PayPal. The company pays 18 cents plus 1.9 percent of each payment made using a credit card, according to documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In contrast, the company pays only 3 cents per transaction for payments made using a bank account and incurs no charges for payments using PayPal balances.

Did you notice that?


They're not exactly some impoverished soul we should be crying for. They're coming out ahead.


The reason people expect it to be free is that that's how it was founded. They can become a new company with a new agenda, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't evaluate if they're the right service anymore.


I never imagined they were impoverished - they are a company working for profit. I'm just wiling to accept that - they have expenses AND they work for profit as do other businesses.


Granted, I don't know how much their fees have gone up so I can't actually say I would make use of their service but it's only honest to accept the reality and abide by the terms I agree to at sign up if I do choose to make use of their service.

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Guest RecumbentHeart

The reason people expect it to be free is that that's how it was founded. They can become a new company with a new agenda, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't evaluate if they're the right service anymore.


I missed this bit, sorry.


I'm not saying they shouldn't be evaluated. It's fair enough to say, "This is not what I originally got involved with and I'm not fine with the changes" and then go elsewhere. From what I understand there are new companies forming in this original spirit of free service that you mentioned.


What I do hold to is the recognition that holding a paypal account goes hand in hand with their current terms of service and I have full liberty to not be happy with it but violating it isn't moral - I always have the choice to simply not use them.

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Aren't earnings from yard sales taxable income? I always thought the earnings were to be reported. It's a hassle, but I think it's the law.



Absolutely NOT. I have never been asked to pay taxes on a yardsale. How can it even be proven that you had one? The government would be stupid (okay, well...) to even worry about such things.

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Paypal is a company with employees. They have expenses. It is NOT a yard sale. You are also insisting that the person buying your item give up all forms of buyer protection. That is wrong! If you don't want to pay the fees, take checks or money orders.



I have never asked ANYONE to pay via personal payment. I just chose not to deal with paypal anymore nor to sell used books here.


And yes, Paypal has fees (which I PAY having a premier account). The additional fees are what I feel are a complete injustice and what has caused me to stop dealing with them.


What I was likening to a yard sale was the sale of a used book to another homeschooling mom.


And...for the record, I have ALWAYS paid fees to paypal. I chose to use a Premier account and took on the fees in full knowledge of the ramifications. However, the NEW fees are what I don't agree with - the ones charged over and above what I already pay so that paypal can pay credit card companies. Oh...and just so you know...they charged fees on Premier accounts no matter what the buyer paid with...so for years now, I have paid the "credit card fees" on transactions where no credit card was even used!

Edited by Tree House Academy
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"If your online auction sales are the Internet equivalent of an occasional garage or yard sale, you generally do not have to report the sales. In a garage sale, you generally sell household items you purchased over the years and used personally. If you paid more for the items than you sell them for, the sales are not reportable. Losses on personal use property are not deductible, either. "


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Absolutely NOT. I have never been asked to pay taxes on a yardsale. How can it even be proven that you had one? The government would be stupid (okay, well...) to even worry about such things.


They're generally not something you have to pay taxes on:



If you're selling things for below what you paid for them, then the income isn't taxable.

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For cryin' out loud! If there are paypal fees then charge a few extra bucks. Don't ask someone else to LIE for you. People will try to justify it a million different ways, but it's still shirking Paypal's policies and LYING.


Good for you, OP, for not letting others manipulate you that way, and for keeping it ethical.

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Well, I don't see it as breaking the rules. Sorry that you do. I see it like a yardsale. I don't pay taxes and fees to have a yardsale. Selling a book here is not a "business" for me. It is just like an online yardsale.


Since taxes and fees aren't required for a yard sale (as you said, the government would be stupid to try), it's an apples and oranges comparison. Paypal requires fees to use its service, so it's good that you've decided not to utilize it rather than cheat. I think your decision is the only honorable one, if the two choices are to scam paypal or not use it at all.

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I have added 50 cents to a purchase to cover a sellers fee - was worth it to me, she didn't ask.



I was really frustrated with the PayPal fees, til I purchased from a seller who offered to either accept a cheque or add 50 cents for PayPal. Since a stamp costs about that much, it seemed like a fair deal all around.

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Wow...thanks for letting me know. THIS is the kind of thing I find irritating. I appreciate the advice on when I should and should not use Paypal. Now I *really* have something to think about, huh? :rolleyes:


Silly me! How dare I suggest that anyone should abide by a User Agreement.

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I would never ask someone to do that. I figure on paying the PayPal fees when I price my item. And to be honest, no one has ever asked me to send money as personal. I think if they did, I'd kindly pass on the deal. It's what we do when no one is looking that measures our character! :001_smile:

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Since taxes and fees aren't required for a yard sale (as you said, the government would be stupid to try), it's an apples and oranges comparison. Paypal requires fees to use its service, so it's good that you've decided not to utilize it rather than cheat. I think your decision is the only honorable one, if the two choices are to scam paypal or not use it at all.



The thing is that I DO pay paypal fees when I use it. I have had a premier account for about 8 years now and I have paid fees each and every time no matter what the buyer paid with. Now, paypal has tacked on MORE fees in addition to what I already pay just to make a "purchase." I fully believe that Paypal's needs were being met by Premier accounts and this is a good plan they thought up to make more money off their customers by charging unnecessary fees. I was fine with fees that made sense (i.e. Premier accounts could accept cc payments but the seller had to accept the fee in the form of an automatic deduction from every transaction). The current EXTRA fees make no sense at all.

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Silly me! How dare I suggest that anyone should abide by a User Agreement.


Right. Silly you. God knows I am not an adult and must be taught to abide by the rules.




Just for the record, I have actually never asked anyone to choose "personal" instead of "purchase" but I have chosen "personal" myself to benefit the seller without her asking. I made the choice after two purchases not to mess with paypal because of their new fees. I think what gets me is all the "holier than thou" attitudes in regards to something that doesn't make a lot of sense in the first place. It is like teaching my kids that if someone says, "You can eat tuna, but you have to then jump off a bridge" that it is okay to do so. I mean, really - I much prefer for my kids to think for themselves and make decisions based on logic rather than "rules." The only "rules" I have to abide by are those set by God. Paypal is not God. (and yeah yeah yeah "thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not steal" but I am NOT...read above).


If you all really want to gasp at my horrific behavior...I also sold a set of Calvert manuals! Oh no! I will burn for that, won't I? *need roll eyes smilie here and too lazy to go hunt it*

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The thing is that I DO pay paypal fees when I use it. I have had a premier account for about 8 years now and I have paid fees each and every time no matter what the buyer paid with. Now, paypal has tacked on MORE fees in addition to what I already pay just to make a "purchase." I fully believe that Paypal's needs were being met by Premier accounts and this is a good plan they thought up to make more money off their customers by charging unnecessary fees. I was fine with fees that made sense (i.e. Premier accounts could accept cc payments but the seller had to accept the fee in the form of an automatic deduction from every transaction). The current EXTRA fees make no sense at all.


I'm not saying they make sense, but they are the ones who get to decide if their need is being met. I'm annoyed and irritated that my health insurance fees are constantly going up, but my options are to not pay and not use the service, pay and use the service, or wait for President Obama to fix everything and make health care "free." (sorry, I couldn't resist! :D) I understand it's really, really over the top that they now are adding additional fees, but the answer isn't to pretend you're just moving money between friends. Surely you can understand that people think that would be wrong, and respect it even if you disagree?

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I understand it's really, really over the top that they now are adding additional fees, but the answer isn't to pretend you're just moving money between friends. Surely you can understand that people think that would be wrong, and respect it even if you disagree?

Can't it be understood that people might disagree and don't they still deserve respect?


I'm not pretending to be moving money among friends, that is how I see it.

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Imo, the responses she (treehouseacademy) has gotten haven't all been respectful. Goose gander, etc.


Okay, I think I get it now. You are one who doesn't pay the fees, and yet doesn't consider it "moving money between friends?" And we are being disrespectful to the always respectful Treehouse Academy? Pot, kettle, etc.

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Okay, I think I get it now. You are one who doesn't pay the fees, and yet doesn't consider it "moving money between friends?" And we are being disrespectful to the always respectful Treehouse Academy? Pot, kettle, etc.


I would appreciate you talking directly to ME if my name is involved.


"Ever Respectful Treehouse academy"...:lol::lol::lol: That is Tree House Academy to you. Space between the Tree and the House. :) P.S. My name is Rebecca...it is in my siggy line.


And upon second reading, I am not sure that this makes sense: You are one who doesn't pay the fees, and yet doesn't consider it "moving money between friends?"


So she doesn't pay fees and doesn't consider it moving money between friends. Hmph.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I would appreciate you talking directly to ME if my name is involved.


"Ever Respectful treehouse academy"...:lol::lol::lol:


And upon second reading, I am not sure that this makes sense: You are one who doesn't pay the fees, and yet doesn't consider it "moving money between friends?"


So she doesn't pay fees and doesn't consider it moving money between friends. Hmph.

What "SHE" said was, I don't pretend it's moving money between friends, that is how I see it.


SHE considers, buying off this site, to be buying from either friends or equatable with buying at a community yard sale. IOW, SHE sees it as a personal transaction, NOT a business transaction.


SHE has also paid fees whenever asked, because SHE understands that SHE is getting a good deal here and is grateful for all the help SHE has found here.


SHE does not think that you were treated respectfully, so why oh why should you respond respectfully. Frankly, SHE doesn't really care about the "I'msogreatIputmycartbackmychildrenareneverunsupervisedmyhouseisspotlessandidon'tjustfollowtherulesIgetoffendedbyanythatinterpretthemdifferently crowd, so SHE is moving on.


Good day.


and for the record the SHE thing is a joke, as is good day and if someone doesn't get it eh oh well.

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I would appreciate you talking directly to ME if my name is involved.


"Ever Respectful Treehouse academy"...:lol::lol::lol: That is Tree House Academy to you. Space between the Tree and the House. :) P.S. My name is Rebecca...it is in my siggy line.


And upon second reading, I am not sure that this makes sense: You are one who doesn't pay the fees, and yet doesn't consider it "moving money between friends?"


So she doesn't pay fees and doesn't consider it moving money between friends. Hmph.


Hey, I didn't say I don't like you or anything, Rebecca. But you can be a bit...passionate. Sorry about the Tree space House thing. :001_smile: Can we be friends?


As for the other, I'm just trying to figure out what she's saying. Notice the question marks. I'm hoping for clarification, because that position doesn't make sense to me either.

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Doesn't Paypal have some kind of 'satisfaction guaranteed' buyer's insurance protection? I would wonder if purchases made under the 'personal' category were not even entitled to that protection. Something to check out and then respond to potential sellers with another reason to use the accurate category when buying/selling.


I gotta say their guarantee is a JOKE! I bought my dh a rod and reel from a yahoo store recently. The store never shipped the item and basically fell off the map. I contacted paypal for a refund. After a month, I got an email saying they couldn't get in contact with the seller or get the money back. Sorry - no refund. Luckily, I had paid with my Visa via paypal. I disputed the charge on my Visa and got the money back. I will no longer use paypal through my checking - only Visa. As for their fees - I think it is fine for homeschool moms to help one another out and mark it personal. I had also read that paypal is fine with that. They are looking for the purchase for big ebay sellers, stores, etc.

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Oops - crossposting.


I'm guessing you are the SHE in question? And in the same vein, I love the "I'msogreatIputmycartbackmychildrenareneverunsuper visedmyhouseisspotlessandidon'tjustfollowtherulesI getoffendedbyanythatinterpretthemdifferently crowd" so please don't move on.


I'm just enjoying a good conversation, with different points of view.

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Hey, I didn't say I don't like you or anything, Rebecca. But you can be a bit...passionate. Sorry about the Tree space House thing. :001_smile: Can we be friends?


As for the other, I'm just trying to figure out what she's saying. Notice the question marks. I'm hoping for clarification, because that position doesn't make sense to me either.



Sure. I don't dislike you for paying your paypal fees. It's your money. I just don't agree that choosing personal is a dishonest and unchristian thing to do. I do see it as helping out someone and selling to friends here on the board. Many, MANY of the people I have sold to here have become friends through the pm's posts we have shared. Sure, it isn't real life, but we are all human, afterall. *I hope*



And...ME...passionate (translate: hot headed)...NEVER. :lol:

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Last Christmas, we bought a large Lego set for my boys from a private ebay seller using paypal. When it had not been shipped for more than 2.5 weeks, and the seller stopped returning our emails, we contacted paypal.


Our full purchase price was refunded within 3 hours!!


At that point we never thought we'd find another one, 4 days before Christmas, but lo and behold, we did, the seller was very honest, and it was delivered to us on December 24th. I was so grateful to paypal for being so quickly responsive to us. As it turns out, using the feedback option, we learned this crook had "sold" the same set to 12 other families and none of them actually got one. And, he actually had good feedback before that.


Paypal does have *some* integrity when it comes to unethical sellers.

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Well, I don't see it as breaking the rules. Sorry that you do. I see it like a yardsale. I don't pay taxes and fees to have a yardsale. Selling a book here is not a "business" for me. It is just like an online yardsale. Paypal gets their cut from me ALWAYS because I have a premier account. They have taken fees from me for YEARS now just for having a transaction. I still pay those fees - even when someone pays with cash. The "extra" fees are just a slap in the face. And IMO, I am NOT breaking the rules. Hey...we are all friends here...Right? :glare:


Same here. I have a premier account since 2000. If I could get back all the fees I've paid over the years, I could probably add quite a few new books to my shelves.


I've sent payments as gifts, but have not asked anyone to do the same. However they send it, I get charged.

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I think there is a Papal policy against verbally asking or openly charging a buyer to cover Paypal fees.


For my part, I've been waiting for Paypal to institute these charges for several years now. I won't sell low-value items on eBay anymore, because the whole thing is really just not worth it (especially considering that people want things in PERFECT condition no matter how much they paid or how the item is listed, but that's another post :glare:). But I'm still happy to pay the Paypal fees, because I do consider it a service worth paying for and I'm grateful to have it. So for all you sellers who still use Paypal, thank you! :D


I'm glad I popped in here. I didn't know about the part about not passing on fees. I have tried hard to comply with Paypal's requirements and ask that sellers not send funds through the personal option. I can live with the fees in order to have buyer protection. I'm just not sure how to price items anymore. If you can't mention anything about fees, do buyers remember that $5ppd means that roughly $3 is shipping and Paypal fees. If we say shipping and handling, does that violate the policy?


I suppose you can sign me "puzzled" on this one. Well actually, you can still sign me " Lisa, who enjoys passing on great books and receiving great books in return." I'm sorry to see that several of you will no longer sell here. This board has made it possible for us change direction on some of our curriculum in a way that I just could not do if I only went with new.

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