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School at the library?

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Has anyone packed up their things and spent the day doing school at the library?


Our library was recently remodeled and the upstairs (where it would be nice and quiet and private) is so nice. There are wonderful workstations with outlets for your laptop and really nice comfy couches.


I'm thinking this might excite my 12 year old who is beginning homeschool and who has lost her excitement for learning.

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I think it'd be a fun diversion, but I'd have a plan on what to do ahead of time. If you'll be there for several hours, I'd likely include getting outside and taking a walk, or having lunch outside...or stopping for ice cream on the way home!


My kids have enjoyed doing school on the front porch, on the trampoline, at a park. One did schoolwork for an hour a week in the library when the other attended a class.


Since she's newly hsing, you might ask her what her perfect day would include. We have regular pajama days, and I try to schedule a few "game days" a year where we ONLY play board/card-type games and count it as school. I'd especially make the first day that all the other kids return to school special for your dd--a NOT going back to school day!

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I have done this a few times. It works for only so long because my girls wanted to go to the children's library so their minds are elsewhere when we are there after a while.

I've tried doing school outside , again they just wanted to play. My girls are getting older so hopefully we can try it again. It sometimes sounds like a great thing to do but at times can possibly backfire. Of course your child may vary. LOL.

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We've done it lots of times. My kids' books are in small carry-on sized suitcases. We study at the library or a restaurant occasionally. Don't do it every single day or the allure fades.


When we go to a restaurant we order drinks and possibly an order of fries to share. If we notice the restaurant is exceptionally busy we leave so that our table is available, but this is almost never an issue.


We have also enjoyed studying on a blanket in the park. We cannot get the whole school day done on the blanket, but it's a nice option for 1-3 hours. Bring snacks. I usually plan on reading aloud for part of our time when we do this.

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There seems to be a couple of families here that do it - i'm thinking it must really save on the AC bill.


I don't think i could do it in our libraries current state. Talk to me after they build the new one, and the current library becomes the children's section. there just isn't enough room to spread out right now (especially with another family doing it).

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I've done it, because I sometimes work at the library running field trips for classrooms. We haven't got neato workstations, so my kids just work at a couch or table. I pack them up a bag of what I want to get done, and they do it. It works fine, but since I can't be there with them it's not as good as home. We might try it at random for a nice change of pace this year.

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We do it a few times a month. We pack a bag with our work. I tell the kids beforehand if it is ok for them to go on the computers or not - usually not, if we want to get anything done. It works best on days when they have research to do. I set them loose on the research librarians! It does not work on days when we have hands-on stuff to do. It is too noisy and cannot be packed up "to go".

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This would be a great idea once my kiddos are older! Our library is pretty dead during the days (except during story time) and they have an upstairs that is just filled with reference materials that doesn't see much use during school hours. :)


We love to hang out at the library or Barnes and Noble when my older DC is busy with an activity (like VBS) and DS needs something to do. :)

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Yes. I did this with 3 kids awhile ago but for different reasons. Back then we were newly renting in a small townhouse and one of the neighbors kept "visiting". He gave me the creeps so I packed the kids up and whet to the library for a while. After a few days of not being around he stopped coming by.


Good points: We got out of the house and avoided him (he was always gone later since he worked at night). It was a change of pace, which was fun. I was sometimes able to time it so my little guy could get into one of the toddler read alouds while the kids worked nearby.


Bad points: Definitely not the place to teach the lessons, only plan on getting written work or reading done. Keeping them quiet enough for the big room at the library was difficult. I did try to get one of the little rooms, but they weren't always available and I couldn't reserve it. At one library, I was practically running between kids since I had 2 in a small room on one side of the library, one at a table in the children's section and the toddler in the storytime room!


All and all I think we will try this again this year.


Sorry if I repeated info from other posts, I didn't get a chance to read them yet.



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We have done school in a lot of public places. The park, the zoo (a fave), restaurants, and the library (too distracting for us). We love to get out of the house and do something different. We usually do 1/2 days there so we can leave the heavier texts at home. I have also photocopied a few pages of text books so we could take just a few pages with us instead of a larger book.

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Thank you for this post! Today the dc put their school stuff into their crates and it's all ready to go (we bought the file folder boxes that have handles and flip lids for pencils, etc.). I think I'll surprise them tomorrow by going out to breakfast then heading somewhere fun to do school, at least in the morning. Thank you all for sharing your neat ideas! This stuck-in-my-rut-and-perfectly-happy-to-be-there mama needed to read this. :D

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We do school in lots of public places too. Our favorite is the Buccaneer, a restaurant just down the road. We get a drink and work till lunch. She doesn't get lunch till the morning subjects are done, so it keeps her on track. We eat lunch and then start more subjects. After those, she gets a ice cream cone. While she eats her cone, I read aloud. We always get a whole day of school done and usually faster then we would at home. Our little restaurant has a couple of out of the way booths so it is easy to teach lessons even. Of course, I only have the one. Not sure this would be doable with more then one or two.

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At our library you can reserve a study room. I LOVE it. There are no distractions and my younger one can go into the children's section and read and read and read! We aim for this once a week. I am a library freak; I figure it is the best use of my tax money.

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We do this a couple times a year. Now that my youngest is in 1st grade, we'll go more often. In our library, it's a big, open space and it's not the best place to "teach" a lesson - but it's a fantastic place for the kids to get some of their work done. We just go over their work before we get there.


We also go a few times a year for the girls to do research. Instead of checking out all the books and lugging them home, we bring note cards and do all the research on the spot and bring the note cards home. :D


It's a great change of pace.

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