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She's Here!

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Madelynn Adele was born at 8:57pm. She was 8lbs 13oz and 19 inches long. Her head was 14cm. She has dark hair; my first with dark hair. Cute thing...one brow looks blond though.


We ended up turning the pitocin up to 12. The dr. broke the water at about 8 pm and, although there was almost no fluid to leak, the contractions hit hard after that. With no pain relief, I ended up screaming and yelling her into this world. My 2yo slept through it. My 7yo yar old was ok but crying and feeling sick. We explained it was the emotion. My 9 yo hid in a nook that we dubbed the cave, in tears like last time. Still they wouldn't have wanted to miss it for anything. My 7yo (boy) cut the cord; he was so thrilled with the honor. We woke the 2yo up before they went home to see "baby dar" (dar is how he says girl). He grinned, kissed her, and even tried to say her name...he won't call his other sibs by name so it is super cute.


Oh how wonderful! Congratulations!

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Thanks everyone!


We're home! My 2yo is being every so helpful by telling us she's crying every time she cries, telling us she's nursing every time she nurses, and pointing out all of her body parts (baby hair, baby ear, baby head, baby nose). LOL


OOOOH congratulations!! I have to say I am amazed that you just gave birth and are already posting!! You are one dedicated lady!! :) hehe God bless you and your family and your brand new baby girl!! My heartiest congratulations! :)


Well, I did wait 3 hours first! Actually, what else do you do when you are stuck in a hospital room alone with a sleeping baby, knowing that a nurse is just going to wake you in 30 minutes?


YAY!!! :D


Good lord woman, you are BRAVE to endure pitocin at 12. *shudder* :lol:


I wouldn't recommend it. Natural labor is much easier. By the time it got really bad, it was pretty much too late to do anything about it. In hindsight, it's kind of funny thinking about the nurses being not quite sure what to think about a woman in laboring through transition standing at and leaning on their nurses station counter. They rushed and grabbed the dr. She was born probably 10, no more than 15 minutes, later.


Woo-hoo! And you lost that extra weight before the heatwave!!


Yeah, just in time to have hormonal hot flashes and sweating even when it isn't hot. LOL


I'm due in a few weeks and scared to death of Pitocin.


I recommend going into labor naturally.


Thought you'd like a photo.



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I wouldn't recommend it. Natural labor is much easier. By the time it got really bad, it was pretty much too late to do anything about it. In hindsight, it's kind of funny thinking about the nurses being not quite sure what to think about a woman in laboring through transition standing at and leaning on their nurses station counter. They rushed and grabbed the dr. She was born probably 10, no more than 15 minutes, later.


Yeah, gee, a woman who isn't drugged up and practically strapped to a bed. How strange. :confused: :D




This picture made me cry!! Don't you DARE post more, I'm getting all hormonal (and I don't even LIKE the first year with kids!)! :lol:

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