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I didn't vote - you didn't list the obligatory "other"!!:D


I would mark "love it" - as long as it's the Big Apple Circus. We don't have many opportunities to see it here in Ohio, but on the odd occasion when they come around - we don't miss it. It's truly a work of art.


Barnum & Bailey? Not so much. ;)

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Last trip to the circus was just dh and ds (he was maybe 8 or 9 at the time?).


They were witness to a high wire accident. The performer fell to the ground after bouncing out of the net and was eventually taken off on a stretcher.


After the clowns cleaned up the blood, the circus lived up to the motto... the show went on. It was surreal and we have never since been even slightly tempted to go to the circus.

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I didn't vote either. I need an Other.


I have concerns about circus animals, although I haven't done any research, so those may be unfounded concerns.


On the other hand, I quite enjoy acrobatics--the Shanghai acrobats, Cirque de Soleil, etc. It's not an every year sort of a thing, but an occasional treat.

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I just went last Saturday. It cost $250 to get good tickets for the whole family.


Miss Good Loved it and laughed very loudly through out the entire show.

Mr. Clever fell asleep.

Miss Beautiful was blase about the whole thing.

Miss Bossy loved it, and wants to go back for her birthday.


Next year, I'll leave the two bored kids at home, and only take the enthusiastic ones.

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Clarification: Barnum & Bailey. It's about all we get around here. Cirque would be out of anybody's price range anyway.


I despise them with every fiber of my being, but I'm trying to be a good sport. Then I saw the ticket prices. Then I saw the "preview."


Don't. think. I. can. do. it.:auto:

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Other - love the Big Apple Circus and have brought the kids 3 times, I think, and will probably do it again (although there was one horse act one year that made me uncomfortable, other than that it has seemed fine. Only animals are dogs, cats and horses - no exotics). Love Cirque de Soleil for me, but don't see it as being for young kids. The music is very loud. I've only been once - it is pricey.


Can't stand Barnum and Bailey. Let me count the ways...

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I would have to vote 'other' because I'm not sure. I've been only once when I was about twenty. It was Ringling Brothers at Madison Square Gardens, and I think the only reason we went is because it was at Madison Square Gardens. I went just because it was something fun to do. I was with a friend, and I don't think we stayed for much of it.


I'd have to go as an adult to really see whether or not it was something I enjoyed, and as of yet, I haven't.

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The big 3 ring circus was exciting but I felt so far away from the action. The small 1 ring under a tent was nice though. You could see what was happening up close, witness the interactions between the trainer and the animals, and it felt like what an old-fashioned circus should be. Frankly though, I liked the human acts better. I'd think it isn't an easy life for any of the performers (human or animal) though I'd like to think that since the animals are part of their livlihood, they'd be as well cared for as possible.

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I am concerned about the lives animals lead in the circus, so I don't attend those types of shows. I would love to go to Cirque du Soleil, though!


:iagree: It's hard for me to enjoy it b/c of this. Have any of you seen the documentary aired on PBS w/in the last 6 months about the young Chinese children who grow up in acrobat school? Not that all acrobats are trained so cruelly, but it makes me think twice.


If there were shows put on that ensured humane treatment of all (animals & humans) I'd go along w/ the kids (can't send them off to the circus alone at this age, ... or can I? ...mwahahahah).

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I live in Vegas so I've been to a couple of Cirque shows (they have discounts for locals). They are so worth the money. I'd love to see O which is mostly underwater. With that said-I'd go see Cirque again. I've been to Barnum and Bailey twice as an adult, with kids and we had a great time. I'd go again. I do have an aversion to clowns though.

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I celebrate and mourn the circus that was. The historic circus. Even so modern a circus as that of my youth.


We no longer attend the circus because we can't stand the blaring, tape-recorded rock music, nor the insufficiently-clad women. The circus today is a deafening, insane chaos. Not enjoyable at all. The animals would be an issue, too, now that we know more of how they are raised/maintained.

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We went a time or two. The first time, the children were really little and loved it. We tolerated it.


The second? The children liked it OK, but I felt an overwhelming sadness for the animals (and I'm not normally a huge activist or anything, but it really overcame me), and my DH was APPALLED at the ladies' outfits. And I'm using the term ladies very loosely. And the music was dreadful too.


We will never go again. Under any conditions. I truly would much rather clean your toilets.

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We went to Cirque at Disney World and even my (then) 2.5 yo sat mesmerized through the whole thing. He was just a little squirmy for about the last 20 minutes but it was a 2+ hour show. Maybe the Vegas shows are sleazy, but at WDW it was very good.


We did go long ago to a local circus when our oldest two were quite small. It was just ok. Kiddo could have cared less. Never even thought about going to another since.

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So I asked the dc if they'd ever heard of a circus. They thought about it & said, yeah, they've got acrobats. But then added, for my benefit, their suspicion that such things as circuses don't exist. :001_huh: This from kids who passionately believe in all kinds of fairies.

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I celebrate and mourn the circus that was. The historic circus. Even so modern a circus as that of my youth.


We no longer attend the circus because we can't stand the blaring, tape-recorded rock music, nor the insufficiently-clad women. The circus today is a deafening, insane chaos. Not enjoyable at all. The animals would be an issue, too, now that we know more of how they are raised/maintained.



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I have read through all the comments and see that a great many of you feel that the circus animals are mistreated. If I may ask, upon what do you base this belief? Do you believe that circus animals receive worse care than zoo animals? Do you have specific documentation, not just hearsay from animal rights groups?


The reason I ask was because in my pre-Mommy life, I was a marine mammal inspector and I was required to inspect several circus acts that included seals or sea lions. I found no instances of abuse, neglect, or other mistreatment. I found animals that were very healthy physically and seemed to be well adjusted to their circus lives.


Why is it that taking your children to the zoo is considered educational but taking them to the circus is considered by many to be perpetuating animal abuse? I am sure there are good and bad examples in all situations where humans interact with animals. But I have shared a table with many very good and decent "circus people" who loved their animals as members of their families. Who did without food during tough times so the animals could be well fed. I am bothered to see so many people make statements about how bad these people are, and yet offer no substantiation of their claims.

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I have read through all the comments and see that a great many of you feel that the circus animals are mistreated. If I may ask, upon what do you base this belief? Do you believe that circus animals receive worse care than zoo animals? Do you have specific documentation, not just hearsay from animal rights groups?


The reason I ask was because in my pre-Mommy life, I was a marine mammal inspector and I was required to inspect several circus acts that included seals or sea lions. I found no instances of abuse, neglect, or other mistreatment. I found animals that were very healthy physically and seemed to be well adjusted to their circus lives.


Why is it that taking your children to the zoo is considered educational but taking them to the circus is considered by many to be perpetuating animal abuse? I am sure there are good and bad examples in all situations where humans interact with animals. But I have shared a table with many very good and decent "circus people" who loved their animals as members of their families. Who did without food during tough times so the animals could be well fed. I am bothered to see so many people make statements about how bad these people are, and yet offer no substantiation of their claims.


I don't have your experience or background, but I agree with what you've said... it's too bad the animal rights folks have so many people believing that so much is so bad when it's not necessarily true. I, personally, love the animal acts AND I love animals...

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I have read through all the comments and see that a great many of you feel that the circus animals are mistreated. If I may ask, upon what do you base this belief? Do you believe that circus animals receive worse care than zoo animals? Do you have specific documentation, not just hearsay from animal rights groups?


The reason I ask was because in my pre-Mommy life, I was a marine mammal inspector and I was required to inspect several circus acts that included seals or sea lions. I found no instances of abuse, neglect, or other mistreatment. I found animals that were very healthy physically and seemed to be well adjusted to their circus lives.


Why is it that taking your children to the zoo is considered educational but taking them to the circus is considered by many to be perpetuating animal abuse? I am sure there are good and bad examples in all situations where humans interact with animals. But I have shared a table with many very good and decent "circus people" who loved their animals as members of their families. Who did without food during tough times so the animals could be well fed. I am bothered to see so many people make statements about how bad these people are, and yet offer no substantiation of their claims.


Well, the OP mentioned our views on circus , not zoos. But, you are correct. Zoos are no better in many cases. Ie: having polar bears in an outside area in San Diego. That is inhumane, in my belief. Especially since we are in the nineties right now. I think the zoo is a great place for education when it is presented in that manner, like tours, where you get background info. But , I also think some zoos, I dont know the nbrs. save these animals which are being poached or used in private zoos. In that case they are good. But, if they are stealing animals out of their homes which are not threatened for human enjoyment and monetary purposes, bad.


I think videos shown on many pro animal sites are enough info, to turn many people against circuses, zoos and marine parks.


It is all about personal belief and self education.

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