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If you could get a job that paid $16/hr to start

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If you were offered a job that paid $16/hr to start with raises every 6 months of $1.00 until you reached $21/hr, you always worked after 3:30pm and never more than 3.75 hours per night with a weekly hours at 17 per week, would you do it?


The only downside is that you have to be available 7 days a week between the hours of 3:30-11:30 pm to work when they call you in. You'll never work more than 5 days a week.


The job is data entry. My sister has done the job for 2 years and loves it, but I am very nervous about the idea of doing something like this. I have not worked out of the home for years because of convictions about raising my children, but I have wonderful older children now and their dad would be home with them. What do you think?



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While the money would be nice, would you lose most of it to taxes if it moved you up into another tax bracket?


My other fear would be working so late that I would be tired the next day, which would make my day with the kids less pleasant.


Otherwise, I would very seriously consider it, for at least as long as it would take to pay off lingering debts and get some saved up.

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The pay is good, but it would depend upon DH availability....does he go out of town often, will he be available after 3:30pm to help look after the children (I was not sure how old your children were).


It sounds like a good opportunity, and in this economy it couldn't hurt to have a little extra coming as a nest egg.


Good Luck!



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The pay is good, but it would depend upon DH availability....does he go out of town often, will he be available after 3:30pm to help look after the children (I was not sure how old your children were).


It sounds like a good opportunity, and in this economy it couldn't hurt to have a little extra coming as a nest egg.


Good Luck!




My oldest two are ages 12 & 15 and they are both responsible girls. My husband doesn't go out of town too often and I do have family here if I should need a babysitter. My girls do almost all the babysitting of my 9, 6 & 3 year old.

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If you were offered a job that paid $16/hr to start with raises every 6 months of $1.00 until you reached $21/hr, you always worked after 3:30pm and never more than 3.75 hours per night with a weekly hours at 17 per week, would you do it?


The only downside is that you have to be available 7 days a week between the hours of 3:30-11:30 pm to work when they call you in. You'll never work more than 5 days a week.


The job is data entry. My sister has done the job for 2 years and loves it, but I am very nervous about the idea of doing something like this. I have not worked out of the home for years because of convictions about raising my children, but I have wonderful older children now and their dad would be home with them. What do you think?




Not unless we were financially desperate. I *can* work for much more money than that, at those hours, for those hours, at tutoring in my home, and I don't really want to right now because it would take away from our homeschooling/family life.


Oh wait, I just read that Dad would be with the kids. That is not the case here - dh works afternoons/evenings. If he was home, I might do it in the evenings, as long as he was supervising after-dinner cleanup and reading aloud to them and showers, good nights, etc..

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I work 5:30 p.m. to midnight (or sometimes later) five nights a week. I enjoy my job and I am good enough at it that I'm appreciated in my office, so both of those things are positives. I do like the people I work with a lot. However, I wouldn't choose to work outside the home if we didn't really need the money so badly. I often wish I could take the time and energy I use for work and pour it into my home and my family instead.

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If you were offered a job that paid $16/hr to start with raises every 6 months of $1.00 until you reached $21/hr, you always worked after 3:30pm and never more than 3.75 hours per night with a weekly hours at 17 per week, would you do it?


The only downside is that you have to be available 7 days a week between the hours of 3:30-11:30 pm to work when they call you in. You'll never work more than 5 days a week.


The job is data entry. My sister has done the job for 2 years and loves it, but I am very nervous about the idea of doing something like this. I have not worked out of the home for years because of convictions about raising my children, but I have wonderful older children now and their dad would be home with them. What do you think?





It sounds like a good opportunity for you! :001_smile:

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I don't think *I* could do it, personally. I don't much care for coming home at 11:30 pm...ever. Not to mention, I hate the idea of being called in. If you do not NEED the money, then I would pass...but that is just me. Your life situation, desire, etc. should be the deciding factor here (not mine, obviously). Best of luck with your decision. :)

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If you were offered a job that paid $16/hr to start with raises every 6 months of $1.00 until you reached $21/hr, you always worked after 3:30pm and never more than 3.75 hours per night with a weekly hours at 17 per week, would you do it? Michelle


No. I wouldn't just because you still have young children. If you only had older ones, I'd say go for it. Honestly? I take that back. The first reason I wouldn't do it is because it would cut my time with my DH to practically nothing. And that wouldn't be worth it. It would be SO tempting, but the added stress, pressure, meals, etc. would be an incredible burden. The time will come. It doesn't feel like it, but it will.

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Well, I think it would depend on your economic situation. I don't like missing dinner with my family, or bed time prayers and tuck in.

I am going to try a job that would have me working 3-4 evenings a week (7pm to 3 am) and I know it will not be ideal.

It's all a trade-off. If it becomes too much, you can always quit after giving it a go.

And, if it's data entry, I'd check and see if there's the possibility of doing it at home.


My ideal is to be home. Can't have that now, because of financial choices I made in the past. I struggled so hard last year--this year I'm much more aware of how I might feel in a given situation.


Hoping it works out for you.

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I would keel over with a heart attack if I was offered something like that. The reality is that I am probably going to be working 16-20 hours a week for $8 an hour during those same hours. I am going to HATE it because I have many young children, I won't be able to spend time with my dh, and I will be TIRED after homeschooling all day, working my other work at home job, cleaning my mother's house, etc.

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I would pray about it. I would also think about how much time you will loose with being a way from your DH, as Blsdmama suggested.


What does your DH think about this. Is he willing to work all day and then come home and be the parent in charge at night with all the dinner and bedtime routines falling on him?


Good luck with your decision!

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No. I wouldn't just because you still have young children. If you only had older ones, I'd say go for it. Honestly? I take that back. The first reason I wouldn't do it is because it would cut my time with my DH to practically nothing. And that wouldn't be worth it. It would be SO tempting, but the added stress, pressure, meals, etc. would be an incredible burden. The time will come. It doesn't feel like it, but it will.

That would be my biggest things right there. Unless we really needed the money I wouldn't do it. Hubby also isn't very good at cooking, so I'd end up having to have something ready for him to just heat up later, and then I'd miss dinner with my family, bedtime, hubby time, and sleep.

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I agree. Knowing I have to be available but not if I would be called in would put a downer on my whole day. I really hate being told what to do and where to be...But, that's a big reason I homeschool. :D


The biggest factor for me would be how much I need to work. I am working about 15 hours a week this semester. For a while it seemed like everyday I worked put us two days behind. Since we need the income, I had to adjust--which meant lowering my expectations of how much schooling, housework, etc. was getting done.

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with decisions like this, I always let my hubby decide. He has more wisdom in that area (what I can and can't take on. When I've decided not to take his advice it's ALWAYS backfired. I always think I can do more than I can...) than I do. If your hubby is supportive of the idea, try it out. If he has concerns, don't.


It will be hard keeping on top of everything, especially school. You'll be tired more. But if you need the money and hubby agrees, go for it. If it doesn't work out you can always quit.


I think the hours sound perfect but I wouldn't take it *for me* because my two oldest are in PS and I'd want to be home for them. They hated the idea of me working when I almost took a good little job that fell into my lap. If ALL my kids were hsed, I'd definitely take it, likely with hubby's blessing.

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Not only would you be "on call" and unable to ever really commit to anything in the evenings, but then so would whoever is going to be your care provider.


It means that unless your DH is home by 3:30, your older child could never make any plans in the afternoon. It means that your DH could never agree to do anything except work and then family stuff in the evenings. None of you could ever make plans to meet a friends for coffee, help a friend in need, do a bible study or see a movie or do anything at night.


You would have to pay me a small fortune to commit to that, and I wouldn't expect my 14 year old to always live with that over her head unless I paid HER well too.

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I work outside the house 3 days a week, in the afternoon and evenings. I love it because it affords me a lot of luxuries that I wouldn't normally have. My money pays for curriculum (basically no budget because of it), extra purchases for the kids, kids classes/lessons, presents...etc. It buys us financial freedom and then dh can just concentrate on keeping our main finances in order and leaves him extra to invest that would have been spent on these things. I love getting to talk to adults each day, and to be in a respected position. I like knowing that if something happened to dh, I could make it financially. I have the kids on my health insurance instead of dh because I like the plan better. I like having my own retirement pension and 401K.


1. You won't be available to drive the kids to classes, lessons, evening church, parties, etc. How will dh feel about doing this all the time after being at work all day? What about when he is out of town?


2. You can't plan an evening out with your family or with dh, because you don't know if you are going to be working. Are you able to say "I won't be available on the 8th" or are you just expected to be there?


3. What time does dh go to bed? Do you usually go to be with him? If you walk in the door at 9:30, you may not be able to just fall into bed and go to sleep. Are you both ok with that?


4. How late do you usually stay up at night? Are you naturally a night owl? If not, it can be hard to go to sleep instantly when you get home, and this can make getting up in the AM harder.


5. How will you do with sitting and just doing data entry for hours at a time? Any back or carpal tunnel issues?


6. Any benefits other than pay? If they are paying your social security payments, that can be a good thing as many at home moms don't have any credits for SS.


7. Can dh handle it if the kids get sick and he has to take care of them?


8. Figure a half hour commute each way on top of the hours to work, and add another half hour to get ready. Is 5.5 hours worth the 4 hours of pay?


9. Are you okay being tied down after 2pm every day? You can't schedule anything close to going to work time...appointments can run late etc.


10. When will you cook dinner? During school? I cook dinner at lunch time, and then put it in the fridge. Do your children's ages and school needs work with that? How is your family at eating left overs/reheats?


11. Will your kids do okay with out you? How will your older daughters feel about being responsible on this varying schedule? Will they resent it? Will you pay them? Ds has an account that I put money into when he babysits. He doesn't know about the account, but I plan to give it to him for a missions trip when he decides he wants to take one. It will greatly reduce the money he will need to raise to pay for his trip. Since the baby is family, I don't like to pay for him to sit (he won't take money for it anyways) but for us this is a nice compromise. If it was a situation like yours and he was tied down more often, I may consider a more formal payment option.


12. How often will dh be gone? Will your mother come to your house or are you going to have to pick up the kids late from her house?


13. How do you feel about missing bed time/bath time/reading time/whatever-you-do-at-night-time--time with the kids?


14. Will you need certain clothing or equipment?

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