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Wow! Love the new boards! What is everyone reading? I'm reading The Historian...

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I have a TON of books I want to read....we all know how that works. ;)


Currently, I am reading Eat, Pray, Love. My grandmother bought this for everyone in our family as a gift.


Also, reading WTM (again).


I love this thread....I am adding to my reading list. ;)


Happy Saturday!!


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I'm reading Moby Dick. You know, it's not nearly as difficult and boring as I had been led to believe. Honest. I'm enjoying it.


I'm also reading some school-y books (The Great Tradition, Deconstructing Penguins). And then next in the pile is Moab is My Washpot - Stephen Fry's autobiography.

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I just finished All Rivers Run to the Sea by Elie Wiesel and loved it. It was one of the best books I've read in a long time. I'm now reading Joy in the Morning by Betty Smith.


How is Joy in the Morning? My favorite book of all time is her book A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I've never read anything else by her, though.

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Just finished "Pillars of the Earth." Good read. I've started "The Kite Runner."


I'm studying "Having a Mary Spirit" in prep for teaching it as a ladies Bible class.


We start 'The Autobiography of Ben Franklin" as a lit project on Monday.


My to be read pile remains high and growing. A simple stroll through Half Price Books the other day let three more books jump on the stack. But they ALL look so good! How can you resist something called 'French Dirt' about gardening in France?????

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I have accepted the Triple 8 Challenge so currently the desk is stacked with:


1421: The Year China Discovered America - love it


Band Of Sisters - Not far into it. I don't know what I think yet.


The Autobiography of Ben Franklin - I want to travel back in time and have a chat with him. ;)


Reflections of Osiris - Not far into this either. I want to finish 1421 before really plunging into this one.


Women with Big Eyes - This has the stories in English and Spanish and I am reading them in Spanish first and then in English to check that I understood it properly. It is helping tremendously. I grew up speaking Spanish but I never read or wrote in it. :o


The Fate of Africa - I have to walk away from this from time to time. :mad:


And I recently finsihed The Afghan Campaign by Steven Pressfield and I want to read more of his work. The Amazon reviews say this was not his best work so I want to investigate for myself. I really enjoyed it and am having dh read it. Let's see what he thinks.

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Not much that's too impressive. I try not to be reading more than one book at a time, so I need to push 2 of these aside and finish up. I'm rereading Harry Potter 3 for fun, Making The Terrible Twos Terrific and Susan's SOTW for adults. I'm enjoying them all and getting something I need from all of them at the time though. Hmmm...

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How is "Love in the Time of Cholera"? I've got it on reseve at the library, but I'm waaaay down on the list. :p


Hi, Tonia! I just saw your reply. :)


I have only read the introduction and, personally, I like it so far. My neighbor, to whom I gave the book, says it's a difficult read and is trying to stick it out until the end. So I don't know what to tell you about how it is except that the professor saw the movie and said not to waste our money. She said it wasn't as good as the book.

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Man's Search for Meaning by Frankl

Three Cups of Tea by Mortenson

Deconstructing Penguins by Goldstone


The last two were recommendations from the old board, the first is difficult to follow (probably because I sorely lack knowledge of that part of the world)

Penguins is a fun read - both are library books but not ones I would probably read again

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I've had The Other Boleyn Girl on my shelf for so long, I'm determined to get to it this year!


I just got this book for Christmas and can't wait to read it.


I also got one of the Amazon Kindle devices. I am reading more now than I have in years. Does anyone else here have one?


Currently reading or just finished:


The Omnivore's Dilemma

Book of the Dead - Patricia Cornwell

Three Cups of Tea

Innocents Abroad - Mark Twain

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I'm reading Man's Search For Meaning right now too. It is interesting because I just finished reading Elie Wiesel's autobiography All Rivers Run to the Sea. I'm finding the differences in their life philosophy after experiencing the same thing very interesting to compare and contrast.

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I'm a few pages from the end of Women in Love D.H. Lawrence. The repititionn, oh, the repitition...

Also started reading A History of the Ancient World Just now catching up w/ where we are in SOTW.

Looking forward to Antony and Cleopatra - the long awaited latest in Colleen McCullough's Masters of Rome series.

Oh, also Little House on the Prarie before bedtime.

Great thread - so many ideas!

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Right now one book group is doing Siddhartha, so I read that a couple times and am reading Herman Hesse's autobiographical writings. Another book group is doing Dark Night of the Soul and The Faith Club, so I read those, and I am reading some of Theresa of Avila's work and May's modern guide to the Dark Night of the Soul. I have this text book for school that I am supposed to be reading that is NOT holding my interest... something about research methods.... I'm going to dig in and do my assignment from that so I can get back to the fun stuff! I'm sure I have other things I am in various stages on, but that's enough for now!!



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Susan Wise Bauer. :)


It is an excellent read, although I have difficulty following the "family tree" (not just in this book, in any book - and certainly in real life! I just don't do well with cousins!)


I'm only about a third of the way through, and the plot is starting to thicken.


I like that it is set in Virginia. ::sniff, sniff:: Makes me a little homesick but that's okay.

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I finished The Year...by A.J. Jacobs just a short while ago . I highly recommend it! I haven't laughed out loud like a lunatic like that in a looong time! I might have to order it.


I started Slaughterhouse by Gail Eisnitz today. It was a resource used for the Skinny B*itch book. I ordered it along with both Skinny B books...I made a cake out of the cookbook the other day, and it was just divine!



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