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So, where are YOUR shoes?

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I would love to hear from you guys on where/how you store your shoes. We have just switched some rooms around at my house (we're in an old bungalow) and my husband and I are now in a room with virtually NO storage.


So, I'm 42 years old and I have a lot of shoes. (Don't read a lot of nice shoes.) My feet haven't changed much, so there are flip flops, church shoes, tennis shoes, nice boots, snow boots, hiking shoes etc. etc.


We have a closet in our room, but since it's an old house, the closet door is half as wide as a regular door. It's not large enough for an over the door shoe hangy thing. (All of my husbands hanging clothes and some of my clothes are in a closet in our laundry room (which happens to be big) the rest of my hanging clothes are in the closet in our room.


Anyway, thinking maybe there is a way to raise my bed up higher so I can store my shoes in some clever, easy to get to fashion under my bed. In the mean time, they are in a laundry basket on the floor in my room and overflowing the basket and everywhere. Must.fix.that.


Thanks in advance for your storage wisdom! (I'll check back in this afternoon.)

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I can't stand having shoes strewn all over the floor. Drives me nuts!


We have nice canvas baskets by both the front and back doors. Most of our shoes are tossed in there. Every few days I just empty it and dump out the junk that collects in the bottom. Wicker doesn't work, as the dirt falls through the cracks and leaves a mess on the floor.


My good shoes (just a few pair) are in my closet. I rarely wear them.

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I have a walk in closet, so my shoes have a thing that sits on my floor. It has about 30 little cubby hole places and all my shoes (except the 5 pair sitting on the floor) fit nicely in there. Flip flops can double up in the slots too (cause I LOVE my flip flops). :)


It is kinda like this one...http://www.amazon.com/ClosetMaid-8505-15-Cube-Organizer-White/dp/B000AXM2EY/ref=pd_cp_hi_1_img but larger.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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At least half of them are scattered around the house. A few of them have been puppy-mauled, and are concealed under the shrubbery.


Those that have been corralled are on a rack by the door. We once bought two very nice Wooden CD storage racks. Over time we found that we didn't want to store CDs in them, but they made awesome shoe racks. They were even better than those that were purpose built.


I like having them beside the back door. Most of the time that works well.

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Ditto the puppy. I can hook you up with a rescue Lab, still in the chewing stage, ASAP. Just say the word.




Seriously, we have a shoe problem since moving. MY problem. I have one teeny closet, thats it. Doors are wardrobe-ish, bend in the middle, and won't fit an over the door thing. I ended up keeping a few in the closet, a few by the front door in our shoe organizer and the rest (most of which, honetly, I never wear) in a big duffel bag in the storage room in back.

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We have a 9-hole cubical thing with canvas baskets from Target that is by the garage entry door in the kitchen. We each have our own basket that we put our shoes in. I keep the shoes I wear most in the basket and the rest are in my closet. We don't wear shoes in the house so the cubicals work well to contain the shoe mess by the door. Before we got it, it was a big mess there that drove me insane!

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You really don't NEED all those shoes....right? I have TWO pair of dress shoes....and those are right under my night stand. I have one pair of flip flops.....which are in the garage with all the rest of my kids' shoes. They stay lined up in the garage....ready for feet as we walk by, LOL!


Get rid of all those shoes.....if you haven't worn them in the last year....toss them!!!!!!



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Everyone gets to leave 1 pair of shoes in the shoe bin next to the front door, all other shoes either go on the behind the door shoerack on the storage room door, and once that's out of space in the individual shoe owner's closet.


I have a shoe rack in my closet for my many pairs of shoes, my kids only have a few so extras go in there closet, and same for dh.


Rain boots/Snowboots/Watershoes, go in the "coat closet" which is actually the extra closet in the master bedroom. (We hang the jackets that we use frequently on a hook next to the front door and all other coats that don't get as frequent use go into the "coat closet".)

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Um...don't have that many shoes. Let's see...


My ghillies are in my closet, next to some SCA garb. They're almost totally worn out, so I only wear them for SCA events.


My mud boots are in the laundry room, where I usually shuck them after doing yard work.


My sandals are on the floor next to wherever I took them off. In theory, I store them near the garage door, but in reality they seldom make it there. Ditto my work shoes. That's all the shoes I own.


DW#2 neatly stores her shoes in a row next to her desk. When her kids come visit, they put theirs there, too. DD's shoes go in the same spot as mine near the garage door, or in an organizer thingie in her room, but again, that's IF they actually get put away. She has all of five pairs of shoes herself: ghillies, purple sandals, black mary-janes with sneaker soles, mud boots, and a pair of aqua socks. Of those, one aqua sock is missing, and she's about outgrown the ghillies. The black shoes and sandals went with her to Texas; the mud boots are actually in her room, where they should be, I think.


DH basically has only one pair of shoes; they're usually on his feet.

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First, get rid of anything you haven't wore in the past year. Why try to store something all year that is worn for a few hours?


Look and see what you have that you most likely won't wear again. Trendy colors from a few years ago can be tossed unless you already have something that you wear it with. The color won't be coming back soon. If you have a pair that only goes with one outfit....how often do you wear it, and would you be heart broken to part with it. How often do you hike? Can you get by with a pair of tennis shoes instead if it is only once a year or so?



Next move the seasonal shoes into a seasonal box, label it as such and put it away. Then switch it out as needed.


We keep the shoes we wear daily in a basket in the bottom of the coat closet. The shoes we wear often but not weekly, are under the dresser. The others are in their boxes on a shelf at the top of our closet. The boxes keep them clean, and fresh.


If you want to store them under your bed, use bed leg risers (buy at any home decorating store) and use thin Rubbermaid boxes to put the shoes in. The thinners size may even work without the risers, depending on the style of your furniture.



Being a shoe lover, doesn't mean you have to be a shoe hoarder :0) Dh isn't a shoe person but he hates to throw them away. He has a pair for every purpose and a back up pair, in case he needs to do the same job in the mud :tongue_smilie:.....we live in Washington. At one point he had 5 pair of shoes that lived in the garage that were mowing the lawn shoes, washing the car shoes, going fishing shoes, etc. I threw 3 pair away and he never noticed, but 6mths later when I told him, he was mad at me for it. He couldn't even tell me what was there, and insists there weren't 5 pair there, but he was still mad they were gone. :confused: LOL

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Our house is pushing 90 yo, so the closet space we do have is generally non-existent, poorly configured, or more than you need.


Boots are stored in our hall closet, although it is difficult to access them because the closet is 3' wide x 6 deep. Yes, there is always other junk piled up in front of them.


The closet in my dss room is virtually non-existent. Although it probably is as wide as a "normal" (for an older home) closet, it is not deep enough to hang a hanger in the proper way. I ended up running two short poles on each side front to back so that their clothes could be hung up. In doing this I realized that a small bookcase (like you would find at Walmart) would fit in the closet. They each have a shelf and this is where they keep their shoes. Except for when they confuse the living room for their room this seems to work.


The closet in our bedroom is large enough for a standing shoe rack; however, our found it was easier to store shoes that I didn't wear often (dress shoes) on one of those hanging types. Granted it is too wide for the door, but it does hang nicely on the rod. The shoes that I wear frequently, I must admit are cohabitating with the dust bunnies under my bed.

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We have two places that we store out shoes. The shoes we wear everyday are right by the front walkway. We all take our shoes off as soon as we enter the house and line them up in a row there. For all other shoes, my husband built a short long bookcase that we keep upstairs. It looks something like this (with the letter I's being the wood frame of course. ;) )






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OK, All,


Thank you for the ideas. I very much appreciate the encouragement to weed out shoes I don't wear. I promise to do that. Then, I will likely see how I feel about a hanging shoe storage on the back of one of the doors. If that doesn't work, I think I'll try raising the bed and storing them underneath. I WISH there were room at the bottom of the closet for one of those shoe bins. The closet is so narrow, there is an upper and lower hanging rod.


We tried the bins of shoes by the back door. Hated that. Easy for tossing shoes in, annoying for finding shoes. Shoes lying around everywhere drive me batty!! So, thank you all for your ideas!

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oh WHEW! I'm so glad to read all the nice responses here!


I got SO nervous when I first read your note and got nervous for YOU that the topic may become hot. I once entered a note on asking guests to remove shoes or not and.......... was I SHOCKED to see what happened there!!! :eek::eek::eek::svengo:


I'm just glad you got nice responses and nice ideas. :001_smile::


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My off season shoes are under my bed or in the shoe rack behind the closet door. I loves shoes especially brand names that I can find at Marshalls for oh so cheap:D. I keep my running shoes lined up by my bedroom door and rotate through them and wear certain ones if it's wet outside or if I am running inside or out. The rest are in a shoe thing in my closet. My boys pretty much have 1 pair each until the outgrow. Weird? Sperry's just never, ever wear out. I buy them 1 pair a year and they use the old ones, if they still fit, to mow the lawn, go to the beach etc. Now baby girl has ballet shoes, pink light up sparkly butterfly flip flops, 2 pairs old navy flip flops, white mary jane keds, brown and pink light up shoes which we keep in a basket in her room. Her boots and really dressy shoes stay in the closet.

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A really efficient puppy will both render the shoes unwearable and hide them where you'll never find them again.


A word of warning though--some *really*efficient puppies will eat flashlights, K'nex pieces (I had to replace some pieces which meant buying 2 new sets while I was at it of course...) and even barbies (yay! :lol:).


Ours never did go for the shoes though. Only certain types of plastic (and $$$$ wooden toys) would do.

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Is there room to build a closet? It is really not that difficult or expensive. We just added a pantry to our kitchen at our house, because there is no way that our family of 5 could squeeze a week's worth of food into the tiny built in pantry that was here lol.


Some studs, sheet rock, nails, texture and paint and voila you have a closet. The most expensive thing is the door, but check with a local building supply store (not big chain stores) and you can get some great prices. You could put your clothes and shoes in your room!

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I would love to hear from you guys on where/how you store your shoes. We have just switched some rooms around at my house (we're in an old bungalow) and my husband and I are now in a room with virtually NO storage.


So, I'm 42 years old and I have a lot of shoes. (Don't read a lot of nice shoes.) My feet haven't changed much, so there are flip flops, church shoes, tennis shoes, nice boots, snow boots, hiking shoes etc. etc.


We have a closet in our room, but since it's an old house, the closet door is half as wide as a regular door. It's not large enough for an over the door shoe hangy thing. (All of my husbands hanging clothes and some of my clothes are in a closet in our laundry room (which happens to be big) the rest of my hanging clothes are in the closet in our room.


Anyway, thinking maybe there is a way to raise my bed up higher so I can store my shoes in some clever, easy to get to fashion under my bed. In the mean time, they are in a laundry basket on the floor in my room and overflowing the basket and everywhere. Must.fix.that.


Thanks in advance for your storage wisdom! (I'll check back in this afternoon.)


I just line them up at the bottom of my closet.

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