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This is perhaps the ultimate homeschool room /library!!

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That is incredible! I am so envious & that is exactly what I have been trying to describle to DH. We have over 800 books for elementary and I am scared to add the books that My husband and I have on shelves, in corners, and boxed in closets.


Thanks for posting!

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I used to want a library like that. Now that we are so short on space, I keep the BARE MINIMUM number of books in the house. I probably have 100-200 books counting all baby board books, kids books, school books, and adult books we've decided to keep. Instead, I dedicated a shelf to library books, rather than buying and keeping books.


So, totally unhomeschooler like, isn't it?

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Who is this person and why is she living in my house?!?


In all seriousness that is absolutely lovely, but my dh doesn't want our home to look like a library.:glare: He just doesn't share my passion for saving the rainforest by purchasing as many used books as possible.:tongue_smilie:



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I would love shelves that go up to the ceiling, but how on earth would I reach the upper shelves?! I'm barely over 5 feet.


You'd have to install one of those cool ladders that run on tracks! Wheeeeeee!


I have shelf envy, too. We currently rent, so that dream will have to wait.


Thanks so much for sharing! That picture and the pictures people have shared of their schoolrooms are being saved in my "Idea File" for someday.

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I love it, and I am so green with envy. :D


I think that one room might be bigger than our whole living space, but we are creative with bookshelves, and have about 1500 books. Our whole house is under 900 square feet, but I am not complaining as we live on a beach! This means raised beds for gardening and sand everywhere...

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Now that is pretty awesome! I would never have thought I'd like that green color so much! Over the next few months, I'm going to be using some summer income to turn a messy study/junk room into a school room. Suddenly my exciting plan of purchasing two bookcases seems woefully insufficient!! :)


Perhaps I could talk my dear husband into building wall-to-wall, window-to-window, door-to-door shelves instead?? I wonder how much that would cost. *sigh* I think I'll probably just stick with my two bookcases.

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I'll be honest: I don't understand. Why have that many books when we have libraries??


I do understand that homeschool kids appreciate having books of their own, so I've been collecting classics that my kids will want to read as they get older. But 5,000 books?


Why? Why not just order at the library and return. It's free and you don't have to worry about storing them.


I'm not trying to be snotty -- I honestly don't understand keeping everything.



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I'll be honest: I don't understand. Why have that many books when we have libraries??


I do understand that homeschool kids appreciate having books of their own, so I've been collecting classics that my kids will want to read as they get older. But 5,000 books?


Why? Why not just order at the library and return. It's free and you don't have to worry about storing them.


I'm not trying to be snotty -- I honestly don't understand keeping everything.




Well, the kind of books I'm buying for keepers are either books that aren't in libraries (Lamplighters, Hentys, Harvard Classics), or books the children like to read over and over and thus want in the house. I probably have 3-4000 books, and I still use the library for books I can get there. If I get a book from the library and it's a big hit, then the children ask me to buy one, and I do if I can.

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I'll be honest: I don't understand. Why have that many books when we have libraries??


Not everyone has access to good libraries.

Of the entire list of books listed in the additional history reading and literature supplements of SOTW2, my library had exactly two - Shakespeare stories and one other.


I'm always on the lookout for 2nd hand or other book sales. And I LOVE http://www.bookmooch.com!!


We are fortunate to have 2 walls (about 6 metres) of floor to ceiling shelves in our study/schoolroom.

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This is a house we are trying to sell, so we probably won't do any built ins to that extent! Not everyone appreciates a living room or bedroom that is all shelves!


We have sufficient shelving that is not built in though and it is working for us just fine at this point.


I would love to see some large comfy chairs in that room!



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I'll be honest: I don't understand. Why have that many books when we have libraries??


I do understand that homeschool kids appreciate having books of their own, so I've been collecting classics that my kids will want to read as they get older. But 5,000 books?


Why? Why not just order at the library and return. It's free and you don't have to worry about storing them.


I'm not trying to be snotty -- I honestly don't understand keeping everything.




My family forms deep, personal attachments to most books, lol.


Most of our childrens books get too well-loved to make us library-only readers. They're read next to the cereal bowls, they're rolled over in bed, they're brought out into the yard... We do have separate rules for library books, and they wind up not being read as often because of it.


I happen to be addicted to reference-type books. I'm always referring back to them, and it would drive me crazy to be hostage to the library's availability! Plus, I'm just now learning how to write in books. :D


We do have a pretty great library. With 3 kids (okay, 4, but the toddler is no longer allowed to be near library books!) and myself, we usually walk out of the library with at least 2 dozen books. If EVERYTHING we read came from the library, I might break my back hauling it all! ;)

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Oh, I love those pics!


I've got a whole room dedicated to books (bless my husband!) but not floor to ceiling shelving like that. It's a dream of mine. We also own several thousand books (I lost count after about four thousand) and it's just a necessity.


Why have that many? I'm a re-reader. And a very fast reader. Given uninterrupted time (I can hear the parental laughter now, LOL), I could go through several books a day. Libraries aren't feasible. Plus they keep getting rid of all the good stuff (let's not even talk about how many library discards are on my shelves!). I collect OOP, used, wonderful stuff that won't be around in very many years (especially due to that stupid CPSIA law).


We do use the library regularly for supplements, and I do try to keep the non-fiction up to date, though some of the best ones are the old ones. We've even got this fantastic kids' encyclopedia/anthology from the 1930s. We do discard things regularly. But there really are that many good books worth keeping around.


FWIW, my dh gave me a 'library' of my own on the condition that I try to keep the books from stealthily taking over the rest of the house. LOL. I try ... but the books just keep coming ... :)

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I love it!


I just told my DH that I've picked a room, and I'm turning it into a library. We have to sell the huge desk in there first. I can't wait. It won't be as large as this woman's library though. I so want to build an awesome home library. I do still use the public library a lot. I love public libraries.



A homeschool mom I know does not want a lot of books in her house. She also keeps the bare minimum of school work her ds does for his portfolio, and throws the rest out. She says all that paper in a house is a dangerous fire hazard. Thoughts?

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I have a friend who has probably double that many books. She has floor to ceiling book shelves like that down two long hallways, in the living room and then one full room in which they not only line every wall, but also stick out into the room. She also has a separate closet for old texts. There are additional bookshelves in every room of the house (and its a big house). When I started homeschooling, she invited me over and said, "What will you study first and how old are they?" then proceeded to fill a huge box of books with what we would need to get started. It was so amazing!


We have a great library here, but she is probably 30-45 minutes away from the nearest branch and every time I search for a sonlight reader that the library doesn't have, I remember seeing it at her house. She had MANY things that you couldn't get at the local library. Also, having used the books for all 6 of her kids, it becomes far more convenient, I think, to have them on hand. My kids are younger than her youngest, so she was quite willing to share. She will have grandkids coming along before long though and I bet those books gradually make their way into 6 different houses. :001_smile:

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I'll be honest: I don't understand. Why have that many books when we have libraries??


I do understand that homeschool kids appreciate having books of their own, so I've been collecting classics that my kids will want to read as they get older. But 5,000 books?


Why? Why not just order at the library and return. It's free and you don't have to worry about storing them.


I'm not trying to be snotty -- I honestly don't understand keeping everything.




Im a book buyer.

Our library has 6 book shelves, is only open 2hrs a week, we pay to borrow the books, its closed for the whole of summer, and we can only borrow 1 book each ( sometimes if the toddler isnt quick enough to choose something, I use her allocation too...lol :D )


I love our library, it is so quirky, but for schooling- I need to BUY books.

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A homeschool mom I know does not want a lot of books in her house. She also keeps the bare minimum of school work her ds does for his portfolio, and throws the rest out. She says all that paper in a house is a dangerous fire hazard. Thoughts?

Not any more than the carpet, drapes, furniture, clothing, walls, food in the cupboards, kitchen/bathroom towels, lamp shades....I could go on, but you get the point.

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I have a friend who has probably double that many books. She has floor to ceiling book shelves like that down two long hallways, in the living room and then one full room in which they not only line every wall, but also stick out into the room. She also has a separate closet for old texts. There are additional bookshelves in every room of the house (and its a big house). When I started homeschooling, she invited me over and said, "What will you study first and how old are they?" then proceeded to fill a huge box of books with what we would need to get started. It was so amazing!




That is awesome! I'd love to visit her house.



Not any more than the carpet, drapes, furniture, clothing, walls, food in the cupboards, kitchen/bathroom towels, lamp shades....I could go on, but you get the point.


That's what I told her. I didn't get my point across to her though.



As to why some people buy so many books and not use the library.

I do use the library, and I use it a lot. However, a friend of mine as a child with a life threatening allergy to nuts and peanuts. Her Dr. told her to homeschool. If someone in the room had peanuts earlier in the day, and they sneezed with him in the room, and he happened to breath in the tiny particles of peanut from their mouth, he could go into shock in seconds. He is that allergic. So she does not feel comfortable using books that have been in many many other homes. You never know if there are traces of something he is allergic to on the books.

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Im a book buyer.

Our library has 6 book shelves, is only open 2hrs a week, we pay to borrow the books, its closed for the whole of summer, and we can only borrow 1 book each ( sometimes if the toddler isnt quick enough to choose something, I use her allocation too...lol :D )


I love our library, it is so quirky, but for schooling- I need to BUY books.

Oh, I'm so sad for you!!!! I think I would die of library-loss if I moved to someplace like that! :lol:

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A homeschool mom I know does not want a lot of books in her house. She also keeps the bare minimum of school work her ds does for his portfolio, and throws the rest out. She says all that paper in a house is a dangerous fire hazard. Thoughts?


I think she may be OCD and/or in need of some kind of meds. :D

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