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Will you help my son with a cat vs. dog poll?

Cats vs. dogs  

  1. 1. Cats vs. dogs

    • We have 1 pet cat.
    • We have 2 pet cats.
    • We have 3 pet cats.
    • We have 4 pet cats.
    • We have 5 pet cats.
    • We have 1 pet dog.
    • We have 2 pet dogs.
    • We have 3 pet dogs.
    • We have 4 pet dogs.
    • We have 5 pet dogs.

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My son wants to employ random sampling to see if cats are more popular as pets than dogs.


The poll only allows 10 choices, so if you have more than 5 cats and or dogs as pets, could you please post the number(s) in a reply. You can select more than one choice, for those who have both cats and dogs.


Thank you! :001_smile:

Edited by Audrey
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Voted. 4 pet dogs here!


We've had 2 mini-schnauzers for years, last summer we adopted a labradoodle, then late last summer someone dropped off a black lab on our dirt road.


We have several cats who roam the property, love the free goat milk:001_smile: and even play with the dogs. But they're not really pets, ya know?

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Voted too! We have one of each in addition to the rest of the zoo that we have!:D






My son wants to employ random sampling to see if cats are more popular as pets than dogs.


The poll only allows 10 choices, so if you have more than 5 cats and or dogs as pets, could you please post the number(s) in a reply. You can select more than one choice, for those who have both cats and dogs.


Thank you! :001_smile:

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I voted even though my choices cancel each other out. Two of each!



No, no! That's fine, really! They don't cancel each other out. He has a chart to record all the answers and is counting each animal individually and then as percentages using the poll results and the number of voters.


He's hoping to get 100 voters.


Thanks for being so supportive everyone! :001_smile:

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Voted - five cats. Only four live here with us though..we actually had six back in the fall, but one went to a new home (a fairly new stray that had joined us - he got a lovely home) and another, one that we'd had for a long time, wasn't able to make the move 'cross country with us due to age/stress/etc, so she's living with my best friend & his wife back east --- I still count her though, so I voted for the five. :)

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