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Anyone else have a child who never stops talking???? HELP

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MY DS, 5, always has something to say. If nobody is talking, he'll start a new topic, "Hey, last week when we went to the store, I saw a ..." and if people are talking, he finds something relevant to say.


In some ways, it's quite cute because he's very bright and funny, but other times, :eek: I just can't listen to his voice anymore! We've explained why we should sometimes hold our thoughts, but he's a little energizer bunny of the mouth, and we don't want to destroy his spirit. We've even joked that he has a limited number of phrases per day, but as you can guess, it was completely ineffective and laughable.


Around others, he's a leader and kids gravitate to him. Adults find him adorable, if they don't spend more than an hour with him, LOL.



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DD was talking in 8-10 word sentences sentences at 16mo. Adorable and precocious. Fast forward 9 years and it's a perpetual battle to get her chatty self to be quiet! She talks very fast (make a New York auctioneer proud) and loudly.

I feel your frazzled nerves. It's delightful until you seek silence. LOL

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dd, just turned six. I never noticed it until last Oct. when my mom and I took my 3 girls to PA. She talked non-stop in the van. Not really to anyone in particular. She just talked all her thoughts. I found myself saying, "you need to be quiet until ..." Often she would immediately fall asleep!

We also have to tell her at the dinner table that she needs to stop talking and eat.


Not much help, I guess, just commiserating :)



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But of course. Payback for when I was like that.


What not to do: tune him out. That's what my young and desperate mother did. Didn't help me one bit:D


What to do: teach him a bit at a time. One thing is taking turns (if he doesn't already.) Another is to learn to be quiet. This might take very, very small chunks (like being quiet for 1 minute.) Be sure to put this in a positive way. With my ds, I tell him that while I'm very interested in topic X but that not everyone likes it as much as he does.


Oops, speaking of ds, he's just told me the time--time to read to him and put him to bed (dh did it last night.)

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My 10yo DD is just like this...the rare moments she is not talking, she is singing little self invented, repetitive tunes.:rolleyes: Too bad I'm the kind of person who craves lots of quiet, because with 4 talkative girls and a colicky baby boy, I never get any! :o

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...6 y.o. twin girls. Need I say more. :eek:


There are days that I don't have one complete thought because of their incessant talking. They don't even realize or care that the other one is talking, too. It makes me want to run away screaming somedays.


I guess there is no cure or remedy. And, if you look at the ages of the children of the other posters, I am guessing it is age related.

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My 6 yo is like this. My husband says that she has a symphony going on in her head because if she's not talking, she's humming or making some other sound with her mouth or body. Getting her music lessons has helped to direct her sound. It hasn't helped the volume of stuff that spews out of her mouth.


If she were just talking to talk, it would be one thing. But she actually has something worthwhile to say almost all the time. <sigh>


We've worked pretty diligently to help her to learn the best times to talk without totally messing with her spirit. I don't want to squelch who she is just because I cannot manage the sound that comes out of her mouth.


She has always been like this. However, I noticed that many of us had 6 yo's who were like this. Have you all found this to be a new phenomenon or is this something that's been going on for a while?

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In our house, both of my sons are like this. (A 3yo and an almost 13yo).


I mean...they can talk wallpaper off the wall. And they can go on and on, and...on.


My little brother was like this, lol. My husband thinks our boys get it from me (the girls aren't like this!), but he didn't know my brother when he was a kid.


My grandmother used to tell my brother when her 'ears were tired', and I've been known to ask if we could have a few minutes of quiet in the car (or in the store while I'm trying to think, etc.).


Just to be sure I'm not sending the wrong message, I'll sometimes say something like, "I'm not trying to be rude", or, "You're important, and what you have to say is important, but right now I need to..."


But I do have to ask them to stop sometimes. Really. (Not that it does any good with the 3yo, lol).


Chatty kids are often bright, and in the case of my oldest son, he really does have some interesting thoughts, and he's downright funny most of the time. A real joy to listen to.


But I do have to ask him to stop sometimes. :D

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Oh good, misery does love company ;-). I adore him, but I do wish he had an off button! I guess I should be glad I only have one incessant talker and learn the tune out trick! My oldest is an introvert and always thinks before he speaks, my DD loves to entertain herself, so I guess I lucked out, LOL.

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DD6 has been talking nonstop since ten months.

Narration is a true no-brainer for this kid. We have tried on several occasions to get her to do a narration using only eight sentences. This is a real challenge and often hilarious. She cannot do it.

Also if I give her a task, she has to retell it in her own words before she understands it, "okay, so you're saying do this. . ."

My only coping mechanism is a very strict bedtime and making sure I get up early enough to fortify myself for the onslaught.

I love her, but she can be a real drain sometimes! I try to remind myself that there may come a time when she will not be so eager to share every last thought in her head.

Anyway, just wanted to say I'm right there with you.


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We have gone throught the chatty phase twice now. This time our usually quiet son has turned into a non-stop talker, he is five and a half. Truthfully when Dh and I spoke about it we noticed a pattern.


Whenever each child was on the very edge or starting to read there was a spike in talkativeness. Perhaps there is something nerological going on the the language areas of the brain. It seems to be some sort of increased activity. (FYI, I am not a nerologist in my spare time. Just noticing trends!):rolleyes:


It did pass for Dd when she was able to sit for long periods of time to read and enjoy language quietly in her head.

Althought she still has a hard time taking turns!!:rolleyes:


I am hoping it will pass for Ds. I know what you are going through. Seems like we all have had a time at it.


I am wishing you silence!

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I have one of those. It doesn't even have to make sense, she just talks for the sheer pleasure of it. Poor thing lives in a house of non talkers. She cries if no one will talk to her and if I give her quiet time, it's the end of her. Any time we are in a group situation where a question is asked to all, she's the first to raise her hand, and because she is so young, the question asker will call on her. She usually doesn't have a clue and the most irrelevent answer spews forth leaving the asker dumbfounded. I've begun to enjoy watching her trip people uo, but it's soon to be short lived. She's starting to get some of the answers right.


She has the skill to make all women love her. In all truth, she'll gaze into their eyes and tell them how beautiful they are. Of course she gets 30 hugs thereafter and relishes in the love. She has done this to complete strangers and really old wrinked women.


She is really adorable.

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it isn't just talking (although there is more than plenty of that!) It is constant noises and words and little pieces of songs, and every thought that enters his mind. He processes everything outloud. And I do mean everything. Sigh!! I love him, but I'm so happy when it is quiet for a while. He is 9.

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Here, it's the 11yo SON!!!!! He talks more than all 4 girls put together. Constantly.






Baroque music is going to HAPPEN tomorrow!!!!!


(Of course, my 1st grade teacher put masking tape on my mouth. No kidding. That would be litigation in today's society!!)

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My 9yob has been an incessant talker for . . . well, 8 1/2 years? One night we were driving home from church and after listening to the non-stop chatter, I told him (gently) that he could pause to take a breath. He said, "If I stop talking, I'll fall asleep!"


A friend of mine observed that girls will sing, talk, tell themselves stories, etc., but boys find one topic and talk about the same thing for hours -- days -- weeks! I guess that's the male brain at work.

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My kids are all like this and they can talk to anyone about anything. My 5yo dd is the most talkative though...if she's not talking, she's singing made-up songs, humming classical or fiddle songs, pop songs, is doesn't matter. Her mouth does not stop running until she falls asleep. She used to even sing herself to sleep when she was a baby.


There are times when I would love to have a few moments of quiet but with my oldest hitting the teen years in the next year, I just keep telling myself to enjoy the noise because before I realize it has happened, they will all be grown and gone and I will wish for those chatty days again.

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MY DS, 5, always has something to say. If nobody is talking, he'll start a new topic, "Hey, last week when we went to the store, I saw a ..." and if people are talking, he finds something relevant to say.


In some ways, it's quite cute because he's very bright and funny, but other times, :eek: I just can't listen to his voice anymore! We've explained why we should sometimes hold our thoughts, but he's a little energizer bunny of the mouth, and we don't want to destroy his spirit. We've even joked that he has a limited number of phrases per day, but as you can guess, it was completely ineffective and laughable.


Around others, he's a leader and kids gravitate to him. Adults find him adorable, if they don't spend more than an hour with him, LOL.




My middle daughter is the same way. Don't know what to tell you. All of my friends are convinced she'll be a Hollywood star or politician someday.


eta to Belle: I disagree with that, my daughter *loves* to talk about dolphins, whales and sharks and talk and talk and talk and talk about them. I know way more than I ever wanted to about them. She gets on a topic and sticks with it.

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MY DS, 5, always has something to say. If nobody is talking, he'll start a new topic, "Hey, last week when we went to the store, I saw a ..." and if people are talking, he finds something relevant to say.


In some ways, it's quite cute because he's very bright and funny, but other times, :eek: I just can't listen to his voice anymore! We've explained why we should sometimes hold our thoughts, but he's a little energizer bunny of the mouth, and we don't want to destroy his spirit. We've even joked that he has a limited number of phrases per day, but as you can guess, it was completely ineffective and laughable.


Around others, he's a leader and kids gravitate to him. Adults find him adorable, if they don't spend more than an hour with him, LOL.




My ds4 talks or makes noise from the time he wakes up until he falls asleep. He literally lies in bed and talks until he falls asleep. Even when he thinks he's not talking or making noise, he is talking or making noise. He seems to be quite bright and he's quite funny, but I really wish he had a mute button sometimes ;). He might actually talk more than his other 4 brothers combined.

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