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Jessica Hulcy co-author of KONOS curriculum was in a SEVERE car accident today.

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From Vision Forum today:


Long time home school leader and KONOS curriculum co-founder Jessica Hulcy was just in a serious car accident, and was hit by a small fire truck. My office was just informed that she is in critical but stable condition with collapsed lungs, internal bleeding and some brain trauma.


Pray for her and all the doctors involved.

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Oh no!!! Praying now!!!


I was just going through some of my KONOS stuff today, and it reminded me that I wanted to finish watching her video series that I bought a few years ago. She seems like such a lovely person, and I hope she will be ok. I've never met her, but I feel I "know" her from her books and videos, and I have tears in my eyes just thinking of her and her family.


Please post an update if you hear anything new. I'm going to go check the Yahoo group to see if there's any more info.


Thanks so much for posting, Amy!




PS. Maybe you could add her name to the title of your post, so everyone will know it's about Jessica Hulcy. I'm sure many of us are familiar with KONOS.

Edited by Catwoman
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I just posted to the other thread about this, and thought I would bump this up so more people can pray for Jessica.


According to the KONOS Yahoo group, this sounds very serious. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't quote a post from another forum, but in this case, the Hulcy family is requesting prayers, so I will post the update from the KONOS group. If that's not ok, I understand if the moderators need to remove my post.


They are continuing to run tests on

Jessica, to determine her injuries. They have recently 'discovered' another

broken bone in her arm, and are performing xrays on both the right and left legs due to the swelling and bruising. They took her in at 7 pm to perform another CAT scan, and Wade is still awaiting the results. A good family friend/doctor is at the hospital with Wade, helping Wade to interpret the situation. For the past two hours, Jessica has been able to maintain her blood pressure level on her own without medication - a real praise! She is on a breathing tube, and the doctors have classified her brain activity at a Level 2 - she will respond to touch, but cannot hold up two fingers at their request.


Wade said she opened her eyes a bit when she heard his voice as he arrived in her room. She is very 'banged up' and needs much healing. Please continue to lift the family and doctors up in your prayers. Thank you all from the Hulcy family for your prayers, love, and phone calls.


I don't know the Hulcy family personally, but I've "known" them from KONOS books, videos, and the Yahoo group for years, and I pray that Jessica makes a complete recovery. Apparently, her vehicle was broadsided by a fire truck.



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Praying here!


I had the pleasure of hearing Jessica Hulcy speak at the Midwest Homeschool Convention last year. She is such a dynamic and vivacious person. It's hard to imagine such a vibrant spirit lying in a hospital bed.

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Here's an update from the KONOS Yahoo group:


Here’s the latest!


This is from Patsy Arnold with Texas Special Kids:


I just got off the phone with Wade. I asked if we could come pray with him this evening. He said there's tons of family with them, and they are about to go home for the evening. They don't see that there's anything for them to do at the hospital right now, and he says it is really crowded.


Jessica is in the ICU at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. Wade and the family just finished going in to see her, after she was transferred from the ER. Here's the latest on her condition.


* broken ribs

* broken left humerus and ulna, and getting ready to x-ray the other leg

* brain trauma

* blood in her chest cavity

* intubated and therefore sedated


She has received 5 units of blood so far.


Wade says those are things that people can pray about specifically. For now, he says pray from a distance. …


This sounds very serious and very scary. I'm praying for her here. I have never met Jessica or even communicated with her, but I keep picturing that funny, lively lady in her videos, and I'm so sad to think of her in the hospital in such serious condition.



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Another update from the Hulcy family that was posted to the KONOS Yahoo Group:


Dear family and friends,


Jessica's Ford Explorer was broadsided in Melissa, TX about 11:30 on Monday

morning. We think she was hit by a volunteer fire truck responding to an

accident. After a 25 minute extrication process she was Life Flighted as a

level 1 (the most severe) trauma case to Parkland Hospital in Dallas.


She is still in critical condition. Here is what we know so far:


1. She is still unconscious but is moving all four limbs and

attempting to pull the tubes out of her throat which is encouraging to the



2. Major Lung trauma, punctures to both lungs. Both were collapsed.

One is now working well and they are still draining the other. Doctors are

checking for possible damage to wind pipe and trachea.


3. Head trauma. Medium amounts of blood on the brain. Closely

monitoring this to see if it improves. Surgery not necessary now, but

possible to come.


4. As of now multiple broken ribs on both sides, broken left wrist,

broken left arm in 2 places. Will require surgery. Possible broken left leg

and right wrist. She has undergone 4 hrs of X-rays, over 1000 X-rays taken

so far. They are working the broken bones in the order of most life

threatening so there is a possibility of more discovery of broken bones.


We will be sending out another email as soon as we know more. Thank-you for

your prayers.


Jason Hulcy


I keep hoping that the next email will contain some better and more encouraging news. Jessica's family must be terrified.



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I just saw her at the Arlington, TX convention a couple weekends ago.


While I never really appreciated her convention talks that much, her leadership talks w/ her dh Wade are PHENOMENAL. That gal doesn't waste a breath in getting across a very concise, Christ-filled phrase that is immediately applicable to your life. Wade looks pretty good in a denim jumper too. ;)


Jessica Hulcy, Tim Lambert, and the Arnolds make for a practical, efficient homeschool leadership conference that is tough to beat.


I will pray for peace for her, her family, and their friends.

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Another update from the Hulcy family that was posted to the KONOS Yahoo Group:




I keep hoping that the next email will contain some better and more encouraging news. Jessica's family must be terrified.




I'm praying.


If she is trying to yank the tubes, she'll probably will get more sedation.


My dh works in a Level 1 trauma center & he used to do trauma x-rays. I am going to ask he about all those x-rays.

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I've been brokenhearted since last night. I spent a lot of time with Jessica the second year of our homeschooling. I just kept hanging around her booth in Arlington, soaking it all in, and being so thankful to have found her to learn from. I saw her again last year in NC, and she was a gracious and bubbly as I remembered. She even signed my purchase when I told her she was my mentor from afar. Still praying here~

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The latest update from the KONOS Yahoo group:


I spoke with Wade a few minutes ago. There is no change in Jessica's status

since the report last night. The doctors are waiting for her to wake up.

Wade asks that we pray for her mental/brain status.



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I've been brokenhearted since last night. I spent a lot of time with Jessica the second year of our homeschooling. I just kept hanging around her booth in Arlington, soaking it all in, and being so thankful to have found her to learn from. I saw her again last year in NC, and she was a gracious and bubbly as I remembered. She even signed my purchase when I told her she was my mentor from afar. Still praying here~



I totally agree! I used Konos when I first started my homeschooling journey. I learned so much attending Jessica's workshops and just spending time at the Konos booth. Jessica and Wade are homeschooling icons that have blessed so many with their wisdom and humor. If there was a Mt. Rushmore of homeschooling, I don't think many would argue with Jessica's image being on that mountain! We'll continue to keep Jessica and their family in our prayers.

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Bumping this up because there's an update on Jessica's Caring Bridge page. You can read the whole thing there, but here's the best part:


The neurologist believes there is a chance she will be able to make a very slow, but full recovery.


It's great to read some hopeful news!!!



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