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Everything posted by mlbuchina

  1. :iagree::iagree: These were the only ones I really went to with both my dc.
  2. Basically the same here. I was 17 and saw my dh walk through the door of the video store I worked at. The door wasn't even closed behind him and I knew he was mine! :001_wub: Our first date was my break time that night. He took me to Chick-fil-A! LOL My boss even gave me a little extra time for my break so we could go out to eat. That was 17 years ago, 18 years in March. By October that same year we were engaged. Due to him enlisting in the Navy, we weren't married until two years later, but if I had had it MY way :tongue_smilie:, we would have married right after I graduated high school.:D
  3. I saw it on tv when I was a kid. Cried buckets. I think it scarred me for life! That one and Adam, about the Walsh's little boy that was kidnapped. :crying:
  4. I cry at all the previous movies mentioned if I have seen them. The one that surprised me was "Tangled". I cry every stinkin' time they let the lights go to celebrate her birthday. All I could think of were all the families with missing children in the world! :crying::crying::crying:
  5. Thank you! These are all excellent ideas! Oh, all math facts are being taught and/or reviewed.
  6. I'm planning on putting a pause on our "formal" math program for a few months and focus just on learning the math facts. What are some of the ways that your kids learned the facts? Drills, games, worksheets, any ideas are most appreciated!:D:D Thanks!
  7. Well.... I'll tell you what my mom always told us. You can't have it till Christmas! :lol:
  8. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: We used clomid. It is not easy to be dealing with those emotions, and be taking something that makes those emotions even bigger! Good luck!
  9. I have the same one! LOL That one is the general ring tone, and I have one just for my husband: Yellow by Coldplay. The song will come on on the radio and my kids will yell, "Mom, Dad's on the phone!!!" LOL
  10. Nope. People ask me all the time if they are sisters. They are complete opposites. One is light, the other is dark. One is serious, the other a goof ball. One is athletic, the other artsy. :D My older took after her dad's family and my younger took after mine. My younger actually looks like my youngest brother when he was a kid. She looks like she could be his!:001_huh::tongue_smilie::lol:
  11. :D I want to do something cool with my hair, too. I just don't know what.:tongue_smilie: Playing with the color sounds like so much fun!
  12. Got facebook account. Deleted facebook account. I just never got on it.:tongue_smilie:
  13. I had, what I consider, a fabulous childhood, and I still felt like that. Even worse. For a long time. So bad I suffered horrible anxiety attacks. I've had all kinds of counselling, tried many medications, nothing seemed to work. What made it stop? Well, I still suffer from some anxiety, but I have learned how to handle that with changing my internal dialog and sharing my fears with someone who knows what I've gone through. And let me tell you, I have some crazy fears go through my head. Telling someone about them gets them out of my head and doesn't give them power to mess with my emotions anymore. The other thing, and I think the biggest thing, is coming to an incredible, undeniable understanding of just how saved I am. I mean, a really bone marrow deep knowledge of what Jesus did for me and that nothing, NOTHING, can take me from Him. That I am whole, complete, and alive in Him. I don't have a verse or two for you. No, I love Colossians, Ephesians, and Galatians. Those are my go-to scriptures for when I am feeling anxious. Yes, bad things are going to happen to us. That's just life. But, we don't have to let fear take our joy from us. I feel like I have rambled at you. Sorry! I hope you find something from that that is helpful. :D Many :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:, and I will keep you in my prayers.
  14. I want to join in on the fun! Will we be posting to this thread, or will another be started?
  15. I'm the primary on our cell phone account and one credit card. I am the only on our gas bill, but only because he was out of town with the Navy when we closed on our house. How I'm not the only on the other utilities, I'll never know. LOL :lol:
  16. again, :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: thank you for the update. :crying:
  17. I didn't vote in the pole as it asked something a little different than your post. I would say you don't have to give a gift to anyone you don't want to. Gifts are not obligations, or they would be payments. HTH! :D
  18. Not unusual to me, but then, I got mine for Christmas a year or two ago and I'm 35. :D
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