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Everything posted by mlbuchina

  1. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry. :crying:
  2. I am trying to get better at it. If my dc say "can I", I respond with, "I don't know, can you? Are you capable?" If they say "can you", I respond with, "yep, I sure can!" or "nope, I can't do that." LOL
  3. How exciting! How does the program study the Greek myths vs. the Bible? Is that in the TM, or is there a book that the student goes through?
  4. My dh goes out of his way to avoid the women he works around. It is safer that way.
  5. Thank you for the link to your post. I ended up reading the one where you talk about the different learning styles of your dc. Like most everyone, mine are night and day. Dd6 is the one keeping me on my toes! If you will allow me to quote: "It is expressly because of “this†doubt that I will make the best teacher for my children. This doubt is a mother’s love and it will guide me. No assigned teacher will ever feel it as strongly or deeply. It will cause me to check and recheck myself and our homeschooling choices. This doubt will force me to be painfully honest at all times." This truly hit home to me, and thank you for sharing your thoughts.
  6. Have your children learned to read? OPGTR causes total melt down here. I need something different. We use All About Spelling, and she likes that. We use Math-U-See, and she likes that. These two programs seem similar in their approach to teaching, and was wondering if All About Reading would follow this same structure. Learning to read is killing us around here. :banghead: (this is dd6. dd8 basically taught herself to read, and I used OPGTR to make sure nothing was missing.)
  7. :grouphug: I have no idea what it could be. Have you tried taking something like Aleve, or Motrin? If it is related to inflammation (such as in the nerves), those should help. If it keeps getting worse, can you call the paramedics? They can come out and take your blood pressure and other vitals. Perhaps give you suggestions on whether you need to go to the hospital or not. :grouphug:
  8. Those baby smiles cannot help but make your heart melt. He is so adorable!
  9. I say that I sin because I still do things that are against, or opposing to, God. Such as, He has said that we should not lie. If I choose to tell a lie (even a "little" one), then I have gone against Him, and have sinned. Making a mistake is not necessarily a sin. Christ died, was buried, and was resurrected on the third day to pay for the "wages" of (or price of, or punishment for), sin. The penalty for sinning, or going against God, is Hell. No, sin is not gone because I still live here on earth in my "flesh" body. That part of me is still capable of going against God. However, when I believed and trusted in Jesus and His finished work on the cross, I was given a pardon from that penalty. ALL the sins I did do, and will do, was forgiven. I can now live in freedom with the knowledge that I get to be with God and Jesus in Heaven when I die, and not be in Hell. This, of course, leads to the question: So, does that mean I can just sin all I want too now that my penalty has been taken from me? NO! LOL I don't want to do those things (not that I can't or won't), that are against my Heavenly Father. I want to do better and better because of the love He showered on me. I want to read His words and learn more about Him, so that I can be more like Him. But, praise be to God, when I do screw up, I don't have to worry that I am going to be d*mded, or that I am going to struck down, or that someone I love is going to suffer because of something I did wrong. I must say, the Apostle Paul talks about this soooo much better than I can. LOL I would gently suggest reading his letters to perhaps get a better insight. AND, don't be afraid of asking lots and lots of questions!
  10. This is one of the positives of homeschool. You can set your schedule any way you like! We rarely get our work started before 10 a.m., sometimes not until after lunch. There are even days when we don't start until after dinner!:tongue_smilie:
  11. That. is. awesome. I want to be her best friend!! lol
  12. I wish I could have hens! I'm so jealous. LOL The city that I live in has an ordinance that you have to have an acre a chicken. Now, I don't know much about chickens, but surely each one does not need its own acre. :001_huh:
  13. :lol::lol::lol: Hey, you did great with remembering it after not seeing it for so long! Oh, and shame on you for not making time for it! LOL
  14. :iagree: with the bold. I liked the book ok, but I LOVE the movie. When my girls saw it, I think the most scary part for them was when Fezzic is set on fire to scare the soldiers away from the gate. Indigo: Give us the gate key. Officer: There is no gate key. Indigo: Fezzic, tear his arms off. Officer: Oh, you mean THIS gate key.
  15. Geeze, you can't end it there! :lol: Westley: There will never be a need.
  16. No one will watch it with me anymore because I quote every line. Eh, their loss. :lol:
  17. This is where we are. Dd8 is the "natural" learner. Everything seems to come fairly easy for her. Dd6, on the other hand, is opposite in everything. I mean, they are night and day. She works hard for what she knows, IYKWIM. The problem I am seeing with mine, though, is that dd6 gets upset with herself about not being like dd8. She says she wants to be able to read like dd8, but she just can't, it's too hard. I encourage her, and tell her not to compare herself with dd8. I tell her about all the things that she is good at. I am having to learn that "better late than early" is just as "good" as "better early", and definitely better than "better late than never"! :D
  18. That is so exciting! Please keep us posted in how it goes.
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