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Everything posted by mlbuchina

  1. Me, either. I have heard it from individuals in conversations or read it on the internet.
  2. Dangermom, on a COMPLETELY different topic, I just have to say I love, love, love your avitar compared to your name. It just looks so dangerous.:D
  3. I guess if you want to get technical about it, it would have to be the Romans who occupied ancient Antioch as they were the first to coin the phrase. And then it was a wordy dird :eek:. :lol:
  4. Thank you, MamaSheep. While I completely agree with you that the context is about resurrection, I'm not seeing the the different "kinds" of resurrected bodies. Only that we have a temporal, "earthly" or "have borne the image of the earthly" (vs 49) body, and that one day we will be changed into the spiritual, incorruptible, "bear the image of the heavenly" body. Again, thank you so much for your time in answering my questions. I do hope that no one thinks that I am being passive aggressive in them! I wouldn't ask if I didn't really want to know and try to understand a different opinion.:)
  5. Thank you. When I first looked it up I was directed to something to do with cell phones! LOL I am still a little puzzled as to why 1 Cor. would be used as a reference with it or vise versa. Ah well.
  6. Oh My Goodness. :eek: I would run screaming from that church. :leaving:
  7. Are you referencing 1 Corinthians 15:39-41? 38But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. 39All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. 40There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. This was the only place in chapter 15 where he speaks of celestial or terrestrial. I can't find telestial anywhere. Could you please define this word, as I can't find it in the dictionary. My dh would probably call it operator error.:lol:
  8. I agree with what you're saying. I feel sorry for boys, too. I also feel sorry for my girls. What in all the world are the boys going to be like when they start looking for a husband? I shudder to think sometimes. I guess I could be like my granddad was with his girls. He once told a boy who wanted to date one of my aunts that he could not take her out until he got a hair cut. He went and got a hair cut. :D
  9. Well... I don't have a dog, but my male cat is named Cap'n Jack! :lol: His sister is Lizzy. :D
  10. I can agree with the bolded part. However, knowing that men like looking, if you are going to be upset about it, take control of how you present yourself as well. Being respectful goes both ways. Although, I'm sure there are many out there who would disagree that you can be disrespectful in your choice of clothing. Thank you for these discussions! I am really enjoying reading so many other points of view!!
  11. I don't care for them, but I'm not going to be ugly to someone who does.
  12. This is me. I LOVE both my girls, and I was happy about them while carrying them. There is only one boy on my husbands side that will carry on his name at this time. If there are no other boys, and if this boy doesn't have any sons, this branch of the family will have died out, so to speak. Hey, I wonder if we can sign up for some kind of "endangered families" benefits?:tongue_smilie::D:lol:
  13. Dear Scrappyhappymama, Please to be writing all my posts from now on. MmmK? :D
  14. Thank you for this information. I will admit that the only thing I know about feminist/feminism is negative. The general "women are better because they are women/men are pigs" thought. This is an area I need to become better educated in. I would like to ask, does being thankful for the rights we have now mean that I must identify myself as a feminist? This is the only way to show my thankfulness? If I don't call myself a feminist, then I am somehow ungrateful? I am truly asking and not trying to be mean or anything. It has just seemed to be this way in my experiences. I have been looked down upon and thought of as stupid or inferior in some way because of my decisions. In fact, just today my MIL was asking me about jobs I could get when my dh retires from the navy (in 3 years. YEA!). She knows I plan on homeschooling through high school, but she is forever trying to find me a job. :glare:
  15. Yes, I understand this to be true. However, why get disgruntled if I don't want to label myself with a label they want me to? I mean, really, who cares and what business is it of their's anyway? :D (Not being snarky, trying to be funny. Tone doesn't come across in text very well.)
  16. Why do I need to be labelled at all? Why can I not be known for my character and accomplishments?
  17. OK, so which is it? Are the kids too fat, or are they going home from public school to starve??? I keep hearing advertisements for a group called Blessings in a Backpack. They are a charity that sends kids home with food for the weekend in backpacks. They start their adds with a statement of something like 40% of the kids in school have no food at home, or some outrageous statement to that effect. No offense to the charity. I think it is wonderful for those who truly need it. But which is it? Are we starving to death or are we eating ourselves to death? :confused::001_huh:
  18. Another vote for librivox.org. crazyforlatin, if you wouldn't mind, could you share the Ancient history titles?
  19. http://www.amazon.com/Single-Shard-Newbery-Medal-Book/dp/0395978270 I have never included a link before, so I hope that works up there! It is not for the audio, but for information and reviews. The book is "A Single Shard" by Linda Sue Park. It is a children's book, but it is just beautiful. I loved it.
  20. Hello! New to the challenge, and am looking forward to it. The book I am reading this week is "The Fellowship of the Ring" by Tolkien. I have tried to read "The Lord of the Rings" before, but could just not get past all the singing! LOL I am going to take my MIL and FIL's advice and SKIP IT! If that disqualifies these books, well :tongue_smilie:. LOL In full disclosure, I had read about 16 pages in it before I decided to join, but stopped reading when I did. The other two are on my night stand, along with "Outlander" (Diana Gabaldon) for an umpteenth reread and "By Reason of Insanity" by Randy Singer. If you like court room dramas, he is an excellent author. Excited to get started! ETA: I forgot! I am also listening to Don Quixote. I may have to go back and read it, though, because I don't think I am getting it. LOL
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