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Everything posted by mlbuchina

  1. I am desperate to find a phonics curriculum that will make learning to read for my dd6 at least tolerable. Preferably without both of us crying in frustration. Has you used Happy Phonics by Diane Hopkins? Are your dc reading after using it? Thanks for any imput. I hate feeling so... unable to help my baby.
  2. How has your year gone? How was the work load? Were your dc able to pursue outside interests, or specialize in their favorite/best subject? Was there time for colledge courses? How did you like the lesson plans being written to the student? I really like MFW, have been planning to use it through high school, and am just really curious about it. Thanks!
  3. For those who follow TWTM history rotation, what did you do with your younger children? For example, my dd8 will have a "perfect" history cycle. Her sister, dd6, won't. Having them together for history, which I want, will put her doing ancients in 7th, medieval/early renaissance in 8th, and then the issue gets sticky for me. I really want her to do ancients in 9th, like her sister. What did you do? Just let them hit the cycle where they may? Took some time off the cycle to pursue other interest? Granted, this is a long way off for me, but I like to have ideas in the back of my mind to chew on. :D
  4. My favorite is a toss up between Twilight and Eclipse, too. However, if she ever stops having her feelings hurt and decides to finish and publish Midnight Sun, THAT will be my favorite. Hands down.
  5. *squee* Yes! Although, I did laugh out loud at the bed breaking scene. I don't know if I'll be able to watch it without laughing. Did you see his back, though? O.M.GOSH. *fans self* On a side note, I was disappointed in Mr. Pattinson's behavior during the awards.
  6. I hate those charts, too. At our last well check, my dd7 was low on the hight and high on the weight. Has been that way from birth. She's gonna be short and pudgy. Maybe. Her body type is what I call a "solid" or "stocky" body type. She has some fat, yes, but she is solid. Strong, muscular, not the willow-y look at all. Reminds me of a gymnast. She takes after her dad's side of the family. My dd5 was high on the hight and low on the weight. Has been that way from birth. She's gonna be tall and skinny. Maybe. This one is definitely the willow-y body type. Everything is long and lanky. Even her fingers and toes. More the ballerina type. She takes after my side of the family. Every time I take them to the doctor, I'm afraid he is going to say something about the huge difference in their weights. So far, though, all he has done is tell me he loves what he sees and that I am doing a great job. I really hope that doesn't change, 'cause the girls LOVE him. I would hate to have to change doctors.
  7. Thank you, everyone. I can see that this is going to take a lot of thought as to how I want to use one.
  8. I do this for 2 dc. If you would like to see it, let me know.:D I print out a few weeks at a time, and if I need to change something, it's easy to move stuff around.
  9. I seem to change the way I plan every year. Still trying to find the perfect fit, I guess. What I have done this year is to use excel to make a spreadsheet. I listed all the subjects I will be teaching for both my dc, no matter if they are both doing them or not. Then, for Bible, history, science, and art I went ahead and put in what I plan for us to cover. Things like math, grammar, spelling, etc., I have left blank. All of this is on one page. I will print out a couple weeks at a time, and if we get behind, or I need to change something, I can do it on the computer, and not have to stress about it. To record what my dc do in the areas where they are not using the same curriculum, I just write the lesson we covered in a different color. I use one of those pens that have the four colors in one, and have one dc blue, and one dc green. I hope this is making sence:D! If you have any questions, just let me know. If you would like me to send you a file so you can see what I'm talking about (always the best for me!:lol:), let me know! HTH!
  10. Nope. :svengo: (I never liked Tom Cruise, it was always Val Kilmer for me:D)
  11. Yep. :iagree: They are the only reason I leave the house a lot of the time! Most of my friends have "made" me be their friend!:lol: I am greatful for each and every one of them. Wait, you can say no??? :iagree: Me either. I never have been. Books are much better.:D I come from a long line of introverts. Like my aunt says, "I just want to be around my 'people' (family and friends who have broken through the introvert barrier:tongue_smilie:)."
  12. Thank you everyone! We did the first "lesson" on Starfall this morning (reading the short "a" words and the first story with the rat). Dd5 LOVED it. She actually begged me to do more, but I told her we would do it tomorrow. She NEVER wants to do a reading lesson. It does look like it will be a fun way to reinforce what she already knows. She can sound out words, but she sounds out almost every word every time. We use OPGTR, but it had started to cause tears. I think Starfall will be a good "break" while she matures a little. Thanks again!
  13. I don't know the scope and sequence of R&S, so I cant compair that for you. As to the letter tiles, if your ds didn't like them with OPGTR, he probably won't like them in AAS. My dd doesn't like them at all. I ended up setting up the magnet whiteboard like she discribes, and I use them to teach new skills and review. I think they are a very good visual, even though we don't need the manipulative part of them. My dd5 will probably need to manipulate them. That is one of the things I really like about the program. It truely is adaptable to their learning styles. HTH a little!
  14. Did you use it as your core? Did your dc learn to read well with it? Did you use it to supplement? What core did you use and how did you integrate Starfall with it (match the lessons)? Thanks!
  15. Thank you, everyone. I will look into some of those resources!:D
  16. I'm not sure HOW auditory she is. For an example, we work on math facts with flashcards, reading each problem out (one plus one equals two, ect.), almost in a sing-song voice. She knows them well. I give her a worksheet with the same facts on it and she just stares at it. She tells me she doesn't know the answer. As soon as I read the problem out to her, she knows the answer. I know she knows her numbers, so it isn't that she can't "read" the problem. I have asked her to read the problem out loud, too, and the same thing. Reading is very hard. I am leaning towards it being her maturity level, but am keeping an eye on it.
  17. I finally figured out my dd5(almost 6:ohmy: where does the time go??)'s learning style. She is a very auditory learner, but I don't know anything about curriculum that fits that learning style. What would be the best things to use for phonics and math instruction? What have you had success with with your auditory learner? How do I even teach to that style? Are there any books about teaching to that style? Any thoughts are appreciated!
  18. AAS - LOVE it. Changed it up a bit to fit my dd7's learning style, and she has just taken off FLL- dd7 LOVES it. If you ask, grammar is her favorite subject MFW Adventures State Sheets - dd7 cried when we did the last one, she loved doing them What about dd5? Well, she doesn't like a thing! LOL
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