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Everything posted by mlbuchina

  1. I love this. It is so funny! I totally agree the the bOOks need a break, but I'm gonna have on the undies. So are my girls. So is my dh, which are his pjs. Don't tell him I told y'all that. Lol We, too, can spend most of the day in pjs, but I usually get dressed right out of bed. The girls will go from pjs to bathing suits so they don't have to change after school. Once lessons are done, they can run from the room and hit the pool with no waiting. Lol The only thing I do require is some sort of covering. Nobody needs to see that. Lol. Except blankets. I, too, dispize the blanket. And toys. No toys in the classroom.
  2. Wait. You don't wear under things with pj's??? :001_huh: Oh, the humanity!:tongue_smilie:
  3. :bigear: Thanks for these app suggestions!
  4. Thank you, everyone. I have read through the sections from WTM, but I will have to find The Trivium (Joseph). I was wondering about needing to use materials on logic first, before moving into formal rhetoric study. I plan on using Memoria Press with my kids, so perhaps I will just get that early and go through it myself.:D @1Togo ~ Where do I find materials that follow the progymnasmata? I seem to remember SWB speaking about that in WTM, and in her workshops on writing. I will go back and check in WTM, as well. Again, thanks so much for your suggestions!
  5. Wow! At least you get a response. :D Mine just tells me, "I don't know.":tongue_smilie:
  6. What resources have you found most useful? Did you get a highschool course and follow it? I am thinking that getting one of the courses SWB suggests would be the best way to go. I have never studied rhetoric before. I didn't have any formal classes in it or logic in school. I want to learn. :bigear:
  7. Thank you. And I definitely agree that people can get too wrapped up in it and neglect the more important things.
  8. My dd8 asked me if she were fat at about that age. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements about losing weight. We don't have cable, but they still hear it on the radio AND from my mother:tongue_smilie: who constantly talks about her own weight issues.
  9. I guess it would have to be Australia, as I have never heard of Oceania.
  10. Congratulations to your son!! I know that it is hard work to earn Eagle. Good job! :hurray::party::thumbup:
  11. :grouphug::grouphug: Going through a similar search. Lets pray for eachother!:D Hmm... Could you say what the presupposition is in your opinion? LOL, you sound like my dad. He thinks dispensationalist box God in, too. I'm with you on the not being able to go with the "created with no chance of redemption".
  12. So, I have our binders for each of the subjects with the tabs all ready to go. We are in our 3rd week of school, and they are beginning to fill up. It's so exciting! But... There is NOTHING in the "Reading" section. Either behind the "My Reading" or the "Memorization". I was thinking that I should copy out the poems they are learning in FLL and file those behind the memory tab, but I don't have a clue as to what to do with the "My Reading". I must confess that I don't really have the "My Reading" thing under control. I know it must be easy to implement, but for the life of me, I can't seem to figure it out. All the books we get for literature are from the history lists in the SOTW activity guide, and I read most of those to them as bedtime stories. I do try to have one during our third history lesson during the week for them to narrate, but it is usually not a fiction book to file under "my reading". Those pictures or narrations go in the history notebook. Should I have them make a page on anything they are reading? Dd6 isn't reading on her own yet, but dd8 reads a lot. Of course, those are usually Geronimo Stilton books, or Garfield. Twaddle, I know, but she was such a reluctant reader I'm thrilled she has found something she loves. Should I have her do a page on a few of those? Gosh, any thoughts or ideas are appreciated!
  13. Job? No. Honor? Yes. Privilege? Yes. Perhaps I don't have a good grasp of "patriotism", but this sounds pretty patriotic to me. Even if you don't say the pledge.:D Here! Here! Well said. :hurray:
  14. :iagree: This is how my parents handled it when I was a kid, and it is how I handle it now.
  15. I seem to kinda remember something about them voting to not become a state quite a few years ago. I don't think not paying federal taxes is the reason they can't vote, though. I am extremely ignorant when it comes to US territories. I can find them on the map, but I have no idea what the benefits are to having them.:D
  16. Well, we are just finishing up week 2, and so far, I like it ok. The girls really like the activities so far, and I like how they help to reinforce the scripture we read. The one complaint I have with the program is that we are on one passage the whole week. I read the passage on Monday, and then the rest of the week is spent doing activities associated to it. That's fine, but I would really have liked other scriptures related to and expounding on the idea of the original passage to be read and discussed as well. I have begun looking for those myself. After this year, I really don't see continuing with this program. For us, I just don't think it has enough.
  17. I really like the way this looks. I wonder about the "print clues" she uses, though. They look like they would be distracting, or that it would make it hard for the student to read anything that didn't have the print clues. Is that something that the student could become dependent on?
  18. Wow, thank you all for your thoughts. It is exactly what I was looking for. :D
  19. Thank you for the input, everyone. @Delighted3 thank you so much for the link to the little books. I have printed out a few, and she LOVES them! They seem to be giving her the confidence she needs to know she can read a whole book on her own. @LittleIzumi and Manamana I wondered if it would be stand alone, or a good supplement. OPGTR is too dry for her, and I think she would benefit from the games and activities. Thanks again for all your help!
  20. This. Except we will be celebrating our 15th in August this year... Gosh, where has the time gone? I know it was just the other day we got married, surely.:001_huh: :lol:
  21. Thank you, Joy. I will definitely look into those links. Anything to help her... I'm feeling desperate!
  22. How has your year gone? How was the work load? Were your dc able to pursue outside interests, or specialize in their favorite/best subject? Was there time for colledge courses? How did you like the lesson plans being written to the student? I really like MFW, have been planning to use it through high school, and am just really curious about it. Thanks!
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