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Everything posted by mlbuchina

  1. :lol::lol: Isn't it though? Makes we wonder if I need to get rid of my silver jewelry...:tongue_smilie:
  2. As my dd8 is taking her first violin lesson tomorrow, this really caught my eye. I googled lead in rosin and this is what I found: "Some companies also add precious metals to their recipes—another choice to consider when shopping for rosin. It is not uncommon to see gold, silver, lead-silver, and copper added to rosin. These materials purportedly increase the rosin's static friction, creating different tonal qualities." "Lead-silver rosin is well-suited for both the violin and viola and is a soft but nontacky rosin. It enhances warmth and clarity, producing a fresh playing tone." Source: http://www.allthingsstrings.com/Bows/CARE-MAINTENANCE/The-Differences-Between-Dark-and-Amber-Rosin This begs the question, what is lead-silver. Another google search reveals that silver is found attached to lead, so silver mined from lead is lead-silver. "Silver is found in lead, zinc, and copper ore deposits. A full two-thirds of the silver resources in the world are found in association with these other metal ores. The remaining third is found in association with deposits of gold." Source:http://www.mii.org/minerals/photosilver.html I have no idea how you know if your rosin has lead in it or not, nor if this information is helpful.:D
  3. Thank you for that encouragement. I will go ahead with WWE3, as I know she is excited about moving to the next level, even though this is her least favorite subject. :D
  4. Did you not move on to WWE3 and spend more time on narrations, or did you move on to WWE3, but continue to work on narrations at other times? We do narrations for history and all the ones that are in FLL3. Today we did the Week 36 evaluation for WWE2, and I had to coach a narration from her. I have to coach them out of her for every one we do. I'm beginning to think I'm doing it wrong? Here is her narration for the passage from Peter Pan used for the evaluation: "Peter Pan put fairy dust on the children and they could fly. He got a warning from the littlest star that it was time to go, because the parents were coming. The parents were too late, the children had already left." We got that from me asking her what happened first, what happened after that, what happened at the end? She is one of those that wants to give you every detail, and we have been working on deciding what the most important parts are. It doesn't feel like we are getting very far with that. :tongue_smilie: She also gets mad because I ask her younger sister to name one thing she remembers from what we read, but I ask her to tell me about what we read. She wants an exact number of sentences, and will always ask me if it is just two or three. Any thoughts and suggestions? Thanks so much!
  5. I haven't, but my dh was an extra in the movie Cobb staring Tommy Lee Jones as the baseball player Ty Cobb.
  6. Just remembered this one: "Too much pressure." Follow That Dream
  7. "Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something." "There's a shortage of perfect bre@sts in this world. T'would be a pitty to damage yours." Yeah, pretty much all of The Princess Bride. I have the whole thing memorized. "Dear me, what are those things coming out of her nose?" "Spaceballs?!" "Oh sh**, there goes the planet."
  8. :hurray: You can do it!!! :thumbup: And when you are done, you can :party: and :cheers2:
  9. No, I wasn't planning on Latin covering vocab, but now that you mention it...:tongue_smilie: My vocab plans were actually to begin Vocab from Classical Roots (the 3 preliminary books before Book A), once we finish up AAS, or 5th grade, whichever comes first. If dd8 continues the pace she is at now with AAS, we will be finished with level 6 by about the first 6 weeks of 5th.
  10. I'm not really sure, which is why I have asked about our line-up. My first thoughts are what SWB says in TWTM. I read it and think, surely no one can actually do all that she says in there. But, I want to very much!:D
  11. Thank you for your encouraging words. While I am concerned about the subject matter of SOTW4, I think that dd6 will actually like a lot of what is in it. She is more of my blood and guts dc, while dd8 is the very sensitive one. :tongue_smilie: I will probably stick with Saxon, I'm just so bad about wanting to curriculum hop. Especially around this time of year, when people start talking about what they are going to be getting for the next year. We are working through Prima Latina right now, and dd8 loves it. I think it is one of her favorite subjects right now, and she seems to be able to learn the vocab almost immediately. Her mom, not so much. :D I am trying to learn it with her, though. Independent areas of interest... I have been concerned about her interests for a little while now. She doesn't seem to have any. Although, she loves to watch Cake Boss and has told me she wants to go to college and become a baker. That is the first time she has said anything about WANTING to go to college. lol Of course, dd6 chimes in with, "I'm NEVER going to college." She does love her art lessons and we will be starting violin next week. She has asked about taking violin lessons for about two years now, and I finally found a program I can afford. Thank you, everyone, for your thoughts and insights!
  12. I am concerned about this as well. How do I handle having a younger? Should I look to do a separate history with her? Thank you for the thoughts and suggestions.:001_smile:
  13. Sorry, that is their age now, not for next year. They will be 9 and 7 when we begin this schedule.
  14. Yes, I can understand that completely. As we get closer and closer to "middle school", I find I am beginning to doubt myself. I think I might should have not opened up that particular thread. :tongue_smilie: I started home schooling with a lot of confidence, but now, not so much.
  15. I want to be rigorous. I want the best I can do for my dc. Would you consider this a rigorous course load for next year? Dd8 (4th grade by age): WWE3 FLL4 AAS4-5 SOTW4 Physics Experiments for Children Zaner-Bloser Grade 4 handwriting Saxon 5/4 Latina Christiana 1 Artistic Pursuits 2-3 Drawing/Painting Lessons Violin Ballet/Jazz Tumbling Dd6 (2nd grade by age): WWE1-2 FLL2 AAS2-3 SOTW4 Physics Experiments for Children Zaner-Bloser Grade 2 handwriting Saxon 2 Artisitc Pursuits 2-3 Finishing up OPGTR Piano Ballet/Jazz We will be adding our state history in towards the end of the year. I have also played with the idea of moving from Saxon to Math-U-See, but I'm not sure. Of course, we have lots and lots of reading as well, plus plenty of field trip opportunities. Any thoughts? :001_unsure:
  16. I heard about it, but haven't read it. I think it is absolutely ridiculous. ETA: Are they also wanting to regulate all carbohydrates? Why single out just sugar? What about starches? The body treats them all the same.
  17. Of all the things to get irritated by... :D Naw, it doesn't bother me. I know they mean that they are expecting.
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