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Everything posted by mlbuchina

  1. I didn't really drink coffee that much, so I didn't change that at all. I craved fountain coke with both my girls. I could not get enough of the stuff. Not in the bottle, but from the fountain. I had it down to a science. I knew where the best fountain coke could be gotten in a 50 mile radius of my home. LOL
  2. http://www.upward.org/ I don't know if you would mind the religious affiliation, but my niece (5yrs) did this last season and they were so cute.
  3. Thank you everyone! I will check out those resources. I actually have the Alton Brown book! Love him! I read that cook book cover to cover. I never thought about cooking through it like a text book, though. What a great idea! I feel like I need to go back to the basics. I am in a total rut with what I do cook, but I don't think I have a good base knowledge. I have a really hard time with meal planning. I just don't know what goes with what, so trying to branch out to knew things becomes very daunting to me. Plus, I have a bunch of picky eaters. LOL
  4. My dd8 wants to learn to cook. What resources have you found that you love?
  5. I can't seem to follow a regular cook book. I have tons of them, but I still don't really know how to cook. Are there any books that teach you how to cook?
  6. Same here. I truly believe my younger dd needs this instruction, but for my older, I want to move to Spelling Workout. I'm just not sure which workbook to put her in. Hm... maybe I should start my own thread.
  7. Can you come and teach me how to cook? My kids beg to go out! :tongue_smilie:
  8. Thank you, Cortana! I will be passing those websites on to my friends.
  9. Hello. A friend of mine just had a beautiful little baby boy. He has Downs Syndrome, and they did not know before he was born. I would love to offer her and her husband some resources to encourage them. Are there some books or websites that I could suggest to them as they begin this journey? Or for me, as a friend, to help support them? Thank you so much for any advice, suggestions, or encouraging words. :001_smile:
  10. LOL! Love it. Shared it with my girls and they wanted to know where Not Paul was!:lol:
  11. In the 17 years I have known my dh, he has teared up once. I have never seen him actually CRY.
  12. Something that I just realized is that I actually miss being in a military town with other military wives. Family is great, but they really have no understanding of what I am going through. Thank you again, everyone!
  13. Thank you all for your advice and suggestions. I will be implementing them asap. There is one good thing. We get to actually live near family this time, so I can see them a lot. :grouphug:
  14. Goodness! We are kinda in the same boat (ha!). Dh has been gone for 3 months, and they have extended 3 times. I was fortunate in that while the ship left in early Dec., he didn't have to report until Jan. We got Christmas with him. Also, his ship is making the world cruise to switch coasts. As of right now, we aren't even at the half way mark yet. Getting close, though. I'm so sorry that your homecoming has been pushed out at almost the last minute! That stinks!! These deployments make me wistful for the Med cruises (six months).
  15. My dh is deployed, thankfully for the last time, and it is hitting us all pretty hard. I am having to deal with my own emotions, as well as our two dd's. My heart just breaks for them. It is very hard, and our schooling, as well as other things (gosh, I guess I really should get those dishes washed), is suffering. What have you done to keep spirits up and school (and clean dishes! lol), moving forward? (At this point, I just want to climb in bed, pull the covers over my head, and sleep until he comes home. :crying:)
  16. I haven't read the published book, but I have read the fanfiction. I was on twitter with the author (as where a ton of fans), as she wrote it, and can remember waiting not so patiently for her to post the next chapter on her blog. It isn't for everyone, but I loved the original story. I want to get the books to see what all she had to change to have them published.
  17. Juliet by Anne Fortier All I can say is that I am swept away. I am only half way through, but I don't want it to end.
  18. Snape. I loved him from book one. I just KNEW there was something about him... Always. *sigh*
  19. When I was 3, my parents, along with some other family members, took me with them to see Alien. I have zero memory of the event, but my dad and aunts love to tell the story about it. Apparently, everyone at the theater was at the height of suspense at the part where the alien comes out of the guy's stomach. People covered their faces, many gasps, you know the drill. I have been told that as the thing was slithering across the table, I hollered out, "My daddy'll step on that snake!" at the top of my lungs. They tell me the entire theater burst out laughing, and after that no one was scared in the movie anymore. I still wouldn't take my kids to movies rated way over their ages. Not even for comic relief. :lol:
  20. http://www.frontporchrepublic.com/2012/04/homeschool-community/ I enjoyed it, and thought others might, too.
  21. :thumbup: Love it! LOL I have seen the trailer, and I can't wait for the new season!!
  22. Thank you, everyone, for your thoughts and suggestions. I do need to see SWB's videos again, and listen to her workshops on writing. They are very inspiring. OK Deep breaths. :D
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