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Everything posted by mlbuchina

  1. I have a Galaxy, too. I thought about getting the Fire, at first, but decided on the Galaxy as I wanted to be able to put anything I wanted to on it. From what I understand, Amazon restricts what you can put on the Fire. I LOVE my Galaxy though. We use it in class almost every day. I thought I would use my laptop, but the Galaxy is so much more convenient.
  2. :bigear::bigear::bigear: Yes, how did it go? Inquiring minds, and big ears want to know. :D
  3. :iagree: LOVE Kenneth Branagh And, goodness, HOW could I have forgotten Gil????? *swoon* I want to be your parents to my dc! I am trying to build my library up with good books. My Kindle App is hampering the endeavor. :tongue_smilie: Don't know, don't care! LOL I'll add the 10th Doctor to my list of dates. Jean Luc!!!!!!!!!!! When I was a teen, that was my most favorite show. I had the biggest crush on Jean Luc, and I wanted to be Beverly so bad! LOL OK, so I had a HUGE crush on Data, too. Don't judge me. LOL Oo, oo, me, too, me, too!! Yes, at the end of the day it will always come down to Jamie. I see a lot of my DH's character in Jamie, which is probably why I love him (Jamie) so much. Both of my dc are named after Outlander characters. :D
  4. You read that when you were 11?! It's so long! :svengo: I can't say anything, I haven't ever read it. It is on my need-to-do-before-I-die list. I have seen the movie a couple of times, but I'm sure the book is much better. :tongue_smilie:
  5. :D BENEDICK: Here comes Beatrice. By this day! she's a fair lady: I do spy some marks of love in her. Enter BEATRICE BEATRICE: Against my will I am sent to bid you come in to dinner. BENEDICK: Fair Beatrice, I thank you for your pains. BEATRICE: I took no more pains for those thanks than you take pains to thank me: if it had been painful, I would not have come. BENEDICK: You take pleasure then in the message? BEATRICE: Yea, just so much as you may take upon a knife's point and choke a daw withal. You have no stomach, signior: fare you well. Exit BENEDICK: Ha! 'Against my will I am sent to bid you come in to dinner;' there's a double meaning in that... I so adore those two! I thought the movie adaptation by Kenneth Branagh was so well done. His Benedick is so funny, and Emma Thompson is just how I picture Beatrice.
  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: and prayers for your family
  7. 1. Jamie Fraser from Outlander or Westley from The Princess Bride 2. Ron Weasley, but he would be third in line for the husband. LOL 3. Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing. I love her, and would just love to argue with Benedick!
  8. I don't understand all the negativity towards AP. It seems like the normal/natural way to parent, to me. I got Dr. Sears' The Baby Book when I was pregnant with dd8, and pretty much everything he said in it was what I thought anyway. I loved that book, and I give it as a baby shower gift at all the showers I am invited to. I do remember having people, mostly family members, tell me I shouldn't hold my baby so much, or sleep with them in the bed, because I would spoil them and they would never be independent. Well, I think I have some of the most well adjusted kids out there. They don't still sleep in my bed, unless they don't feel well or had a bad dream, and they don't cling to me at all. I used to think I would never have a minute to myself, and now they are more able to handle social situations than I am (I'm extremely introverted). Oh, well. To each his own, I guess. Just don't knock something you don't understand. Learn about it, and then decide if it is something you would like to do. If not, great, but don't tell me I'm terrible for choosing something different.
  9. I read your post title and said out loud Outlander. Ah, Jamie...:001_wub: Gonna go read the rest of the post to see if I got it right! I picked up a lot of the the lingo while I was reading them, and I will still sometimes tell people "I dinna kin". There for a while my dh was having to translate for me. LOL Oh, and both my dds are named after characters in the books. :D I'm not a big fan of the books or anything. Honest. Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes? :tongue_smilie:
  10. UGH! That is horrible! It made my muscles clench up and my stomach hurt. Not to mention my ears hurt. I'm 35, and I can still "hear" (and feel), when a TV is left on, but the cable box is off. That is a very unpleasant feeling as well. *shudders*
  11. I completely understand where you are coming from. I feel the same way! If 35 feels this bad, I can't imagine what it's going to be like at 50. Something has to change! Thanks for starting this thread. I am going to start trying some of the suggestions.
  12. Oh, thanks! I will try that next time I try to post a link. :001_smile:
  13. I use my sticker machine to make coordinating stickers for our All About Spelling goal sheet. I found the cutest pirate clip art online, and printed them to make into stickers for Level 4. I did the same thing for level 3 with spy related things. The girls love them.
  14. Here are the soundtracks to the books: http://www.eljamesauthor.com/music/fifty-shades-of-grey-soundtrack For those who didn't care for the writing, and want something a little more "smart", try this one: http://www.amazon.com/Gabriels-Inferno-ebook/dp/B004X6T3U0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1336691429&sr=8-1 Yes, it started out as Twi fanfiction. The author is a man, too. It is very good. Well, the fanfiction was good, I just got the book on my Kindle app, so I don't know how he changed it up for printing. About to find out! On a completely separate topic, how do you make the links be just a word, like "here", instead of the long web address?
  15. Nope, I read it when she was writing it online. And then I bought the books at B&N when they came out in April. And then I finally got a Tab with the Kindle app, and I bought them for that, too. I don't like the story, or anything... :lol: The SNL skit was so funny. I loved it. I don't read them for the technical writing. I read them because I fell in love with the characters and their love story. Well, and the tea time wasn't too shabby, either! LOL
  16. I completely understand your frustration. I am to the point where I hate food and everything that goes with it, like cooking it or planning it. I have just about decided to live by my granddad's old sayin': I'm gonna die anyway, let me die happy. LOL I figure that the stress and worry over what to eat is going to kill me a lot faster than eating the "wrong" thing will.
  17. I don't have any helpful info, but my dad didn't start talking until he was 5. He was the second child.
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