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Everything posted by mlbuchina

  1. Thank you. I have wanted to home school my children even before I had them. I didn't want to have to send them away; I wanted them with me. I wanted them to have a better education than me. I didn't want them to go through the horror that was school for me.:tongue_smilie: As I was learning more about home schooling, and getting into groups with people at church that home schooled, I learned that it was supposed to be a "calling". They talked a lot about being called. I didn't relate, as I had always wanted to home school. I had a lot of reasons, and none of them had anything to do with feeling like I was called to it. So, while others may need a reason for you to home school, I say, nope. You can do it if it is just something you want to do.:D
  2. ...math facts songs here. My dd6 LOVES music. She sings all. the. time. Drilling math facts just isn't working. I thought that there has to be songs that teach math facts. Hopefully ones I wouldn't mind hearing over and over? Thanks for sharing!
  3. Wow! Thank you all for your responses. They are encouraging and informative. I have many links to look through and suggestions to ponder. Thanks, again!
  4. Ug. I love the books we have for science, and the girls love the experiments. However. I can't seem to get it together, even after all this time! Most weeks we end up skipping science all together. It is just so easy to let it slide. Have you ever had this happen to you? Did your dc ever recover from it? Meaning do they know science now, and have a love or enjoyment of it? If this has happened to you, did you decide to try a different science program? If not, how did you get your bum in gear and get the work done? :tongue_smilie::D
  5. :iagree: LOL Both my dds were bug eyed. :lol: They definitely like the new cut better. I agree with everyone else. Very handsome and grown up looking. :thumbup:
  6. My dd6 is the huge music lover here. She goes around singing all. the. time. Not too long ago she was running around the house, singing at the top of her lungs, "Burning for You" by Blue Oyster Cult. :D
  7. Love many of the other suggestions. Gonna put my vote in for Monarch of the Glen, too. Plus, you get men in kilts! :lol:
  8. I have been thinking about this some, and am wondering what full meals look like. Being from the South, I can't imagine a meal without bread and potatoes! lol
  9. Gosh, I hope not. Don't be upset with the sign, be upset that the sign is even necessary! :D
  10. :bigear: I'm in the same boat, only we are at the end of WWE2. Dd6 is starting WWE1, so I thought I might do some of the longer passages from that for dd8. I'll be lurking here... :D
  11. I agree with this, but I would also say that it is ok for them to see you cry. They will be morning the loss, as will you, and y'all can all hug and love on each other. I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug: Take care of that migraine, lock yourself up in your room, and ball your eyes out. You can talk to them tomorrow.
  12. I voted up to a year, but with dd8 it was more like 15 months. I think she would still be nursing if I let her. She didn't want to come out, and she didn't want to give up nursing. DH and I wanted to get her a sibling, so she had to stop. Yeah, I was one of THOSE (the one who doesn't have a cycle if she even thinks about nursing). That was 2 years of non-Aunt Flo bliss. Dd6, on the other hand, only nursed for 10 or 11 months. She couldn't wait to get out, and she couldn't wait to eat "real" food. :lol: She was tracking my fork at 3 months! I wanted to nurse her for a full 12 months, at least, but she was having none of it. I cried when I finally had to just give it up. Oh, forgot about the solids. We tried with dd8 at 4 months with the rice cereal, like my ped told me to do, but she would scream bloody murder every time it came around. I didn't put us through that torture, so we didn't try solids again until she was 6 or 7 months. She still wasn't happy about it, but she did tolerate it. As I said above, dd6 wanted solids almost immediately. I don't remember exactly when I started giving her solids, but she had no problems at all with it when I did.
  13. Well, I'm just gonna put myself out there and say it. I grew up eating Pintos 5 to 6 nights a week, and my mom never soaked them. I don't soak them when I cook them either. I just boil them for about 3 hours and they're done. I do agree that the ham should be thawed before putting it with the beans.:D
  14. Thank you very much for your thoughts. I am going to have to do some thinking and planning.
  15. :hurray: I'm so excited about finding that. It isn't much, but still helps with the budget!
  16. in TWTM for physics in 4th grade? http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/arvindgupta/physicsexperiments.pdf If so, then I am super excited to find this downloadable for free!
  17. do we also need to be doing WWE? Dd8 is not flourishing using WWE, and I thought that I would switch to Writing Strands, and just do the dictation from WWE (as I have the next level already). We stopped doing narrations at all for several months because all it did would cause hours of frustration and tears. I am wanting to bring it back in now, but I want to do it only with our history reading. I think that it is a problem with her because it is getting harder, and she is actually having to think. WWE 1 was very simple for her, but now at the end of WWE 2, she is having problems. She hates the physical act of writing as well. She seems to be regressing!:001_huh: We have been doing WWE, FLL, and narration and dictation in history from the beginning. I don't know why she isn't better at it. There is no way that she will be able to do a one- to two-paragraph composition by the end of this (3rd grade) year. I'm baffled as to what to do. I know I must be doing something wrong? Thoughts, suggestions, advice, everything is very welcomed and appreciated.
  18. I was born a War Eagle!, but I would like to keep the title here where it belongs. :tongue_smilie::D
  19. Well, I have my laptop open next to me all night, but I'm more likely to be here or watching something on netflix till I fall asleep. :D
  20. :rofl::w00t::rofl::smilielol5: Oh, no he didn't! And, yes, it does beg the question, why didn't he just wash them?
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