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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. I voted 5 - 12 times a year. I really like cream of mushroom and I use it for different recipes.
  2. The Honeymooners The Brady Bunch Happy Days Little House on the Prairie The Love Boat Gilligans Island Andy Griffith
  3. Same thing happpend here. :DI was kind of confused. Now that some posters have said that it is fairly common in certain areas, it makes more sense. I am not military, but I totally get the military reasoning.
  4. She is only 10?? She did a wonderful job!!!:hurray:
  5. Nathan Gregory Nathan James Nathan David Nathan Benjamin
  6. I am probaby going to get slammed here, but I think that children learn nothing from sitting in a pew in "big church". They learn so much more going into the nursery or children's chuch. I know that at our church they are read certain bible stories each week, act them out and do a craft pertaining to the story. I just do not think it is ok to make them sit still for 1 hour listening to something that is impossible for them to comprehend. I am not trying to slam anyone else, this is just my opinion. I grew up in a church where the children had to sit in church and I really hated it! I still remember like it was yesterday. It was torture for me. I remember swearing as a child, that I would never make my kids go to church. With all of that siad, I know there are some children that prefer to sit with their family and that is great.
  7. Thanks so much everyone for the advice! I am really geting excited! We are actually camping at Fort Wilderness, I am hoping that maybe I can catch one of the buses to the hotel. I am looking into it!
  8. We just watched A Little Princess and The Secret Garden and they were wonderful!!!!! I think that they would be a hit!!!
  9. This will be my first time and I am very excited!!!! I am wondering if anyone has any advice to share for a first timer. I know this is a BIG convention, so any advice would be great! Orlando here I come!
  10. My 8th grade dd next year will be reading all of the Sonlight Core 6 books. It is a great reading list! You could always go over to the Sonlight site and take a look at the lists they have got. :D
  11. We are a Christian family, but we do not homeschool soley for that reason. I do use some Christian resourses, but not all.
  12. I 2nd Samuel and Josiah Ezra, but I really like Micah Ezra. :D I know no M's or S's.
  13. I have a tea party tonight and I need to make the puch. Could you please share your favorite recipe:D:D
  14. WOW!! Th is so cool! I didn't know that "the milkman" still existed. We had a milkman growing up. I would SO have one if it was offered in my neck of the woods!
  15. We just had our "box day" with our Core 6!! We are so excited!! Maybe we can share notes next year! My dd and I have already grabbed a reader from our box.:D
  16. We LOVE LOVE LOVE Fort Wilderness!!! We are actually going over memorial weekend and I am going to the homeschool convention in Orlando. The campgraound can be anywhere from $60 - $100 per/night. Usually when we go, we do not even have to visit a park. They have so much to do on the campground!
  17. :iagree: I have probably 1,000 books and 5 tv's. I do not watch tv very often, but we all have one.
  18. Yes. My dh has had the same job for 18 yrs. We both get up at 5:15 every morning. I make his breakfast (usually cereal) and then I pack his lunch. This is not something that is expected by him, it is just something that I have always done. He would be fine with it if I stopped doing this today. Sometimes I go back to sleep, but then I have to get back up at 6:15 to take my ds to school (junior in hs). I just feel like I get more done if I get up this early.:)
  19. WOW! Not knowing MOST of these really makes me feel uh......dumb! Is there an answer key! I feel like I need to study and memorize all of these answers.:tongue_smilie: This definitely gives another meaning to "I only have an 8th grade education"!
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