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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. The baby had the 4 strokes. 2 on the left side of her brain and 2 on the right. Cause is still unknown.
  2. My dear sweet friends had a baby on Wednesday the 10, and 2 days later she had 4 strokes. They are not sure of the cause or the problems that will come with this. I am so very sad!! They have been trying for about 5 years for this baby. Please pray for a miracle in healing! Thank you.
  3. Born in '68. Got married in '92. Had my children in '93, '97 and 2006 (finally talked dh into 1 more).:D
  4. We are on week 24 of Core 5. We have really enjoyed it! We LOVE the EHE. I know it gets a bad name, but I think it depends on your dc. We have done this core over 1 1/2 yrs. We started midway through 6th grade and we will be finished at the end of 7th. It is a great core with so many wonderful books!
  5. This makes me sick to my stomach! Why do people like this adopt children? I guess its a power thing. Don't the adoption agencies talk with the other children in the family first? This is just so so sad!!!:confused:
  6. Hello Bluecity24, I am also in Orange Park. It has been a scary time for us moms here. They now may or may not have the killer, but at 6 yrs. old, I would not let my dd outside without my supervision!! You have to go with YOUR gut instincts! The kids in my neighborhood also run around unsupervised. It took a while, but they realized that mine were not going to be one of them. My kids are older now 13 & 16 and I promise they did not end up the lonely kids in the neighborhood. They had plenty of outside time and backyard time and in the house time with friends. I am going to pm you about something called 32 seconds that we are having at my church. This is a speaker that comes and talks about the fact that it takes 32 seconds for your child to be snatched. Good Luck!
  7. Just kidding! But wierd, My husband does the same thing. I am not sure why. It used to drive me CRAZY!!! But, I have just learned to go along with it. He is a great husband, and dad. He works super hard. I guess it is just a "guy thing . Maybe a cry for attention. Everything else that he does outweighs this strange behavior, so I just grin and bear it.:D
  8. I just called my husband the plumber and he said to turn off all of the water in your house. Go out to your water meter and if the usage indicator dial is turning at all, then you have a leak somewhere.Good Luck!
  9. :iagree:I wouldn't mind if I got an invitation like this at all. As a matter of fact, when people asked what to get my dd 3, I did say books. We have way too many toys. I did not request this in an invitation, but it really would not bother me at all.:)
  10. When my dd was in ps, the gifted kids only focused on one subject per year for the earlier grades and then upper elementary focused on 2 subjects. For the rest of the subjects they were in thier regular classes.
  11. Who else was in tears watching tonight?? She is precious!
  12. I wish it would take a little nibble out of me!!! I do not have any motivation today. In my defense it is kinda yucky outside. rainy and gloomy!:glare:
  13. Could someone tell me what the abbreviation WWE stands for? I would like to take a look at it. Thanks!
  14. OK, This is where I want to live!!!! I'm not sure that my FL born and raised husband would go for it though.:glare:
  15. Here is another one that I like: http://www.notimeforflashcards.com/
  16. Here are some Tot blogs that I love!! I hope this helps! http://totallytots.blogspot.com/ http://lapbooksbycarisa.homestead.com/TotSchool.html
  17. Mine was doing the same thing a while ago and my husband took the hose out of the vent and cleaned it out. I am not sure how this works and he is at work right now, but I would be happy to let you know when he gets home.
  18. I was born and raised in Southern NH and even though I talked like that, I have always thought that it was funny that we called Worchester, MA Wis-tuh, MA. Of course my favorite thing to say now is: Pahkin yah cah is wicked hahd. LOL!!!!
  19. We school here and there all day long. I babysit an 11 mth old, so we get what we can done when we can. :D
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