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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. How about Charlotte and Wilbur Oh, I just saw your pictures of the kittens and they are definitely Tarzan and Jane! So cute!
  2. Very scary! Makes me want to become a vegetarian again.
  3. YES, Haywards ROCKS!!!! So does Nashua House of Pizza (the spinach pizza is out of this world)!!! Sorry, no help at all to the thread. Nashua is a great place to live. I was born and raised there and I just wanted to give a shout out!! Merrimack would also be a great choice.
  4. Sandra Bullock did not intend to be a single parent when the process began. Sadly, her world was turned upside down. She did not ask for the situation. Besides, she can definately afford to raise a child, and I believe that she will be a very loving mother. I also heard that Jesse will be in the child's life.
  5. Thanks for your reply! I found the other thread. Wowzeers, that is way out of our budget! :001_huh:
  6. I am aware that the cost may differ in some places, but could someone give me an idea of the cost before I look into this any further? It would be greatly appreciated :) Kristen I wanted to add that this would be for an eigth grader.
  7. OH MY Goodness!! This is my dd to a tee!!!! She is 13 now and still no change. She is a great kid with ALOT to say and also very loudly! We are really working on the volume. I am constantly reminding her to bring down the volume. I am sorry that I do not have any advice , but I think that it is just her personality and I do not think that it will change much over time. I just try too look at the positives about it. She is very outgoing and well spoken with adults and her peers. Good Luck!
  8. Thank you so much for this information!!! I was horrified at the thought of eating it and my huband was horrified that I actually thought about throwing it out. lol. The liner was still in one piece. I guess I will let you all know if we start growing horns or something.
  9. OK. I put a pot roast in the crock pot this morning. Eight hours later, I get home and realize that the liner on the bottom of the meat package was cooked in the roast. Should we eat this? What exactly is that liner??
  10. NO. I just went through this with my 13 yr old dd. I have seen the mall on the weekends and no way is she hanging out there!!
  11. I have been on the "please send Tim home already team" until last night. I thought he was incedible. I think that Andrew and Aaron will go home. I am a fan of Aaron though.
  12. This thread has made me question my recent purchase of Math 8. This year we took Math 7 through Florida VIrtual School. I did not even consider Math 7 (CLE) for next year. Well I just recieved our Math 8 and it is really advanced. So, this thread has made me go back to the CLE website and take a look at Math 7. I decided to purchase the second half of math 7 (LU 706-710). I think this will get us ready for Math 8. I am not sure what we are going to use after Math 8, does anyone have any suggestions? Suggestions do not have to be CLE.
  13. WOW!!! I think that your question is just fine. Sorry that some people are NOT being so nice. I think the question is an interesting one. You are wondering if most homeschoolers come from a certain income bracket. Looking at the results, it really is varied. Don't let the negative comments scare you away! If someone does not want to answer the poll, they need to just click out of the thread!!!!
  14. OH that sounds yummy!!! As a matter of fact, it may be just what we will have for breakfast! My 3 yr old dd, loves a plain nutella sandwich. She eats this almost daily.
  15. WOW! This is all so sad! My heart breaks for this little sister, she is the same age as my dd and I cannot imagine the life she is having to endure. Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens everyday. My mom works for a police dept as a dispatcher and I have been hearing stories like this for 25 yrs. I think that you are doing the right thing for your family RoughCollie. You did step up and keep her as long as you could. I would try and talk with someone in the school system, let them know that there is abuse suspected and see if they can get this situation checked out. Then you would be helping anonymously. I am praying for this whole family and for yours RoughCollie! :grouphug: Kristen
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