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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. I would throw them out! I do toss them when I find them cracked. I truly do not feel they are safe.
  2. I serve fruit every night with dinner. It doesn't matter if it is fresh or canned, but I always have something. We do have ice cream after dinner about 3 days a week.
  3. I had this happen once except the "friend" told the kids not to mention it.:glare:Needlessto say, she is not a friend anymore. I would be livid also, but at least she didn't lie about it. Good Luck!!
  4. I am in FL and yes, I say it. I am always saying, don't be ugly.
  5. Sorry, but you all have the wrong guy! Now, Richard Gere, he is getting hotter every year!!!! There is just something about that grey/silver head of hair he's got!! Did I just say hotter? My dd (13) would probably die of embarrasment if she saw this thread!:D
  6. I went to the convention in Orlando for the first time ever this year, it was great fun, but it was incredibly overwhelming! I did not get much time at all to look at curriculum, so that is my main goal this weekend.
  7. I am I am!!! I am excited to have some girls days out!!!:)
  8. I love Pirate, what a great name! We just recently got a jack russell mix with boston terrier and our 4 yr old named him Jaxon Russell. I thought it was very cute as it came from a 4 yr old.
  9. OK, so I love ice cold water and I drink it all day. However lately, I am on a crystal light peach tea kick. I have been drinking it all day long. Do you think that it is just as good for you if you are adding crystal light to your water???
  10. Congratulations!!! Could you please pass some of that motivation over here. Pretty please. hehe.:D
  11. Just wanted to say thank you to the op for starting this thread. I have been wondering this myself for awhile. Great responses!
  12. Oh I have lots of names picked out, and I so wish that I could have used them. I tell my kids that they have to use the names for thier kids. lol
  13. We were tent campers for 10 years. Now we have a pop-up and we love it!! We also use sheets and blankets and we set them up after we set up the pop-up. Bring plenty of blankets because the a/c in pop-ups is usually pretty cold. Most campgrounds now have cable, so if you are a tv watcher you might want to bring one. We do not allow the kids to watch tv or play video games until they are showered and ready for bed. Then they usually watch a dvd or play games quietly. We also bring lots of board games and cards. We love to play board games when we camp. We also have a microwave that stays in the camper. I make dinners before we leave and then heat them up in the microwave. I also bring coffee singles and heat water up in the microwave to make my coffee. You are going to love having the pop-up! Enjoy!
  14. :iagree:I love 79th Street Schoolhouse!
  15. Oh you all are so great! Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I think that we will hold off on Apologia for a while. I have a great Intro to science that a friend gave to me, and I will add some nature for K. I am heading to a hs convention in a couple of weeks, maybe I will be able to look through some of the Apologia Elementary series. Thanks again to everyone!!!:DKristen
  16. Thanks so much for your advice! This is exactly what I was looking for! Could you tell me what age you started using this series with. Is K to young?
  17. :iagree:My kids so the same. They seem to do well, so it works for us.
  18. For the Primary 1A & 1B, are the Home Instructors Guides necessary?
  19. Thank you all so much for your replies!! Kristen
  20. Loving this thread!! I am singing the songs as I am reading them. There are obviously alot of us here from the 80's.:D
  21. This is the one I want form Rainbow Resource; http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/Calendar+%26amp%3B+Weather+Pocket+Chart/036061/1278241516-895140
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