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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. What a pain!!! Moving furniture that got wet, tearing up carpet and NO water all day!!! :glare:However, on the bright side, I finally get new flooring throughout the house!!!!:)
  2. I am going to guess a girl too. I am also going to say that I think that Rachel or Leah would go beautifully with your kidos names. I also love love the names Levi and Lukas for a boy. I know that you are not too worried about sticking with the biblical names, but those do go lovely with your others.:D
  3. This has been my goal this year! I am proud to say that I have been pretty successful, YEA!!! My secret is......Getting up really early. For the last 18 years, I have been getting up at 5:15 with my dh. I make his breakfast and lunch then I would go back to bed until about 7 or 8. Now, I get up and STAY UP. It is amazing how much I can get done when nobody else is up making messes. I can get all the dishes done, laundry started, house picked up, computer time, a shower and eat breakfast all before anyone gets up. The best part of it all is that I lay down and take a nap with my preschooler when she lays down. So, I can get everything done and still get plenty of sleep in!!!! I guess the early bird really does catch the worm.:D
  4. Thanks for the suggestions so far. Anyone else? I'm Going to the library today.:)
  5. What incredible books have you read lately? I have no particular genre. I have been reading Karen Kingsbury for about a year now. I have really loved this series, but I am ready for something else. Any suggestions?
  6. My favorite boy bible names are: Levi Micah Luke/Lucas all of which I think go wonderful with your other children's names!!!:)
  7. Thanks about the avatar! The song was "Tonight's gonna be a good night" (not sure what the real title is). They changed a few of the words and made it completely appropriate. It just struck me as funny that they were using a Black eyed peas song. This is beside the point, but I saw one of the guys from that group, Will I Am, on Oprah a while back. What a great guy! He is doing some great things with his money. He is paying houses off for people that are on the verge of losing them due to the economy. He is using his own money! He is eventually going to start raising funds for this, but I think that it is incredible that he is doing this on his own right now! He is also incredibly SHY! Have a wonderful day!
  8. I just watched the Backyardigans singing a Black Eyed Peas song! It was actually really cute, and because I have two teenagers, my 4 yr old knew all the words.:glare::D
  9. Congrats!!!! Please tell him thank you for all he has done!!!! I hope he gets some well deserved down time!!!
  10. O.K. is it just me or did anyone else have to go look up "besotted"? BTW, I would also be annoyed by this comment!!
  11. WOW! Beautiful work dad on the bookshelves and cabinets!!! I would also like to come and play in your schoolroom!! Great Job mom!!!:D
  12. Ooooh! I have thought about this too! I have always dreamed about writing children's books. :D
  13. What are your plans after the kids are grown? Do you plan to stay home and continue keeping your home? Are you planning on going back into the work force? Going back to school? Other? I am just curious, I have been thinking a bunch lately about what I will do when the nest is empty.
  14. YES! I think you did the right thing! The more reports they get, the quicker they will look into the family. That poor baby girl! It must have been so hard for the teacher to let her leave with the mom. :sad:
  15. Me: Karen Kingsbury - Take Four With the kiddos: The Hittite Warrier The Hobbit Lots and Lots of picture books!!!:D
  16. I love Sadie Jo! I have always loved the name Samantha Jo.
  17. My dd 13, loves this series! I know there is some romance in the books, but I am not sure how deep it goes. I will have to ask her when she gets home.
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