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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. :grouphug: This year I had to buckle down! I decided that even though I love the freedom of homeschooling and not doing it like the public schools, I had to get organized! I decided to make homeschooling my full time job. Just like a real job, I stopped taking (personal) phone calls, stopped running errands during the day, and I do not do any chores during "school time". I have to turn down family and friends. It was hard to adjust, but it helped me tremendously!!!! I get up at 5:15 every morning and I get a ton of housework/computer stuff done before the kids get up. Getting up early EVERYDAY has been life changing! I hope that you can find a routine to work for you!
  2. :iagree:I would definately call the scout master and if it ever happens again, then I would call the police!! This is harrassment! Let your son know that this is just one boy who, I am willing to bet has got some issues in his own life!!!
  3. The one that I have was wirtten by Sonya Haskins: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0764204432/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0787996718&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=05Z93B2JQNR24FVSM6JX I am not familiar with the other one.
  4. I LOVE this photo!! It is so real, not posed. They look like a fun, happy bunch of kiddos!!!
  5. I recently purchased a book here (thanks, Nakia) and I cannot put it down. It is The Homeschoolers Book of Lists. Many of you probably have this, but I wanted to share. It is a wealth of information!!!!
  6. The first one is my mom, my brother and I. This was probably taken in '78. I so not have oone of my hubby, but the other is a picture that I use to torture my brother with.
  7. This looks like it was just taken yesterday! Oh wait, 1981 was just yesterday! Great picture!:)
  8. Here is my hunky hubby!! This little girl has got him wrapped around her little finger!!!
  9. Here are the most recent photos of my kiddos! The picture in my signature has the most recent of my stepson on the far right.
  10. I just wanted to say that you have great taste in names! I have an Erik and a Jamie (Jamie-Lynn). I also have a Nichole. I too have a preschooler, middle schooler and a high schooler so I know how you feel. I just jump back and forth, but mainly I post here. I have just recently started posting everyday. It won't take long before you get to know people.:D
  11. Oh, how I would love to have a freezer full of meals made by someone else!!!! What a great idea!:D
  12. This is my most recent picture taken yesterday with my sweet baby girl
  13. Probably the parents that are wearing the ones that say b**ch. It is a sad world sometimes!!!
  14. :grouphug: to your mom!This is so sad!!! It is the non-monetary things that are the most hurtful!! I pray that her purse is found by someone soon and I pray for peace for her at home!!!
  15. Thanks everyone! We are so very proud and so very sad at the same time! Where has the time gone??????
  16. Cereal :D But, we did have taco soup for lunch!
  17. Me too! My friend (not a proff. photographer) took them and and then gave me a memory card with all of the pictures and I am going to just print out the ones I want. I am very thankful that she did this for us! I could not afford senior pictures this year. I think she did a wonderful job!
  18. Thanks! I like the real much better too! I wish I had senior pictures like this!
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