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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. It's got to be genetics. I got pretty good skin (face). I have never had any troubles with acne or drying out or anything. I have always slept with my makeup on...always. When I was younger I washed my face with only water because I am sensitive to soap. As an adult I have always used a baby wipe to clean off my makeup. I never use moisturizer. I do not use sunscreen, but I also never lay out in the sun. I didn't even do it when I was a kid. So far my two teens have had minor problems with acne though.:glare: I guess that could be from my husbands side.
  2. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I am guessing that the 18 yr old is out. Put them all to bed early and take a nice bubble bath and then watch some tv or read a book. Do NOT clean anything, just relax! I say start school again after the new baby gets here. :D
  3. I have downloaded it. We are on lesson 6. So far, my dd 4 is enjoying it. It is all review for her right now. It is pretty repetitive, so I am not sure how long she will enjoy it. I will stick with it until she gets bored with it. I am not super excited about it, but my dd seems to like it for now.
  4. Thanks so much for sharing! I will check them all out!
  5. I just wanted to share that I am reading Choosing to See by Mary Beth Chapman and man what a great book! You will weep, laugh and you will not be able to put this book down! It revolves around the loss of thier 5 yr old dd a couple of years ago, but there is so much more. It is a book about true faith, hope and mercy. Enjoy!
  6. I recently looked into O2B kids, but I did not see anything on thier website for homeschoolers. I will have to go in and check out what they offer. Thanks for the info! I have read you blog numerous times and enjoy it! I knew that you were in FL, but I did not know that you were in Clay. Maybe, we will see you at O2B next year! =)
  7. Here are a couple of blogs that I follow now: http://satorismiles.com/ http://jimmiescollage.com/ They are great, but I would love to find a few more. I hope that these help a little.
  8. Thanks Stephanie! Yes, Heri only has Clay Homeschoolers listed. I know that there are alot of homeschoolers in this area, I am surprised there are not many options. Have a great day!:)
  9. are there any homeschool/play groups/co-ops for elementary school age that you know of?? I am actually in Clay county. I have a dd who will be a kindergartener next year. I am really looking just for a play group, but I am willing to put her in a good co-op if that will get her around others her age for at least one day a week. I prefer a Christian group. Thanks!:D I am aware of Clay Homeschoolers. I am curious if there are other groups around though.
  10. I am desperately in need of some inspiration. I have got my dd 13 home, but she is leaving to go to ps for high school. I will have my Kindergartener home next year alone. I am a little worried about her beiing bored or missing out on being with other children everyday. I would love to see what others who are homeschooling an only are doing. I am looking for play groups, but they are not many in my area. =( We will be doing storytime at the library, but that is at night for K'ers. Thank you!
  11. They are definitely not too old. My dd 13 is using SOTW with her Sonlight Core 6. We are learning ALOT. Enjoy!
  12. This Floridian would love to have snow too please!!! My family and friends that are in NH keep sending us pictures of all thier snow, and all of thier kids sledding and making snow angels. =( WE WANT TO MAKE SNOW ANGELS!!!
  13. Not only have I started mine, but I have changed it probably 10 times.:glare:
  14. Thanks for sharing! I would still love to hear what others have done. =)
  15. I have been really digging into my TWTM book in the last few days. Could you please tell me what your Kindergarten year looked like. I know that reading should is the focus, but I am curious to what others have used. Could you also share what you did in 1st grade if you have already been there. Thanks!!!
  16. My 4 yr old dd completed the first lesson tonight and absolutely loved it!!! She begged to do another, but I told her only one a day, to prevent burn out. I hope that her enthusiasm continues throughout the program. It was lots of fun!
  17. Kirstin, Thank you so much! This is exactly what I wanted to hear. Both of your posts helped tremendously. I am 95% sure that we are going to be starting in the fall. I am praying that they have space available. Have a wonderful day!:D
  18. I am listening to Unlocked by Karen Kingsbury. I am also reading, Cast iron cooking for dummies. lol
  19. If you have a few minutes, could you elaborate just a little on what exactly Kindergarteners will be doing in CC. I have read the website and talked to a few people. However, I am still not quite clear on how it workd as far as what they do during the 3 hr class and at home.
  20. I had no problems downloading. I am very excited to start this with my 4 yr old dd tomorrow. I hope it is going to be as wonderful as I am anticipating.:D
  21. I am right there with you! I just got done lecturing my 13 yr old dd. She is driving me crazy lately with the whining about school. I had to take away her phone, tv, and computer today. We will see how tomorrow goes. :D Hopefully when we start getting back into a normal schedule and my 4 yr old goes back to preschool, things will go a little smoother. I do not have any advice, I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.:grouphug:
  22. Thanks everyone! I love to see what everyone else is using, it gives me lots of ideas to research. Thanks!
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