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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. I was today and I got my package from Rainbow Resource!!!!!
  2. I am wondering how long it usually takes from the time that you order until it arrives? I ordered 1 1/2 weeks ago and I haven't even gotton an email saying that my order has been shipped? I deleted my email confirmation by accident so I do not even have an order # or anything.
  3. Oh, this is so sad! I am so sorry that you have to wonder about your son. It is a nightmare! I will be praying for your family!:grouphug:
  4. Thank you all so much! I really appreciate your feedback! Off to order Elemental Science...........
  5. I am using this next year with my K'er. I am very interested in the Elemental Science curriculum. Is the Science for K in HOD beefy enough? I have not purchased The World God Made yet because I am undecided. My dd loves hands on stuff. What do you think?
  6. No, and secretly, I would be super excited at 42 if I found out I was.;) Now my husband, his answer would be a BIG FAT YES!!!!!:D
  7. My dd 4 is in our bedroom. Our room is much bigger. We bought her furniture to match our room. My middle dd was 10 when the baby was born. She begged for her to be in her room. I did not put her in there. I knew that in a couple of years her feelings would change. They did. I agree, that if you have no other choice, I would probably keep the baby out except for bedtime. This would be for her safety as well as the 12 yr olds sanity. =)
  8. We loved the EHE here!!! My dd loves to research and that pretty much sums up the EHE. It is a lot of research. I will tell you how we used it in our house. I would let her go through her assignment for the day on her own. I would then sit with her and help her with the questions that she had difficutly with. I know that a lot of families that have more that 1 child working on Core 5, will split up the assignments in the EHE and have them go over thier answers together. IMO, I think that the EHE is a great tool for teaching a child to research on their own. They will need this in college. I think that many kids get frustrated because not every single answer is easily found in the World Book CD. You have to look elsewhere sometimes. We loved Sonlight!
  9. I agree with P 4/5 and even P 3/4(these are great). Sonlight K is definitely IMO for 1st grade.
  10. Open Arms by Journey Purple Rain - Prince ABC - Jackson Five Edited to say ANYTHING Air Supply
  11. Oh my gosh!!! He is so adorable. Congratulations!!
  12. Here is the link to the pocket covers: http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?sid=1297262906-774767&subject=1&category=9055
  13. Just curious, what do you buy? There are so many neat things in there, but it is sooooo BIG. Is there anything that you purchase yearly? I love the pocket covers that you can put on an 8x11 sheet and use dry erase markers on. I will be getting a few of those.:)
  14. What age do you suggest starting level 1? I will have a Kindergartner in the fall. I plan on using OPGTR next year, but I thought it would be best to wait until 1st grade for the others. I was planning on using OPGTR, WWE and FLL, are these necessary if you use AAS?
  15. Thank you so much for your help! Off to purchase.... :D
  16. Do I need to purchase the Math card games book also?
  17. You are so blessed to have your mom do that for you! I love looking through new curriculum!
  18. I am not a nurse, but when I was a kid, I had bad pain in my right side. My mom called the doctor and he told her to have me sit and try to lift my right leg. If it was painful to do that, then it was my appendix. I would probably have it checked. Appendix can go from bad to worse, quickly.
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