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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. Well, I may be a little bias, but my sweet baby girl is just so darn cute!!!!!!:D I love learning all of the meanings here. I have often wondered about some of them myself.
  2. No, I am paranoid about having things plugged in or turned on when gone or in bed at night!! I am also a little OCD. It drives my husband crazy! I check the locks and stove and candles 3 or 4 times before I go to bed!:tongue_smilie:
  3. Not right now, but I am looking into some for next year.
  4. I just saw in one of your threads that you live in NH. I am from Nashua, so out of curiosity, I went to your blog. I read that you just came here to FL to Disney and I am heading your way next week to visit my family. I am not sure why I thought this was funny. I guess I was thinking that you came here for a little of our (VERY HOT) sunshine, and I CANNOT wait to get to some cooler weather!!!!!:D
  5. She is adorable!! We have not had our dress-up night yet.
  6. Just wanted to say.........Ooouucchhh!!! I am glad that he did not cut his mouth! I would just call the dentist on Monday. Poor guy!
  7. I used to be a Diet Dr. Pepper person. It was very hard to give it up, but after a year of off and on, I did it!!:tongue_smilie:
  8. I do not watch much t.v., but I do like these: Morning: The Today Show Night: American Idol, The Duggars:) Oh my Gosh, I am boring!!
  9. I forgot to put an option for both:glare: I love my coffee every morning, but once in a while I like a cup of tea.
  10. I needed an "other" choice. One of my 4 will eat it. My husband and I love it.
  11. This is one that I used to misspell. I have a wierd way of remembering some words. I break it up into my own made up syllables. de-fin-it-ely another one I always used to misspell: un-for-tuna-tely I have been doing this since elementary school. I would break the word up and then repeat it over and over many, many times. Eventually the word would just stick. I know I'm wierd.:D
  12. This is such a cool idea!!! I think I might try to do this next year. Thanks for sharing!:)
  13. I have been the same way for a few years now! I would SO take a night a home with a good book over a night on the town. I'm not sure what has happened to me??????:glare:
  14. I have no comment about the new baby name. I just wanted to say that your 2 older children are the same age that my 2 olders were when I had our precious baby dd. They are going to love love love her!!!! She WILL be rotten by age 4.;) Congratulations!!!!!!!
  15. Thanks for sharing!! We are coloring Halloween pictures tonight with a friend!!
  16. No, I was born and raised in New Hampshire and I have been in Florida now for 20 years. I miss the 4 seasons!!! :(
  17. :grouphug: This is just awful!!! I am so sorry for your loss!!!
  18. Very cute! I love my pregnant belly pictures!! I know that she will cherish those!
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