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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. I saw this on an episode of Dr. Oz, but I can't remember what he said was the cause. Sorry.
  2. I have been looking at the accredited option. I would love to hear from someone that has or is using this.:)
  3. Help them declutter and clean the rooms really good. After that , have them take 5 to 10 min each mornig picking up their room and making thier bed, even if it isn't perfect. This has worked well for us. If you stay consistent, it will work.:)
  4. Sean was the first name that popped into my mind, but here are a few more: Luke Jake Sam Jack - I love Jack! Wil Chad Keith Good Luck - Let us know:001_smile:
  5. Leaves change color? Just kidding. I grew up in New Hampshire where the fall was incredibly beautiful, my FAVORITE time of the year. Here in Florida, they just turn brown and fall off the tree.:glare:
  6. I thought I would share this. My dd and I enjoyed looking at it this morning. http://www.worldatlas.com/geoquiz/thelist.htm
  7. I am looking forward to using LHFHG next year with my K' er. :)
  8. My 13 and 17 well everyday of course usually twice. My 4 yr old dd gets one every other day unless she gets sweaty and dirty outside.
  9. I am using HOP. Lots of workbooks because she loves them. Here are some of the workbooks we use: Explode the Code(Book A) Can you find me? (Critical thinking company) Singapore Earlybird Math 1A Mathematical Reasoning Beginning 2 (The critical thinking company) Love this one!! Rod and Staff Prescool workbooks, HWT K Lots and lots of reading!!!! Sounds like a lot, but we do a page here and there and she loves, loves, loves workbooks! We do a lot of crafts.
  10. :iagree:We have been involved in the sport of soccer for many years now and I have never seen anything like this go on. She should not have another opportunity!:confused:
  11. I did leave feedback. Hopefully it will help someone else.
  12. I want to apologize, I do not mean to make people nervous. I have had many many good experiences here buying and selling. I am just frustrated at the moment. MOST people here are honest. I just hope that people are rating the dishonest ones. I also want to clarify that this person is still posting messages, not posting in the for sale forum, as far as I can tell.
  13. I am just so frustrated reading about people getting ripped off here. I was a victim recently. It was not a huge amount of money, but still frustrating. I emailed and pm'd several times. Gave many chances to just send the $ back with no harm done. I do understand that people fall on hard times. Here is the kicker, I get on the forums and see that the person is still posting. No apology, remorse, nothing. ugh!!!!!!!!!! Some people have no class!!!!!!!!!! Rant over.:tongue_smilie:
  14. It doesn't bother me at all! We have one guy who takes trash furniture and fixes it, then he gives it to single moms. You never know why they need it. I would never shoo anyone away if they were not hurting anything.
  15. . . . . . . . . . . .you look in the pantry and you think the pancake box says, this curriculum... I think I need to take a break!!!!!! :D
  16. Wow! I cannot believe how many people have this. My 4 yr old dd has had this since birth. I had never heard of it before she had it. It doesn't seem to bother her much. If she eats oranges or drinks orange juice, it burns a little. Other than that, she just has funny paterns on her tongue most of the time. I have researched this to make sure that it is not dangerous, and I haven't found anything bad.
  17. Dirty Dancing, Grease, Karate Kid (all of them).....What was my mom thinking??? I am sure I will think of more once I get in bed.
  18. Thanks for all the responses! It is nice to see that I am not alone. After reading all the responses, I realize that I need to stop doing everything myself!!! The kids are to keep thier rooms clean and my ds (17) takes out the trash daily and dd (13) does thier bathroom once a week, but other than that I have always done it all. A little help with the laundry and dishes would probably take a BIG load off my back. Now, I just need to work on my control issue of thinking that nobody can do it as well as I can.:glare: Thanks everyone!
  19. Do you dedicate your day just to homeschooling or do you go on with your daily chores? I really would like to focus on school only during the day, but I do not have the energy at night to get it all done. :(
  20. You are NOT mean!!!! He will know that you mean business now! Just be sure to praise him when he does have a good attitude and when he does right! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Kristen
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