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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. I, as a mom, was my son's camp leader until 5th grade. I never ran into anything like this. However, once they enter BOY SCOUTS, the parents cannot stay with them any longer. I would find another pack if possible.
  2. Laurie Berkner fans here!!!!! My dd has loved her since she was 1, she is now 4 and still loves her just as much!!! I also love Greg and Steve, goggle them.
  3. I did! As a child, I was a tomboy, and I broke both of my wrists. I broke them at different times. Mine did heal, but they have always been weak. I have a real hard time doing push-ups, or anything that uses my wrists for a long period of time. It is not something that is a daily nuisance though. Good Luck!:)
  4. I dream of having a schoolroom like yours!!! Very nice!
  5. You are both in my prayers! Praying that God gives the Doctors the wisdom to figure out what is wrong quickly! :grouphug:
  6. I get Practical Homeschooling, Old Schoolhouse and Homeschool Enrichment. I like them all. Homeschool Enrichment seems to be packed with the most info. Old Schoolhouse is great, but lots of advertisement. I really like Practical Homeschooling, but it is a quick read. I hope this helps.
  7. :iagree: My dd went to a Christian dance studio for a few years and this is not something that we did. I think that it is kind of wierd, but I think the instructors had good intentions (for father's day). As for the rose, that is normal, and I think it is sweet!
  8. This is what I do. However, I do tend to procrastinate at times. I am trying to get better at grading everything at the end of each day.
  9. Your child, your decision. The end! I just wouldn't discuss the issue around her at all anymore. Maybe pull the other person to the side. You could try to have a talk with her alone. Explain that this is the decision that you have made for your family, and that you will not be changing your mind. Sorry that you have to deal with this!!:grouphug:
  10. I see that you have not let us know what you have chosen. So, even though you have probably already eaten, I am going to vote. I vote the white shirt with sandals! Which one did you choose?
  11. Beautiful family!! With a beautiful addition!
  12. I know they would probably love to have a manly mentor at VBS.:D
  13. WOW! I am just shocked that there is a yoyo that costs $70!!!!!
  14. Is this a one time $49 fee? How many of you have purchased this? Do you love it? I have been thinking about using this program for a long time. I have used the basic and with it, you are able to use for all of your children. Does the plus work the same way?
  15. WOW! Thanks so much for sharing this!! I have been using WOrdly Wise for years and I never knew this existed. I am all for letting dd have fun while learning! How did you find this?
  16. I have a 13 and a 4 yr old. I would like to start them both at the beginning. Has anyone used a great French program with ages this far apart?
  17. I am driving the best vehicle I have ever had. It is a 2005 Ford Expedition and I LOVE it!!!!!! I have a lways had very used vehicles, and this is first one that was pretty much 'new". We bought it a year and a half ago and it only had 19,000 miles. It pulls our pop-up camper, and fits the 5 of us very comfortably.:D
  18. Thank you both so much for your advice!! I think that I will buy the CD's. I just wanted to be sure that it wasn't an unneccesary purchase. Thanks again, Kristen
  19. I purchased the Ancient History theme writing workbook and teachers guide. I bought this to correlate with our Core 6 next year. My dd will be an 8th grader. My question is, can I use this without having taken "the course" on how to teach IEW? I have been told on another forum that I will not be able to teach this writing without buying the - Teaching Writing Structure and Style. The teachers guide for the ancient history looks pretty self explanatory. I was not able to attend the IEW class at the convention that I just attended, so I am really confused about this program. Can anyone give me some direction, pretty please?
  20. This was going to be my suggestion. I have had several friends that have vacationed in Gaitlenburg in cabins and they rave about it!!!!
  21. What a lovely room! I love the big bright windows!
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