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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. :iagree:I think that if you could find the right person, this approach could be very effective!
  2. Thanks so much! I added some more beans and chili powder and it is perfect! Thanks for the help! I am not a confident chili cooker because I do not cook it often. Thanks again!
  3. I am a little over 100 also, but I thought that I would add my .02. I actually checked the Well Trained Mind book out of the library and became very intested in this type of schooling. I googled it and found this forum. I love it here and I am on WAY too much!!!! I have learned so much from everyone here and I am so happpy to have found this site.
  4. I am making a big pot of chili and I put too much tomato sauce. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I am afraid to start adding things and make it worse. Any suggestions? In my chili is: Kidney beans hamburger meat onion chili powder tomato sauce crushed tomatoes and diced tomatoes
  5. I love reading to my children!!!! I voted all the time that is why I homeschool.
  6. There was one in Lake City until just a few months ago. My MIL is in Lake City and I though that the farm store was the coolest thing ever. It was in the shape of a barn and you just drive through and get milk, eggs etc.. I couldn't believe that it closed down, but it was a little on the pricey side.
  7. Yes, we have done this many times and it is well worth it!!!
  8. My dd was bit by a poisonous spider a couple of years ago. It got very infected. When I took her to the Drs. he did squeeze all of the puss out and then put her on antibiotics. It took 2 rounds of it. I would probably go to the doctors.
  9. Crystal is definitely our fav!!! But we also love Lee!!!! American Idol nights are a big deal in our house.:D
  10. We watched him several times yesterday. What talent!!! I love his voice. We do not normally watch Ellen, but we will be watching today.
  11. Oops! I voted North East, but I live in the South East. If it makes any difference I grew up in the North East. Sorry!!
  12. Buggy-I am in NE FLA. I did grow up in NH though, and they are called shopping carts there.
  13. I just told my dd 13, isn't this way better than sitting in school. She was laying on her chaise lounge with her headphones in and reading her book. Yes, I am lenient when it comes to listening to her music suring certain subjects.:D This keeps her happy and drowns out her 3 yr old sister.
  14. I just wanted to add that my dd (7th grade) has finished 7th grade math and we purchaed CLE 8 and I had to turn around and purchase CLE 7. CLE is definitely higher math. We are going to try and finish CLE 7 & 8 next year for 8th grade. We are going to go through Singapore 6A & 6B during the summer for review.
  15. I cheated. I googled and found absolutely nothing in either catergory that starts with X.
  16. Great job Team Homeschool!!!!! Goes to show that you can spend $1000's, but if you do not have the time, well......
  17. Wow!! She really does. She looks great! All of you girls look alike.
  18. I would not skip the 700 series. I am doing this now with my going into eighth grade dd who has already been through 7th grade math. We puchased the 800 series and quickly realized that wwe had to order the 700. I think that the 700 IS pre-algebra and the 800 is a mix of Pre and Algebra 1. Just my thoughts.....
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