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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. I just went and looked it up in my catalog. They are on page 50. I have them bookmarked. They are called Reusable dry erase pockets. I hope this helps. Kristen
  2. If you used this all through the elem years, could you please share what order you used the books. Starting with Kindergarten, if you used it for K. Thanks, Kristen
  3. Our 8th grade (2010-1011): Bible: Sonlight 6 History: Sonlight 6 L/A: CLE 8 & Sonllight L/A 6 Math: CLE 8 Science: Apologia Physical Science Language: Latin I (Florida Virtual School) Art: Artistic Pursuits Jr. High Nature: Nature Magazine Music: Learning guitar on her own
  4. Thank you so much for all your replies. This gives me some variety to look into. I would love to hear more opinions. Thanks, Kristen
  5. Could you give some details about why this is yoru favorite? I realize that each child has thier own unique learning style, but I would like to get a glimpse at your favorite science. I am interested in K-6. Thanks for taking the time.
  6. Keep an eye out on the for sale thread here. I always see R & S Engligh for sale.
  7. You are absolutely entitled to your feelings. I felt the same way when my bio father died a couple of years ago. He left when I was two and tried to come back in my life when I was 31. He was a stranger. I did not have any sad feelings when he died. I felt guilty at first, then I realized that he made his own bed. He knew right from wrong when he left. I did forgive him, but I still had no feelings. ((((hugs)))))
  8. :iagree:I agree with both comments! Be cautious! I went through the same thing, and unless you have, you do not know what it is like. I am wondering if maybe he is in the service though. Virginia is a military state, isn't it?
  9. Loved it!!! I agree with the previous poster who said it was better than the first two. I think I might even go see it again and I never do that (at least unitl it comes out on video).
  10. Yes, I am going! WOO HOO!!! Team Edward here!! No shoe throwing, but I think Jacob is kind of whiney! My dd is Team Jacob, so it is an ongoing fuss around here.:D
  11. Oh my goodness, YUM!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you make me one? DO you think it would make it here to FLorida? lol
  12. It is so great to hear all of these wonderful "homeschooling an only" stories! I do not have "an only", but I have a dd (4) that will be an only throughout her schooling. My oldest ds is 17 and my middle dd is 13 1/2. So when my now 4 yr old starts kindergarten, my middle will be in high school and my ds will be in college. I have had concerns, but it is good to hear that others are doing this successfully! We will definately be joining a co-op (something we have never done) and doing lots of fun educational activities! She is already extremely outgoing and she is athletic. I think that as long as we keep her active in sports, she will be ok with being at home. Thanks for this thread! :D
  13. :iagree: I think all of Alley's suggestions are great! Sometimes going back (school house rock) makes things, well, make sense. My 13 yr old dd loves school house rock and we listen to it for fun at least once a year. It is truly a good, fun refresher.
  14. I have a 13 yr old dd and a 4 yr old dd homeschooling and yes, I do keep my Sonlight cores. I keep a few other things, but I also sell cirriculum that I am not sure of, or is cheap enough that I can repurchase later if I choose to. I know that the Sonlight cores will change some over time, but they worked great for us now, so they will work just fine later.
  15. :iagree:I think that I would reply that you will cash it shortly, and then make a copy of the letter. You have done what you can do.
  16. I bought mine yesterday, and I have literally been on it all day long. I started at about 7:00 am and I am still at it.:D
  17. Thank you, thank you , thank you!!!! I wish one of you lived nearby and could just come and tutor me. :) I am not the best with computer stuff:glare:, but I guess this is the only way I am going to learn.
  18. Well you can download it for free, but I thought that the book copy would be easier to read through. But I am not sure if I should get that or just try to figure it out.
  19. WOo Hoo! I have been wanting to do this for a long time. Now I am overwhelmed with it all. Is it worth it to purchase the user manual? Or should I just keep playing with it until I figure it out?
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