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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. My girls are: Nichole Jamie-Lynn Other names I like: Brooke Kylie Jordyn Leah Grace EmmaJane Danielle Good Luck!
  2. I think I might try the raw honey to see if it works even better. Thanks! I did not realize that even people without acne problems are using honey to wash thier face. I think that I might try it myself!:) w
  3. Please let me know. I am really curious if this works on others.
  4. Yes he does. He uses a washcloth and gently rubs it off. I tell him not to scrub his face.
  5. This is all he does: He only uses it once a day. He rubs it on his face at night, plays on the computer for about 15-20 min and then washes it off. Good Luck! I hope that it works for you.:)
  6. Annie, If you are the one that suggested this a while ago, I thank you so much!!! To answer your question, no I did not notice that it got worse before it got better. It actually started to work very quickly! My son is very grateful to you for sharing your discovery!!! Honey for acne, who'da thunk?:D
  7. We are just using store bought honey and we saw great results in just after just 2 weeks. A month later, it was a dramatic difference. I hope that it works just as well for you!!
  8. I am not sure who it was that first suggested this (I looked for the thread, but could not find it). But, I want to say: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I am here to tell you that this REALLY works!!!! My son was having terrible trouble with acne. We spent loads of money on everything from ProActive to store bought Neutrogena. Now these may work for some, but they seemed to have made my sons acne worse. I decided to give the honey a try. I maen for $4 it couldn't hurt right? The honey has been a miracle for us. He only uses it once a day. He rubs it on his face at night, plays on the computer for about 15-20 min and then washes it off. I wish that I had some before and after pictures. Maybe I will try to get these and come back and post them. Well, I just wanted to let people know about this. I think it is definitely worth a try!!!!
  9. This poor dear sweet baby girl! Just prayed and will continue!
  10. WOW! My dd would love this!! I so wish that we lived close! Have fun!
  11. ALOT!! With my 12 yr old dd we are using Sonlight Core 5 and we read for about 1 1/2 - 2 hrs per day. With my 3 yr old dd, I am using Core P3/4 and we read for about 1/2 - 1 hr per day. The reading with my 12 yr old gets a bit hard to keep up with each day, but I try to split it up.
  12. I am using Artistic Pursuits Junior High with my 7th grader. We love it! I think that this could definitely be used for a coop. You certainly could just buy one book and copy the pages for each student. They would have to each have their own supplies. Sketch pad, different pencils etc.... they have a list of supplies at the beginning of the book. Each unit is split up into four sections. My daughter does 2 sections a week about 1/2 hr - 1 hr. each day (twice a week). The Junior High level has a book for 7th grade and another for 8th grade. They are designed to be completed in 32 weeks. Hope this helps!:) ~KRISTEN~ PS. I wanted to add that their are books for grades K-3, 4-6, Junior High, and Senior High. http://www.artisticpursuits.com/ Another helpful hint that I wanted to add, if you are going to purchase the supplies here is a website that you can get them a whole lot cheaper for: http://www.dickblick.com/bundles/bundle.asp?id=802
  13. Has she read the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson? My dd LOVED these books!
  14. I am sorry , I thought it said CLE 8. Thanks for the links!
  15. I noticed that you are using CLE L/A 8. Could you tell me a little bit about it. I am thinking about using it for my dd in 8th next year. Could you tell me briefly what it covers. Thanks! Kristen
  16. I have had to do this also. It does take a few days out there, but the smell will go away.:) Good Luck
  17. I LOVE my planner!! It works great for me. Although, I do not use the grocery lists, I really want to. I use mine for 2 kids. I have not seen the corresponding student agendas, I will have to go look at those.I give the planner a :thumbup:
  18. My kids get: High Five (3 yr old) Nature Friend Magazine with Study Guide (this is our nature curriculum) God's World News I get: Old Schoolhouse Practical Homeschooling We love them all!!!
  19. Here is my dd's plan for 8th grade next year: Bible-Sonlight 6 History-Sonlight Core 6 English- R & S 7 (slowly) L/A -CLE L/A 8 Math- CLE 8 & LOF Pre-Algebra Science - Apologia Physical Art/Nature - Artistic Pursuits/Nature Friend Magazine w/Study Guide
  20. I just goggled womens perfumes and the only mens names were David Yurman, Ralph Lauren, Dolce & Gabbana, Yves Saint Laurent. Try goggling it, you might find something to jog your memory. Good Luck
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