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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. We have bought a table top tree (3-4') for the past 5 years. I just put it on top of the end table in front of the window. This works great! I still have a tree in my living room without taking up any extra space. We do buy a real tree every year and the place that we buy from always has an assortment of smaller trees.
  2. I am definately a creamy penut butter girl. My kids also like creamy. My husband is a crunchy pb guy!
  3. My 3 year old is a girl and she is getting a basketball goal. The one that has three different heights to extend as she grows. Her older brother and sister both lay on basketball teams, and she is always wanting to play with them.:D
  4. We write on the map all year. We do not erase. It is very full, but I try to get dd to keep the writing as small as posssible.
  5. OK, I am officially jealous! I haven't even started shopping yet:glare:
  6. OK I posted a picture of my 3 guys at Disney in the hunky husband thread so now I will post me and my girls, please excuse the sweat it was really hot!!!
  7. Thanks so much for these resources! Anyone else have any suggestions?
  8. I have a friend heading that way. I was wondering if there are any Christian homeschool groups that way?
  9. Girls - Nichole, JamieLynn, Dylan, Gracie, Samantha, Heather, Jessie Boys- Dylan, Erik, Greg, Jacobi
  10. I do agree with this, but I also have found that there are some really nice people who have mean children because of the fact that the parent is SO nice. They do not discipline thier children, instead they just say things like "play nice" or "Honey be nice" and just let them go on ahead with what they were doing. The child needs to be pulled away and set in time out or taken away from the play time altogether.
  11. My now 16 yr old son had them many, many times as a child. We never could figure out what caused this. I think some kids are just more sensitive to foods, plants etc.. He is 16 now and just fine. We did take him to the drs. the first few times, which I do suggest, but after that we just used benadryl. Good Luck!
  12. I have never used LOF, but I have been checking into all the posts about it with great interest. I would really like to give the pre-algebra/biology a try. I went to the website and I did not see that there is a solutions manual. Does this exist? Are there answers with solutions in the student book? Also, I know there is a story line to these books, can you jump into pre-algebra and know what the story is all about?
  13. I love this post! I have a sign in my dining room that says "Dull women have immaclate houses". I love the "My house was clean last week, sorry you missed it", what a hoot!!! Well off to my table full of feathers, glue, paper and googly eyes, as my 3 yr old and I make handprint turkeys. Have a great day!!:D
  14. Thanks so much for all of your responses and for taking the time to tell me about your school days! It helps to know that others are doing this successfully!:)
  15. WOW! Impressive. I haven't even started shopping yet.:glare:
  16. I am so happy to know that I am not the only one who washes my ziplock bags. I do however wash them by hand, I cannot wait to try washing them in the washer!:D
  17. I actually have 3 children. A 16 yr old who is in public high school. A 12 yr old that is at home (7th grade). Also a 3 yr old. I am wondering about my 3 yr old. My dd 12 will go to public hs. This leaves my youngest home by herself. I worry about this. I am wondering what your experience is like. I, of course will look for a hs group, perhaps a coop. I am not sure how to ask about this without being offensive (which I am not trying to be) I really believe homeschool is the best way, but she is already asking to go to school like her friends and she is asking daily to go play at school like her friend Haylie. I am just wondering what your thoughts are and maybe a little bit about what your week is like. I hope this makes some sense. I guess I am looking for advice as well as experience with an only.
  18. I did not let my ds do this until he was 15. Even then, it was to see a movie with friends. I do not let him walk around the mall on the weekend nights. That seems to be when trouble comes around.
  19. Dollar Store! My 3 yr old dd loves to go to the dollar store. At this age, they are just excited to get presents. There are some neat things at the dollar store. Stickers, cloring books, dolls, outside toys, etc... Good Luck!
  20. Oh, those high fevers are so scary! Praying for your family. Praying for your strength Jill, so you can take care of those beautiful little angels!
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