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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. I Love her books! I have read about 15 of them.They are modern day christian.
  2. I have a friend that is starting SOTW with her 6th and 7th grade children. I keep seeing that people with very young children are using SOTW. I also know that my dd will be using this next year with Sonlights Core 6. I am confused to how this can be used for 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders, but also for 6th and 7th graders. Could you give me some insight since you have done both??
  3. Thanks so much for all of these resources!!! I will be looking into them and passing on the information to my friend. Thanks again!!!
  4. I have a friend using this this year and she is wondering if anyone knows of somewhere to find a schedule for Vol 1?
  5. No, and we haven't for 17 yrs. However, I wish that I was not so paranoid about what might happen and I could just go. We do go on date nights though and my MIL keeps the two younger kids.:)
  6. Hadassah Nichole or Hadassah Jordyn. Those are very pretty names!
  7. I spend way too much time!! I do not post a whole lot, but I am lurking at least 4 or 5 times a day. Please tell me I am not the only one. I really need to set myself some limits when I start school next week. Does anyone else set aside certain times to check in on some forums? What do you do??
  8. I have never heard of this. It will be a great workbox game!!!
  9. Just thought that I would jump in and say that I am a New Englander through and through! I was born and raised in Nashua, NH I left at the age of 22 and met my husband here (just outside of Jacksonville, FL) and I have been here ever since. I do go to Nashua 2 or 3 times/year. I miss the seasons!!!
  10. I am thrilled with all of this wonderful positive feedback! It gives me hope! I love the water on the highchair tray idea, I will be using that tomorrow. Thanks so much ladies!!
  11. and homeschool? I retired from babysitting a couple of years ago. The lady that I used to sit for had another baby and she is on a waiting list for the daycare that she will be attending. She cannot get in until Dec. She called me in May and begged me to keep her. I have had her all summer and it has been good. She is very cute! It is however getting somewhat difficult because she is at the point where she cannot keep herself entertained. She is 5 months old and wants to be held alot! We are starting school on Monday and I am ready and organized this year, but I am not sure that I am going to be able to handle the baby and school. It seems like I am always tending to the baby. If you do this, do you have any tips? Please Help!!!!
  12. With only one child you could easily work it out. There are 4 lines per subject. So in the Enlish section you could use one line for L/A, one for Spelling, one for Vocab etc... There are 5 sections labled Bible, English , Math, History and Science. There are 4 lines within each subject. There is also one blank section (with 4 lines) that you could label yourself. I think with one child, this planner will definately be what you are looking for. I like the way another poster put it, there is not alot of "fluff". It is pretty and practical.
  13. Hello Lucinda! The planner runs from July 2009 through June 2010. I will not start until August 24th, so I just used it as a calander until then. We will end in June anyway so it will work for us. I would think that it would work for anyone no matter when they start. It is a really nice planner. The daily planner has room for up to 4 children, however the writing space for each child is somewhat small. I fit plans for 2 children nicely. I write very detailed plans for each day though, so it could work for 4 children. I hope that you enjoy it! QUOTE=HSMom2One;1133569]I actually just placed my order. I've been putting it off, going back and forth and finally decided to just do it. What I'm not sure about though, is the dates of the semesters. We don't begin until September, and the book starts the semester in July. Is there any way around that when using the book as its intended? Blessings, Lucinda
  14. My entire family speaks French, but my mom never taught my brother and I. I have always been upset with her for not teaching us. She was a single mother and worked 2 jobs all of our lives so she really did not have time. So now I plan on learning along with them.:)
  15. Thanks so much!! I am going to post this over at the Sonlight forums I know this will be a useful tool for alot of hs mommys!!! Thanks!!
  16. You may have already found this yourself, but I was so excited to have found this so I wanted to share. Homeschoolshare has a new workbox forum and you can find it here: http://www.homeschoolshare.com/workbox.php This site has so many ideas and file folder games that you can print out. Enjoy! I know that I will!
  17. OK I have been on different forums for a while now and I have no idea how to use tags or what they are for. Could someone please help me out with this. I am somewhat computer illiterate, and I am trying to learn. Thank you!!!! :confused:
  18. We bought the entire collection (can look on Amazon) my dd loves them!!
  19. We are using Sonlight and it is alot of reading, which we LOVE!!!
  20. My dd 3 is picking up the letters and their sounds with Letter Factory!
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