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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. This is VERY SCARY!!! I am sorry this happened to you! This happened to me when I was taking my 5 month old dd for a walk. The dog came out of nowhere. It was a Rotwiler (sp?). I had to throw my dd in her stroller into the bushes in a neighbors yard and I started pounding on the door. I did not know this person. Thankfully, he was home and a very nice man! He came out and turned his hose on at the dog. The dog still kept coming at him. We stayed in his house until the dog catcher came. Come to find out it wasn't the first time this dog got out. We never saw him (the dog) at his house again. My sweet baby girl had scratches all over her, I felt so bad, but at least I kept her from that very angry dog. Needless to say, I do not walk without my husband anymore.
  2. I love the name Levi and the name Micah. How about: Levi Timothy or Micah Joseph
  3. WOW! No, this was not a joke. I was trying to use the Van and River to go with the story. I do not know what the last name is, but if it flows with it, I really do like the River Van Lucas. I guess I was kinda running the Van Lucas together like the english do with Von, but I still think it sounds nice. I guess that if we all liked the same things, it would be a very boring world!:D
  4. How about River Van Lucas? I really like River and Lucas. My first pick would be Lucas River, but I see that Lucas is out. Let us know. BTW, Congratulations!
  5. What subjects do you use? Do you feel they are challenging? I have heard alot of good things about CLE, but I haven't heard much about it being used for middle/high school. I would love to hear about your experience with this curriculum. Thanks!:)
  6. This is exactly how I felt after reading Karen Kingsbury's Baxter family series. There were about 11 books I think. I felt like I really knew them. So, no it's not just you. I might be just me and you though.lol:D
  7. WOW!! Thanks so much for taking the time to post all of these. I am going to keep all of these recipes, but I think that I am going to make the casserole that you make on Christmas :) Again, thanks so much!!!!!
  8. Potato breakfast casserole recipe. I need to make this for sunday school in the morning. Thanks!
  9. I'm in. I have gained 40 lbs. since my 3 yr old was born. So, my goal weight loss is 40 lbs. I am going to start fast walking 30 min per day and eating much healthier. I will work my way up to 45 min per day. I am babysitting a friends baby for the next 2 months, after that I will hit the gym again. Good Luck everyone!
  10. Franklin, TN! I have a friend who lives there and it is absolutely gorgeous!
  11. I voted Two Thousand Ten. I do think that Twenty Ten sounds good, but I have never said it and probably won't so Two Thousand Ten here.:)
  12. I have 4 beautiful children 17, 16, 12 and 3 (all the same marriage, just kept getting the itch). I really would have loved one more. I am 41. In May, a friend asked me to keep her baby while she was waiting to get into daycare. She is a really good baby, but I was only supposed to have her until Oct.1 and I still have her. It has been really hard to keep up with homeschooling. I know it would probably be different if she was mine, I guess. I am absolutely sure that I am very happy with 4 and I am done! Maybe you need to take up babysitting to be sure.:D
  13. I have a really nice 6 qt. crock pot that I got for Christmas last year and it has got a really big crack in it. We do not have a reciept or warranty. Is there anything that I can do? It is a Rival stoneware crock. Is there any way to repair a crack in stoneware? I love my crockpot and I do not have the $$$ to replace it right now.:crying:
  14. Oh yes, I definately think that 9th grade is fine. My 7th and 11th graders have an account. You can easily keep tabs. My one rule is that I have thier passwords and can get on thier account at anytime. My 7th grade dd has got to ask me to add any friends. :)
  15. I have found an amazing way to teach my dd (3) her ABC's. I have found the funnest, coolest way to teach her. I bought a box of Scramble Junior Cheese - Its and I give them to her one at a time after she tells me what the letter is. She loves this!!!!! Just thought that I would share a fun way to learn!:D
  16. Just my thoughts: Alexander Nathaniel Ethan Michael Alexandra Rae Adaline Rose
  17. With her Indian ethnicity I think that Mia Sarah sounds beautiful! With Sarah as a first name I love Sarah Noelle and Sarah Nichole.
  18. My dd (3) loves High Five. I am going to look into the others now though.
  19. I hope that everyone feels as blessed this year as I do!!!!! Oh and lets be honest and see how many of us are checking in on the Hive on Christmas day.:D
  20. This may have already been asked, but what age grade did or will your child do the Pre-Algebra/Biology book?
  21. Does anyone have a suggestion for an 8th grade science curriculum? We are doing Apologia General and we like it. I am wondering what others used and really liked for 8th grade. Please give some detail about what it is you liked about your curriculum. Thanks so much!!!
  22. I would love to take the challege! I have recently in the last year started to devour books. We discovered Sonlight last year and my dd is doing Core 5. Sonlight has been wonderful for us! At first I thought that all of the read alouds were incredibly intimidating, but I found that I loved our reading time. I have since pretty much quit watching t.v. and I spend LOTS of time reading. I have a pile of books waiting for me, so I am excited to share this challenge with others!
  23. I have not read any of the other posts, but my dd is also doing FLVS. She is only taking math right now. I do make sure that she is taking notes. After each lesson that she does, I check to see that she took enough notes. She knows that with FLVS all you have to do is take good notes to ace the tests since you do get to use your notes when taking the tests. At first, I did not like the idea that she could use her notes, but I am ok with it now as long as she is taking good notes. She is actually really learning alot by taking great notes and using them for the tests. I do make her study the notes before a test so I know that she is really understanding the concepts.:D
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