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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. I am overwhelmed with thankfulness for all of the time everyone took to answer my question with such thought and detail. I am so happy that there were no ugly responses. Thank you all so much for giving me some positive things to think about!!:D
  2. I am thinking about doing this and I wonder if anyone has experience and what the experience was like? If you don''t mind to tell why did you choose to do this? Please do not reply about the reasons not to send them to high school. I am not asking about this to start up a heated debate. I would just like to find out how your children adjusted to highschool if you went this route. Thanks in advance!
  3. You took the words right out of my mouth!!!!:)
  4. Oh that sounds wonderful! It was 85 and muggy all day today:tongue_smilie: I haved lived in FL now for 20 yrs, but I grew up in NH and I still miss the 4 seasons. I long for chilly weather, the smell of a fireplace burning and the leaves changing. Your day sounds lovely. It is great to be a homeschooler, isn't it!
  5. I think it is pretty normal at that age. I work in the preschool and school age deptartments at church, and the boys and girls hold hands. I think it is cute. As long as your dd doesn't feel uncomfortable about it. You are really the only one who would know if this is just an innocent freindship or something wierd. But seriously at that age it is normal.
  6. It is much cheaper to get the supplies from here: http://www.dickblick.com/bundles/bundle.asp?id=802 We are using the Junior High Book 1 and we love it!!! Like another poster said, it is a doing and reading book.
  7. Thank you so much for the comments! I love the "matter of fact" answer. I also think this would be great for my dd as well as my older children. My older children did not go to preschool, but they had each other. Thanks again!:D
  8. and then homeschool them for the rest? I am struggling right now because my 3 yr old dd is begging to go to preschool like her friends. We have a 4 yr old program here in Florida called VPK, which is free (4 yr old) pre-K. This is for anyone. She is the baby and she is 9 yrs younger the the next child. I think that she would love this. I have signed her up at a Christian Pre-school. I am a little nervous about doing this because I am afraid it will be a battle to kepp her home after this experience. Any thoughts??
  9. He went all the way through cub scouts, then quit. He plays many sports and cub scouts just didn't interest him anymore. It was great while he was in cub scouts though. My husband was the leader and the time spent together was priceless!
  10. I assign the reading and half of the questions for one day, and the next day she finishes the rest of the questions. It has worked out good this way.
  11. Thanks for the suggestions! I will be looking into all of them.:D
  12. I have a 3 yr old and a 12 yr old. I would like to start at the very beginning. I am ok with it starting out very young. Any suggestions?
  13. and I do this orally with her. She is independent in Math, History and Science. This is a tough book! I enjoy it because I learn along with her!:D
  14. They are unique. My baby dd is Jamie-Lynn and my friend has a baby dd named Amelia-Grace. Yes, they go by the entire name. Just a thought.:D
  15. I have read all of the books with my now 16 yr old. He started them in 2nd grade. He was a terrific reader, but he struggled to understand most of the first book. I had to stop several times throughout the book to explain what was happening. My dd didn't even have a desire to read them until 5th grade. They do get a little creepy as you get into the series.
  16. I was born and raised in NH. I now live in Florida. So, when my yankee comes out, they always joke and recite a t-shirt that I have: Pahkin ya cah is wicked hahd. Yes, that is how I still say it when I have just gotten off the phone with my mom or brother. My dh had to teach me how to say bear by pronouncing it bayer as in the asprin. Where I have always pronounced it beeah. :lol: I am glad to see this thread and to know that I am not the only one. lol:D
  17. Although I do not agree with her chosen lifestyle, I do like Ellen. I think that she is halarious. I also know that she does alot of really good things. I think that it will be very interesting to see her on the show; however I do agree with the above post. She does not have any professional music experience and this is a music talent show. Should be interesting!:glare:
  18. We are using Sonlight P 3/4, BFIAR, Singapore Earlybird and Kumon workbooks. We are just having fun using lots of other stuff too!! I do have the Rod & Staff Preschool books, but my dd wont be ready for those until next year when she is 4. My dd LOVES to have school like her big sissy!:D
  19. then 13, and 9 yr old out to Friday's for dinner. Our dd 9 was so happy she cried. Our ds 13 said, I will quote, "are you serious". I will tell you though, that same 13 yr old has been head over heals in love with his baby sister (now 3) ever since!!!!!:D
  20. I also LOVE #3!!!!!!! I just found the new item on my husbands "honey-do-list". Of course that will come after he builds the room onto our house to fit it in.:D
  21. Maybe you could tell her that you will come and help with the household chores for the first week or two?? I know that I would have loved that!!!!!!:D
  22. How is FIAR set up different than BFIAR?? I like BFIAR ok. Wonderful books and I get some ideas. Is FIAR more like a cirriculum or is it set up the same?
  23. I have a 12 and 3 yr old. Six boxes have been plenty! We are loving them too!!:)
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