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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. $5 for the first tooth and then $1 for each tooth after that.
  2. I have always told my dd that we expect her to go to college even if she wants to stay home with her children. One of the posters said that she has advised her daughter to go into nursing. This is exactly what I have told my dd. If she needs to add a little income herself, she can do it working part time. I started this thread because I have heard both sides from other women. I have heard women (women that do stay at home) say that the money they are still paying 5,10,15 years later, was a waste. I can understand that. However, as others have posted, I think it is important for women to have something to fall back on in case of divorce, death, or husbands losing thier jobs. Thanks for the great responses!
  3. I was talking with some one the other day about this and I want to see what others think. If you went to college and then became a SAHM (and plan to remain a SAHM) do you think that the time and money that you spent going to college was worth it? What would you advise your daughters if they want to be a SAHM?
  4. I think Josephine Aaliyah sounds beautiful. I also think Josephine Nichole sounds pretty.
  5. I grew up in Southern New Hampshire and I never knew a soul growing up that was homeschooled. I really never even heard of it until I moved to Florida at the age of 22 (19 yrs ago). I did not have a good public school experience, so homeschooling intrigued me from the moment I heard the word.
  6. Tracy thank you so much for this information, it is just what I was looking for!
  7. What subjects do you like with CLE? Is it rigorous? I am looking into the 8th grade math, l/a, and science. I would probably be using the 9th grade science because my dd is using Apologia General this year. I would really love to hear from some experienced CLE users. Thanks!
  8. You guys ROCK!!!! Thanks so much for your time!:D
  9. Thanks so much to all of you for taking the time to list your curriculum. I have got alot to look into. It helps so much to see what is working for everyone else!:D
  10. Thanks Kim! I havea question about the Apologia Physical Science. Do you think that the labs are doable at home? I would love to hear from others!
  11. I would love to see what everyone is using for 8th grade. What worked and what didn't. We will definately be using Sonlight Core 6 for History. Everything else is up in the air. I am especially interested in Math and Science that has worked for you. Thanks!!
  12. Can I ask you about CLE math? Are you going to continue using it for 8th grade? I am considering it. Can you tell me a little about it? What level is 8th grade?
  13. Yes, I suppose you are right. I do not believe that tattooing a child and piercing thier ears are in the same catergory at all. I guess that I was being overly sensitive in my other posts. Boy, you have got to have a hard shell around here.:D
  14. Thanks so much for posting this! I LOVE your blog! Can I make a request? I was wondering if maybe you could put an age range in your reviews. :)
  15. Ohyes, mine used thier fingers until probably 4th grade. It is perfectly normal.:)
  16. My 3.5 yr old dd will soon be using Rod & Staff Preschool books. They are fairly cheap, I think I paid $22 for the whole set. It is a great preschool program! Here is the link: http://www.rodandstaffbooks.com/list/Rod_and_Staff_Preschool/
  17. WOW! Both of my girls had thier ears pierced as babies and they LOVE them now!!! I always feel bad for the older little girls that are scared to death, but want them so bad. And NO I would not tattoo my children! It is not the same!
  18. After reading all of these responses, I still really love Beau Gregory!:D Have you decided on a name yet??
  19. We are using Sonlight and when we studied Australia, we used a book/magazine called Faces. The specific one we used was Faces; Australia Through Time. It is a great book about Aboriginal Life. I believe that you can order this specific volume (VIII Number IX May 1992) off of the wesite. Actually I just checked the website and they do not sell this particular copy, but you can buy it from Sonlight.
  20. mom2abcd, thanks so much for the recipe! It was a big hit and now my family is begging me to make this a tradition and make it every Sunday morning! I think I might just do that. Thanks again!
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