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Excelsior! Academy

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Everything posted by Excelsior! Academy

  1. A good reminder! I am so sorry for what you are having to deal with!
  2. Splitting the money between the cousins is wise and can encourage family gifts. We got our Wii and subscription to Netflix this way. You could send a note with a suggestion if you didn't want to just send cash.
  3. I have seen three different relatives go through very similar situations. The hurt is very real. I am sorry for your loss both of your bio father and lack of contact.
  4. It is the fire codes. Suites are our go to option with connecting rooms at a close second. Eta: Correcting grammar due to my inability to post from my phone.
  5. We do not allow our children to say derogatory words or substitutions thereof. No shut-up or similar. We do allow stupid. Never in the context of a person, but in other ways. Is this offensive?
  6. Disney movies! Any movie with no annoying or repetitive theme songs. No Lego movie! Everything is awesome.... Sorry Frozen, you'd be out for 11 hour car ride!
  7. Aside from forgoing typing on my phone and iPad to post. :)
  8. The only brand I like is Braum's, which is only in a handful of states. It must be served cold.
  9. Didn't he write some of his parenting books before he had children? He has some good advice and some not so good. I am not a fan of his love and logic, especially for the youngest set.
  10. Didn't read the thread in its entirety. I had no idea this was offensive before this thread. I am not sure I have even heard it, but it is possible. I attended high school in a rural area. We had no special needs bus, however we did have a shorter than standard sized bus that was used for field trips and smaller groups. It may have been said as a distinguisher. Could this just be regional?
  11. *Walks in door after day at thrift store* Of course!! You should absolutely turn in those lazy mothers!! Homeschool over discounts!!
  12. Would I read it? Yes!! And have told my children as much. If I have *any* concerns about safety, drug use, etc. you bet. As a family we are generally respectful of each other and that extends to belongings. I 100% believe in trust, but safety of my child supersedes trust. I would rather have an angry safe child than ignore blatant warning signs.
  13. Ahhh...the controversy! I happen to not like men in kilts or books. Why are there so many books? You know that is a joke right? Right? Just adding to the controversy. :D
  14. Rice in rice cooker, unplugged around 6 or 7 pm.
  15. Yes, and I do. My kitchen is small, yet I cook for a crowd. If it didn't stay clutter free, I wouldn't have room to cook. at. all. My Bosch stays out on a tiny counter to the left of the refrigerator. You can't see the counter top unless you stand in the kitchen and face it directly. I also keep a cookbook holder out, but only because it is decorative and I like the look of it. On my sink I keep a pot scrubber that looks like a lady. It's kitschy, but I love it. Everything else is put away. Even my coffee grinder and maker. Even my mega crockpots that we use several times a week. Dishes get done and put away after every meal.
  16. I don't know whether this is funny or gross, so be warned. 3yo dd insists on using our bathroom. She was in there a. long. time. Dh went to check on her, she informed him she was pooping so he shut the door and left her alone. A minute later we here, " I have poop on my leg!". So we check and sure enough she did. On her legs, potty, everywhere. That is not the disturbing part. When we opened the door to check she loudly exclaimed," We don't eat poop!". Um, no child we don't!!! Fortunately, I don't think she did as there was no evidence.
  17. yes! Sports bras! My girls wear them until they need a bra. Shelf camis are great, too. We purchase at Walmart or Target.
  18. At 5 nothing. I would probably deal with it similarly to other sensitive topics. If they ask, tell. If the information becomes relevant, tell. If the child is of a certain age and it would be awkward if they didn't know, tell.
  19. I finally color coded my dc pencils. They each got two. The pencils are kept in a zipper pouch only to be retrieved at school time. If one is missing, they may purchase another from me for $2. Pencils don't go mia as much anymore.
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