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Excelsior! Academy

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Everything posted by Excelsior! Academy

  1. Second aldi's. I know you said frozen, but we often get their fresh pizzas. They are big! Surely you could freeze them until you are ready to use them.
  2. I have picked up cases without problem. I thought you could not call ahead, as they don't give out their phone number.
  3. Oooooo, I've been wanting to try it out. What a great sample size to really get a feel for the program. Thank you!!!
  4. I know when withdrew from ps my dd was no longer eligible to attend the gifted program. It likely depends on the district and state.
  5. MFW does something similar to this in their final year of their 5 year cycle. It is called 1850-Modern Times. It does cover more than just the states, so if all you are interested in is the US you still might find some neat resources there.
  6. Yes, it also allows me to see the chocolate smudges on a child's mouth who adamantly denies sneaking a brownie. My costume line will not be released for another week. I am, however, taking pre-orders.
  7. I know how to move the ketchup bottle in the fridge. This means I am able to find the milk behind it!!!
  8. Teeth, hair, showers, and deodorant are non-negotiables. A teen who lives under your roof that doesn't have the personal hygiene skills to properly care for herself still needs to be required to do so. An older teen could be allowed to have a preference different from her parents, i.e. shorter hair vs. longer, however that hair ought to be kept up appropriately.
  9. The classes do seem a bit heavy. Our local ps used to do block scheduling 4 per semester, so eight per year. Could you do something similar? So the 4 online classes + piano. School through the summer with Math, Chemistry and English. OR A modified loop schedule...online classes plus 1 more subject per day + piano. Monday online classes, block of Chemistry and piano practice;Tuesday online classes, block of English and piano practice; Wednesday online classes, block of math and piano practice; rinse repeat. You would be covering two of the subjects twice per week. If you are doing literature reads for part of English that could carry over onto Saturday, so in theory you would cover two blocks of Chemistry, Math, and English a week. Please ignore horrible grammar and run-on sentences from those offering advice on how to schedule English. :blushing:
  10. This is funny. And true! I find with older children the time that spent is differently. With toddlers a cracker and a nap can make all of the difference. With teens the challenges are a bit different. The same twenty-four hours in a day, yet crazy busy!
  11. You have been spoofed. This happened to our phone. We called to report it and were told to call the FCC.
  12. Where is my Librivox download on my windows phone?
  13. I haven't followed this thread through, but wasn't sure whether to start a new thread or to post here. There has been an arrest on an OKC person who threatened to behead someone in the name of Islam. His name is Jacob Mugambi Miriithi. He worked shockingly close to where I live. They set his bail to $1 million.
  14. Agree!! He is applying topically, not internally!!
  15. I am not a big believer in pendulum swings one way or 'tother (only conventional medicine or only holistic care) however we have seen some differences after using a few oils. Could some be a placebo? Maybe. Others? I don't think so. Dh has had a shoulder injury since high school. He has done physical therapy and chiropractic care. It will work for a bit, but always comes back. Since he has been using a certain oil topically it has all but gone away. I know dh and I know he is not prone to hypochondrism. This oil *is* working for *him.*
  16. This. Except echange Boston Market for Mimi's Cafe. We host. We send out invites. You, can come? Great! You can't? Bummer! Hope you can next year! Oh, you are hosting too? Hope you have a great turn out!
  17. Me, no one. :( Dh on the other hand...I once morphed Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner together and it was the spitting image of dh. I showed my kids and they were shocked. It's awesome, really. :D
  18. My dd did this also. You have to have access to wifi, but she can use it just like a regular phone.
  19. It worked!! It worked!! I big puffy heart all of you!! It says I need to plug into iTunes. It looks like a similar screen that was on the ipad when I first purchased it, but it turned ON!!!!
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