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Excelsior! Academy

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Everything posted by Excelsior! Academy

  1. I know this is an old thread, but I was coming on to post about the same thing. I am on cycle 2 with the Evacup. Oh my goodness! These things are life changing. Really!
  2. This is what my children do! On my way to the store I go to each person and ask if there is anything that is needed, upon my arrival back home someone will remember some crucial item. "Oh, yeah we are out of trash bags" or "I forgot to tell you I used the last of the shampoo last night." Me responding, "Well, get into the linen closet and get the backup." Child, "Sister x played with it in the bathtub and dumped it all out a week ago, and I forgot to tell you." AHHHH!!!!
  3. This. How can anyone see black? What else are we seeing differently? Eta: Dh sees blue and black. Dd sees green and blue. However they are clearly wrong. It *is* white and gold.
  4. Whoa! I had forgotten about that thread. Thank you for reposting it! Thank you for all of the feedback! It seems like DE is the way to go! In OK 6 credit hour fees are waived per semester during your Senior year. If we spend the next year preparing, she can DE, at 17, during her Senior year.
  5. Yes, possibly graduating early. She's completed Algebra I, Geometry, and is currently finishing Algebra II. She has also completed Biology and Chemistry. We tried out CollegePlus Prep where she gained 3 credit hours in Comparative Worldviews. I have no idea if it is actually transferable, but there you have it. Since she did CollegePrep she is very interested in CLEPing and is currently studying for the College Math and Psychology exams. I am not sure how much to encourage her to pursue when aren't sure the path she is pursuing, kwim? The actual question? Um, good question!! The reason we are considering this is her desire to move forward. The university is about 15-20 minutes away and she knows friends, albeit older, that are attending there while living at home. ETA: She is 15 and will turn 16 before the end of the calendar year.
  6. We love MFW, especially ECC! I agree that their science is a bit light. We've always added Apologia or NOEO. Veritas Press has a Bible curriculum with cards that align with the history cards. You can do them with the history program or independently. Remember Veritas Press was written for a classical school, so there is lots of busy work type activities. Not unnecessary mind you, just more geared toward a classroom setting. Things like read the passage then fill in the blank review. It is a different beast than MFW. We've used and loved both, but they are very different. TWTM is excellent. We strongly utilize it and make it our compass with our curricula choices helping us reach those navigation points. You can still follow TWTM rec's while using a certain curricula. If you are undecided you might pick up SOTW audios from the library to try them out or to supplement your decision.
  7. Thank you for responding. I will post in both places. Oooo, look! A multi-quote!! :hurray: No, she's actually part way through high school. I just wonder if it might be better for her to make the next step a bit sooner than usual.
  8. I have a daughter that has graduated and is pursuing a gap year. After much thought, we've decided that might be the best course for the majority of our children, however there is that one child. There is always that one, isn't there? We have encouraged all of our children to pursue their interests and while she is not at all interested in public high school, outsourcing, even enrolling early might be the best in her case. Since we haven't planned for early college enrollment she hasn't taken all of the necessary classes. The university she has voiced interest in only requires a certain SAT or ACT score for homeschooled students and doesn't even look at the transcript. While I do believe upper level maths, sciences, etc. are needed I am wondering if she would be better served by taking the ACT/SAT and enrolling then getting her classes that way. I know many students go this route with community colleges. Her interest lies in Foreign Language, Literature, English, and Humanities. She is even considering a double major. I know it is doable, and she is a very self motivated person, but I have no idea where to go from here. I feel like I have failed her by not preparing her for this path.
  9. The Great Gatsby? It is on dd's reading list next year. Dh abhors the book. He thinks it is a depressing and worthless waste of time. I see his point, however I am neutral on the matter. DD is 13 and will turn 14 late November.
  10. Late afternoon would be 4-4:30 in our world. Our family defines evening by our lifestyle. Dh's arrival is after 5, so anytime after that our evening begins. I do agree with it varying according to the outdoor light. In the summer afternoons and evenings are longer.
  11. I abhor thin mints. Belch. What is wrong with you people?!? Trefoils are the only Girl Scout cookie worth eating. To the person upthread that said they ate a row, Ha! I can eat a whole box in one sitting and stash another one for later in the day!
  12. This is a post asking about a certain curriculum. Even if you don't agree with that curriculum you probably shouldn't post unless you are prepared to answer the OP.
  13. Ahhh...my last post is lost in oblivion! Oh well, trying again. Math LoF with many supplements ranging from wrap-ups to Montessori to straight up fact sheets. Science We did 3 Apologia science books in the last year. What we are currently doing is a bit lighter. Basically we are randomly doing nature studies, Montessori, field trips to the zoo and such and utilizing the MFW ECC's recommendations for science. English Intermediate Language Lessons, Copywork, Montessori and writing with MFW and IEW. Bible We attend church on Sundays and Wednesdays, do daily Bible reading as a family and prep for a yearly Bible bowl competition. Geography My Father's World Exploring Countries and Cultures History Daddy reads aloud at night. Current read Story of the World IV. Latin Not currently. Just finished a semester of Spanish with a tutor 1-2x per week plus homework. Etiquette Cotillion Art/Music I try to play classical music and hand out art supplies regularly. Right now we are using The Story of ________ in Words and Music series for music and just picked up a video about an artist (Mary Cassett?) from the library. Other stuff TeenPact and ? This looks pretty crazy typed up, but it really isn't. First, these aren't my first 6th graders so we know what works for our family. Second, I've done MFW ECC before. Third, not all of this gets done every day. We school year round in the am from 9 until lunch. Then we fill in with read alouds and educational videos in the afternoon or evening.
  14. It looks very similar to what my 6th graders are doing this year. It really depends on how you are scheduling your subjects and what curricula you are using. Can you be more specific and maybe we can help you be a bit more streamlined?
  15. Yes, children can get shingles. Even vaccinated ones. Several years ago my oldest's good friend came down with chicken pox after being exposed to a woman with shingles.
  16. Treating him regularly to a private dinner in a secluded restaurant would be creepy. Inviting him over to hang out occasionally during the day or even a standing Friday night pizza and games with the family isn't. Invite him as often as you feel comfortable, but don't cross the line into a standing, open-ended invite. It will be much easier to shift gears if the situation or comfort levels change.
  17. We've moved all laundry to the garage. My dh installed a closet system on two walls. Our dryer was already there when we moved in, so it's convenient. I keep two decorative boxes in the living area. In those boxes are the younger children's current pajamas and a change of play clothes. We stock the boxes with clean underwear and socks daily and replace the pajamas every few days. In theory the children grab their pjs and undies at night to change then put the dirty clothing into the bathroom hamper, in the am they grab play clothes and put their pjs in the boxes. The box set up works well, not so much the bathroom hamper. Usually I have to remind one or more children to put their dirty clothes where they belong. These aren't often found until the morning after lying on the bathroom floor overnight.
  18. For the reasons Free Indeed listed. It is not the fact that it dealt with such issues, it is more how they were dealt with. Lots of flashbacks, (too many?) though none too graphic. The basic storyline is good, however they did have to speed a few scenes to get to certain points of the plot. Very minor spoiler For example: in one of the beginning scenes the female character rents an apartment and the male character refuses to go into the apartment with her. That scene set up the movie, but felt a bit rushed in a lets get to the plot kind of way. It also felt like a low budget film, which it was. While I am still formulating my opinions, I will say I went in hoping it would be a good family movie encouraging courtship, but came out thinking it may have been preaching to the choir a bit and certain scenes were added a bit gratuitously. I don't know if you didn't already have a preconceived bent toward courtship walking in that you would have been persuaded to consider it before the movie finished.
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