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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. Sheesh, 8th grade. I can't even. So, tentatively, for oldest DD: Math: TT Pre-algebra or algebra (depends on what's finished this year) LA: CLE Reading 8, Cover Story for writing/grammar History: Government/civics textbook + state history (fairly light) Science: an 8th grade science textbook Exploration Education with her sister Art/Spanish - idk. I'm an epic failure at these. PE class 1x/week. Piano via Hoffman.
  2. I like them for organizing data, but it takes a certain kind of kid. My kids HATE coloring, cutting, and pasting -- so lapbooks are a flop here. I, otoh, loved those things as a child, so I probably would have loved lapbooks (as opposed to worksheets or reports or something).
  3. Me. I do (sometimes) ask for DH's opinion and he just nods vaguely, so I do what I want to do.
  4. How cool! Does the lure run on a string? If so, how do the dogs keep from tripping/catching on it?
  5. And they actually are kind of prickly. DD's friend has a special bag (like thick flannel) that she holds the hedgehog in, so he doesn't poke.
  6. DD's best friend has a hedgehog. We've watched it a few times while the family was out of town. This particular one is mean and hissy. It's also pretty boring (sleeps all day, runs in his wheel and knocks his water bottle over all night). Also, DD's room smelled of hedgehog (stink + wood shavings) for over a week after it went back home. Idk how important early socialization is vs. individual temperament; this hedgie was a rescue. (So maybe just this one is mean and antisocial.) The cage set up was pretty contained (also portable) and care was fairly easy. I think they require special veterinarians.
  7. Well, you missed the Christmas special (which likely won't re-air on tv, but will eventually make it onto Netflix) but the new season will be on PBS (for US viewers) March 31, 2019.
  8. I remember going to one with my parents when I was in elementary school, in the 80s. They almost sucked my dad in, lol. AND my parents were still getting occasional phone calls from the timeshare almost a decade later!
  9. If the table won't fit, then my first thought was a rug and a little comfy chair, if it'd get used. If not, maybe a little art table/station for the wee ones. Or a treadmill, haha.
  10. My worst directions have been of the "your destination is on the right" variety...when the only thing to the right is forest or broken down shacks. So much for technology...
  11. Yesss. Mainly because I refuse to acknowledge that I'll have TWO middle schoolers next year (6th & 8th). I do so love to plan...but the shine is wearing off. Especially since I feel like I plan and plan and pick the *best* possible options...and it all goes to pot and my kid ends up doing some random textbook or whathaveyou. All that time I spent agonizing over math (settling on Mr.D) -- the kid is doing TT7. And completely content with it. I suppose I should just be happy that something is getting done, but I don't know that advance planning is a good use of my time.
  12. Several years ago, I had a book saved on Amazon to use with my oldest but never did. For some reason, I deleted it from my wishlist, and I can't remember the title, and now all my searching is proving fruitless. It was a softcover book that had questions for 8-10 (?) children's classics. Questions were divided by chapter. There were 2-3 levels available (each with different books). Kind of older, and only available via 3rd party sellers. Very simple/plain. Anyone have any idea? I don't even know if it'll work for younger DD, but I'm annoyed that I can't remember.
  13. Goonies has a lot of profanity so gauge that for your family. Some suggestions: Shrek, Peter Rabbit (actually quite funny and not cutesy at all), Kung Fu Panda, The Sandlot. We love Alexander & the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
  14. You could do like we do and stress eat. (J/k) DH just had his "final" bone marrow biopsy today (results on Monday). We went out to Chili's afterwards and ate all the foods...
  15. Gold Bond (the Healing or Soothing) are my go-to lotions. They absorb well. If my hands are cracked or very dry, I'll do Aquafor first (but only if I'm not going to be doing much - it's basically like Vaseline in feeling). ETA: the Gold Bond is not like the powder. No tingly medicated feel (or smell).
  16. Hi all. I've been lurking but haven't joined because I'm not doing anything specific. I have lost 5 pounds since the beginning of the year from switching to water instead of sweet tea (though I do have coffee with sugar in the a.m.) I'm drinking lots of water, lol. And I've started a very gentle exercise program. But I'm not yet ready to count calories or anything -- just trying to make better, *sustainable* choices. I do have quite a bit to lose. I have gained 80 pounds in the last 15 years, but I'd be thrilled to lose 50. I'm pretty happy with 5 down!
  17. My parents did this when my brother and I were about that age. They went to an annual convention and we stayed home (went to school, took care of pets, etc). I mean, the washing machine did overflow...and our parakeet was found belly up one morning...but it was fine. 😉 (But then again, I was married and out of the house at 19, and I'm often shocked how much parenting people are doing for young adults that age, so...)
  18. My 7th grader's room is a disaster zone. She really only cleans it when I insist (and I don't often cause I do try and give her space. And b/c a messy room isn't the end of the world). My kids don't have assigned chores. I ask for help or tidying cooperation, but otherwise...meh. They keep the bathroom they use fairly tidy. They do tend to strew their stuff throughout the house.
  19. How about the Mandie book series? I remember reading them when I was younger. They're like a Christian Nancy Drew, but slightly younger? I remember there being morals in them...? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandie
  20. Awesome! I've not tried it before, but I'm thinking of trying this "giant meatball" recipe: https://www.budgetbytes.com/giant-slow-cooker-meatballs/comment-page-1/#comments
  21. Do you go out to eat or cook a special meal? Whole family activities planned or ship the kids off to the grandparents/babysitter so you can have a romantic evening? In general, we don't *do* Valentine's Day...however I've decided that this year I'm doing *something* special. The girls and I have decided on individual molten chocolate cakes and chocolate strawberries for dessert. Not sure about dinner but I'm thinking spaghetti. So...not a romantic couples night but it should be yummy!
  22. We use H&R Block. Since DH's tax stuff is complicated, we have to use the mid-priced one.
  23. For NC, I'd say basements are tricky. West of the Triangle, basements are probably more common (especially in hilly/mountain areas). East of the Triangle, not at all. I grew up on the coast (aka sea level) = definitely no basements. I did not see a basement until well after I was married.

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