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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. Following because I've had terrible PF (left foot the worst). It's so discouraging! I used to roll out of bed in the morning and exercise, but it takes ages now before my feet are "warmed up" enough for movement.
  2. Sounds normal to me. I have a 12yo that displays similar excited behavior. I'm more baffled that someone thought it socially acceptable to make that comment to you.
  3. I sent an email for an issue, and iirc, it did take a day or two to get a reply.
  4. MEMS was good for my oldest daughter's 6th grade year. Just what we needed. That said, I'd look really well at the course outlines on that site; maybe compare them to his prealgebra and algebra workbook programs. I have a feeling that this might be his MEMS programs rebranded. I wish there were samples...
  5. Has your store been remodeled? If not, maybe they're getting ready to do so?
  6. I agree with the previous posters. My kids (10 and 12) played with the neighbor kids daily until they moved (ages 3, 5, 7). My 10 year old especially enjoyed the 7 year old's company. However, my kids were simply playing; they would know better than talk about inappropriate things. (Haha, these little kids were the ones who told my youngest that there wasn't a Santa, so...)
  7. This is what DH said. He stuck it out the entire season, but (with having a heavy-handed social justice focus) he felt it just lacked the fun aspect of DW.
  8. If you're looking for a lighter history, this is what we'll use next year for 8th. https://www.wiesereducational.com/products/ags-world-history-mm8311.htm We're currently using the US History from the same publisher and like it. Very basic but great if you add extras or want to tie it in with another subject.
  9. Wow. I just bought an elliptical...wonder if I could fill that box up.... 😄
  10. Do you make these at home? I'm trying to find ways to eat more veggies, and this on my "lunch ideas" list. Do you have a favorite filling combination? Healthy (homemade or store bought) dipping sauce? Do you eat anything with it, as a side? (Fruit or steamed edamame or...?) Please share your favorites! Thanks. 🙂
  11. We've watched the first 2 episodes. My kids like it, but I think it's just awful. Like, cringe-worthy awful. Idk. I still have to watch because the kids will, and I do want to see who the singers are...but I might just fast forward to the reveals.
  12. I'm weird about communal food touching. Our current church has shared communion -- the basket has large pieces of cracker that get broken by takers. I try to get up there near first so I can get mine before it gets germy, lol.
  13. My DH's cpap is very quiet. And it's not a full faced mask, just "nose pillows." Maybe those with bad experiences should lobby to try something different? I will say, when DH's machine isn't set to the right level, he will snore with it on. And his mouth will fall open and the air rushes out like a wind tunnel. But when all is set correctly, it's very, very quiet.
  14. Has the trip already happened or is it upcoming?
  15. Snort. I assumed the OP was talking garters and stockings and such. Put them together = outfit. The new-to-me stuff I found was one-size-fits-all body stockings. Miraculously stretchy. I'd assume.
  16. Lettuce or romaine, cucumber, tomato, sunflower seeds, croutons, shredded cheese. This is the easy, go-to at our house. Plus salad dressing (each person has their favorite).
  17. LOL. After the other thread, I stumbled onto a whole world of stunt outfits I never knew existed. I'm talkin' Vegas stripper level items.
  18. My DD uses a math table for situations like long division. I make her do fact practice separately.
  19. Can you record him snoring so he hears how bad it is? DH snored terribly for years. I suffered through it until we had kids, then he moved to the couch. When the girls were little, he had a sleep study done. Sure enough, it was apnea. The cpap machine totally cleared up the snoring, but more importantly: he's not exhausted during the day, he has fewer sinus infections, and he's mentally sharper. I'd nag DH. If he won't do it for his own health, he should at least do it for yours. Sleep deprivation is no joke.
  20. I tried out a Bowflex Max Trainer at the sporting goods store today. My goodness, it was so fun. My 10 year old tried it and loved it, too. They had 3 models ($900-1600) and even thought it's MADNESS to consider...I'm considering. I think it also has a customizable workout subscription. Just throwing that out there, lol.
  21. Mine will give me the prescription printout, but they'll charge $20 to measure/include my pupillary distance.
  22. If your fave is Pilates, have you seen Pilates Anytime? $18/month and they have a good trial.
  23. There are tons of great streaming options. I subscribed to Beachbody on Demand for a year. I did several months with Barre3 and Essentrics TV. I love when I can get a free trial. The con for me: I like variety. BBOD has a bunch but the more specialized sites may be all Barre or all Pilates. I can't** spend the money to subscribe to a dozen sites (this is where I tend to stick to DVDs and freebies)! Jessica Smith and Jenny Ford and Leslie Sansone offer a lot of free content on YouTube. ETA: **cant!** I can't afford to subscribe to multiple streaming services! Eesh. Words matter. 😉
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