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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. What would be the purpose in contacting this woman? I think I'd respect the MIL's feelings and let sleeping dogs lie. I know you said it's your son's history... but he's far removed from the life and living of those events. It would only be a story for him; it could potentially be more to the elderly woman.
  2. I'm sure they'll pick someone with a prolific Twitter/Instagram history. Someone with followers. And this person will probably blog about their life-changing, year-long experience. I'd do it, but I'm not marketable.
  3. As long as she's good with tiny parts. My 3 and 5 year old nieces were playing with these at a recent gathering. (They technically belonged to older niece, but you know how that goes...) The dolls are hand-sized for a small child; the accessories are teensy.
  4. A winner is chosen from entries based on certain judging criteria. That winner then gets $100k if they make it the year. $10k if they only complete 6 months.
  5. Yep, my niece and other young cousins have requested LOL Surprises for Christmas. They are pricey, but there are various types. We bought niece a "little sister" for $6. They have all sorts of larger sets ($$$!!) and even a dollhouse now. I happen to know they are sized perfectly for Calico Critter sets... 😛
  6. I purchased a box of Green Mountain Dark Magic kcups a while back, on a whim. Welllll dannnnng. That's some good, dark coffee. Problem: all my normal cups (medium roast) now taste like water. Yuck! I've ruined myself. Is there no going back? Anyone successfully come back from the dark side?
  7. I like to think I could...but geez, I get lost a lot, lol. Map apps are my friend!
  8. Well, I had both my babies after eating Indian take-out...but that could've been coincidence. 😉 But at least it tasted good (more than I can say for the castor oil recs I've seen!)
  9. DH is currently watching Scrubs on Hulu. We used to watch it "way back when." I think Psych is on Netflix. Grimm was good (at least the first few seasons). When first got Netflix I binged on Gilmore Girls (which I'd never seen before) and Friends (which I know almost verbatim).
  10. Haha, I'm watching Nailed It Holiday season right this very minute and was considering recommending it. 😛 OP, if you like cooking shows, The Great British Baking Show is awesome.
  11. We are still loving our HP Advent Calendar, and I saw that Barnes & Noble's website has them 50% off (for $19.99). Amazon is still pricing them at $60+! Pick up only, best I can tell, so maybe someone who wanted this will have a location nearby with them in stock. (I found one in stock near us and went ahead and bought one for the girls to play with. The first one is mine!) Here we are, 13 days in (today was Dumbledore!):
  12. Just a thought...it not unusual for Christmas present puppies to wind up at the shelter after reality kicks in. Maybe make yourself known to the local shelter, let them know what you're looking for, etc.
  13. I say buy a bowl, a bed, and some toys. Then tell her that you guys are waiting for the right dog to join the family -- even that she gets to help choose! I know the feeling of wanting it now, but sometimes that just doesn't happen. Even rescues require letters of rec and home visits. It's for the dog's safety.
  14. Ah, but "helpful and kind" are holding a door for someone or letting someone have your seat on the bus. Sometimes people need to hear tough words in order to take on a necessary (and possibly uncomfortable or challenging) job. "Kind and helpful" feel like choices. It sounds like your family needs to remove the choice from this situation and make it a necessity.
  15. We used Mosdos for 2 or 3 years. We just used the textbook. Discussed the literary elements when they were intro'd at the beginning of each story. Had DD orally answer/discuss questions at the end of each story. Easy peasy. 🙂
  16. I don't, sorry. (I've actually never shopped at Costco! But I know lots do so I threw it out there. 😉 )
  17. I'd buy diapers and formula...but I'm boring like that. Or a Prime subscription so diapers can quickly ship to them (or Costco). Or gift cards (my toddler nieces will get Honest Company gift cards this year because my SIL buys froufrou baby products). 😉 When my girls were newborns, my granddad gave them savings bonds for Christmas. 😄
  18. Ah, DH doesn't think about gifts. At all. Luckily, I don't mind buying stuff for myself. :p So this year I got the Harry Potter Advent calendar (which the girls and I have been LOVING), a Niffler keychain, and a few books. ;)
  19. Actually, I thought I was finished a week ago, but then I decided DD10 would get Calico Critters after all. Aaaand I got carried away and bought too many Critters...and suddenly my gift piles were lopsided (DD12's gift pile looked like that of an unloved, distant relation). So Amazon to the rescue! I decided to indulge a few recent wishes that hadn't made it to DD12's Christmas wishlist: black combat boots, a skateboard (!!!) and "cool" leggings (sugar skulls). She is going to be so stoked! (Note: add "stoked" to the list of outdated slang I use...) What gifts have you left to get?
  20. Ha! My friend has that cat keyboard. Her toddler likes it, lol.
  21. I'm giving a 10 month old great-niece a rolling elephant toy that has popping balls in its back. Just a generic baby toy (however my budget was $5-10 for this side of the family, and this was cheaper at Dollar General). This: https://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-CMV98-Poppity-Pop-Elephant/dp/B00SYIPSB6/ref=sr_1_20?ie=UTF8&qid=1544472454&sr=8-20&keywords=Fisher+price+elephant My twin nieces (18 months) are getting an Honest Company gift card, lol. They gave enough clothes and toys (2 older sisters), and their mom buys HC diapers, so there ya go.
  22. Snowing heavy here now (Chapel Hill area)! Woo-hoo!
  23. Yep, I got that one last week, plus a couple more inexpensive sets! (There was a kitchen set was also about $8.) They had the starter house for $17 last week, but now it has jumped to $24. Truth be told, once I decided to get her the CCs, I went a little overboard. I finally cut myself off last night, after spending more than I'd planned on a couple of eBay lots (mostly tiny food stuffs). 😮😮
  24. Fabulous! My late-reading 10 year old refuses to read anything but graphic novels. This series seems like a perfect progression for my cat AND dragon-loving girl!
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