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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. DH is an underliner, note-taker. I am not. (Nor do I want to read a book that's been written in.)
  2. I can't remember for myself, but my youngest (who will be 11 in June) plays outside by herself every day, multiple times. From what I can see, she's out there talking to herself and acting things out. Very elaborately. When asked, she says she's role playing but won't give details (and then bans me from the kitchen window so she can act in peace/privacy. I guess the neighbors don't count.) ETA: her outdoor imaginative play has no props. She also plays with toys still (mostly animal figurines and stuffed animals).
  3. Apologia General was not working for us. We ended up switching to a Harcourt Science textbook. DD likes it much better.
  4. Ha. I have no problem saying no, but I still wonder if I'm being selfish in my unwillingness to serve. (But then I decide that it's okay if I am.)
  5. Mastering Essential Math Skills was helpful for my oldest DD. Some concepts I thought there wasn't enough teaching, so I added videos from Khan and other sites. But the constant review really helped her and it was zero dread.
  6. Well, my kids don't get an allowance and they don't have assigned chores (though they are asked to do things: bring up the trash can, get the mail, empty dryer, pick up sticks before DH mows). I generally pay for outings, but we don't do many with friends. If it were becoming a regular thing, maybe I'd give them a monthly budget and then they could plan accordingly. As far as other extra wants (books, cool clothes, art supplies), I tend to go with a "well, add it to your birthday/Easter basket/Christmas wish list." If they want it sooner and they have money from gifts, they can use that.
  7. I also wear Crocs indoors now that I'm dealing with some feet issues (though I prefer barefoot).
  8. I also order swimsuits from Amazon. I tend to order several that offer free returns, then keep my favorite. (Or keep a couple since the prices are usually cheaper.)
  9. That would frustrate me to no end. I have very little patience with people who don't do their job. I have deep sympathy for personal health problems, but being an adult sometimes means you must bow out when you can't uphold your end. I hope you get it straightened out ASAP. Installing cabinets isn't a hugely skilled job -- I'd look into hiring someone to get that done. You might can still host your Easter stuff!
  10. This may not be what you're looking for but Crash Course has a 4-part reproduction series. Part 3 includes info on contraceptives. https://thecrashcourse.com/courses/anatomy Also, planned parenthood has pretty good details about contraceptives and effectiveness rates and etc. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control Both are very straightforward.
  11. I struggle with plantar fasciitis and I have bad knees (ACL repair in one). Keens have a supportive enough footbed for me. Also, on the cheap-o end, I have two pairs of Skechers that don't kill my feet. I wear them in the summer when I need support but want a comfy sandal. They are both this style: https://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/skechers-womens-reggae-zig-swag-sandals
  12. Ha! I recently got the Amazon recommendation for her new book, and the only reason I ever looked at her first book listing was because of your other thread. The second I saw this title and the poster name....I KNEW what was coming.
  13. I'd eat it. Pre-softened for sure (as someone who currently has a block of cream cheese sitting on the counter to use for dinner.)
  14. I don't cook breakfast (I eat a bar most mornings). My kids are light breakfast eaters and I'm pretty permissive when it comes to choices. So oldest eats: cereal, instant oatmeal, a banana, yogurt or banana bread, if I have it. Bread and butter or a spoon of pb are acceptable. Youngest might eat a box of Craisins, a handful of Goldfish or crackers, an apple. Most days she doesn't eat until around 10 because she's not hungry.
  15. I'm a singer (not necessarily a good one), and I'm an equal opportunity instrument-enjoyer.
  16. Oh geez. I return a ton of stuff. I have 6 swimsuits in my room right now, waiting to be returned. Maybe I don't trigger any red flags because I buy and keep so much as well!!
  17. Not sure how to vote. I have a bachelors, DH almost has a masters. For my kids: I expect some kind of secondary education or training that would prepare kiddo for employment. I don't know what that'll look like (my kids are middle schoolers).
  18. We have a crawl space. My dad thinks we can lay plastic but that it may need some sort of dehumidifier. The main (overwhelming) issue is soggy subfloors. We've repaired the kitchen and one bathroom so far. Living room is next...
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