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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I heard on GMA this morning that their coverage begins at 4 AM on the 29th.
  2. What an amazing story! I hope they will all be alright, including momma. Make sure she is eating and drinking if you can. It may mean checking on her often (although you are probably doing that). Way to go!!!
  3. Kokumo and anything by Barlow Girl. I don't know why, but that set of female voices makes me grit my teeth every time I hear them.
  4. We eat dinner together every night except when dh has to work late which is usually only within the first 5 business days of each month (even then it may only end up being 1 night/month). It may not be an elaborate dinner if we have church meetings or a sports practice, but that is not the point. It is very important to us to come together at the end of the day.
  5. I will often stop a book and put it aside if it's one that is notoriously good or worthwhile (recommendations, reviews, etc). Water for Elephants was my latest. Sometimes, I may not be in the right mindset for a certain book, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to give up on it. Revisiting it later helps. Other times, if I'm really not able to engage, I will let a book go and not look back. It hasn't been often, but I can see it becoming something that I will do more in the future because I'm realizing my free time is so limited that I'd rather not waste it. You can't get the time back, and by pushing myself through a terrible book, I may be missing a great one.
  6. One of the episodes was filmed near me, and it was entirely staged. My local couponing site/forum has been discussing this at length. The stores are allowing transactions that go above and beyond the coupon rules for the store. Also, they are allowing coupons to be used that are not even for the product being bought. Rather, they are showing they will take them because the overall manufacturer/distributor created the coupon. ie. $10 off Crest Whitestrips is being used for another P&G product resulting in $10 off the entire order. This is not allowed at the stores & it is fraud. I am a couponer who follows the rules because I believe we need to remain ethical in this or we will lose our ability to coupon. Many stores throughout the country have lessened or abolished their coupon sales (ie. doubles or triples) or radically altered the number able to be used per transaction as a result of being burned by unethical couponers. It worries me that this show is pushing the limits too far, and more of us will lose our right to coupon as a result of the fraud taking place.
  7. I'm just now seeing this, Jennifer, but I have prayed for her. THank you for all the updates! You are a wonderful friend for staying with her and helping her family. May God continue to bless you both. :grouphug:
  8. I am fortunate enough to have an amazing homeschool consignment store in my area. I bring my items there, and as they sell, my account is credited. I put that money toward future curriculum products, books, DVD's, games, supplies, etc. It's saved me the hassle of trying to sell my things online.
  9. Yes, dh made it for me. It includes each subject, and the looping of them so we can be sure to hit all subjects each week.
  10. It sounds like a wonderful day! Congratulations on the start of your homeschool journey!
  11. I don't care how healthy the schools are supposedly going to make the lunches become (or so they say), NO ONE should take away my right to feed my children what I want them to eat! And, to force me to have to PAY for something and not give me the choice is absolutely wrong! That's why they have taxes!!! :banghead: Ugh... this article irks me to no end!
  12. Nolan James Adams Landon James Adams Beckett James Adams Devin James Adams Garon James Adams (or sp. Garron) Tristan James Adams
  13. We are currently using the following: Math - Singapore 2A/2B w/ IP & CWP Writing - WWE 2 Grammar - Rod & Staff 2 Spelling - AAS History - SOTW vol. 2 w/ AG Science - we started using RSO: Earth & Space, but it's turned into science the WTM way for year 2. Geography - Rand McNally's Beginning Geography (found it at amazon) Art - Discovering Great Artists We have Song School Latin, but have yet to do it. I'll introduce it next year, and start formal latin in 4th grade. Ds loves (and so do I) all the curriculum we're doing this year.
  14. I cannot live without my Teva flip flops. I buy myself a new pair every summer, even though I will continue to wear my old pair as well. I usually get 2 years out of them. They are so incredibly comfortable. My mom just bought some for ds1, and he says he's never going to wear anything else!
  15. :grouphug: I completely understand, so I will gladly join your party! :grouphug:
  16. I cannot stand HOA's!!! We just went through issues with ours regarding the planting of some bushes *they* stated we were not able to use despite there being 15 houses (and we didn't even cover 2/3 of the neighborhood to get these addresses) who have them in their yards. Anyway, we fought it, and we won. I would definitely fight this, especially because they are not specifying which rule you are breaking. HOA's must state the rule, amendment, or bi-law when citing you. Be sure to keep a paper trail of everything you send to them and receive from them.
  17. We used PP here, but I reinforced it with frequent reading together (taking turns reading aloud) and ETC workbooks.
  18. :lol::lol::lol: I've been following this thread laughing throughout, but this just sent me over the edge!!!! Cannot stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Tina, that was a wonderful post, and so timely! Thank you for the loving reminder! :001_smile:
  20. Congratulations!!! Enjoy your days of yummy baby smells and gummy smiles! :001_smile:
  21. What warm memories you can carry with you on the days when your heart is hurting. I am sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
  22. We moved from NH (and its terrible winters) to NC, and I've yet to regret it. Sure there are different bugs here, but they are tolerable, and as others have said, investing in a monthly bug service helps immensely. Learn what is dangerous (brown recluses and black widows) before you come, and you will be fine. I HATE spiders, but the quality of life and great weather I've gained by moving completely surpasses the off-chance of seeing the spiders. As for mosquitoes, we were eaten alive in NH all the time, and we couldn't do anything in the evenings without bug spray. I can't remember the last time I put on bug spray since moving here. There are fire ants, but they are easily avoidable since their mounds are very recognizable. I couldn't handle going north again... no way!
  23. This. Exactly. Thank you for giving me the words I cannot find today. :001_smile:
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