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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Not sure of the ages, but The Dragonling series is good. Ds really enjoyed it.
  2. The best gift I received for my baby shower was a basket filled with sippie cups, plastic bowls with the rubber bottoms to stick on the table or high chair tray, divided plates, baby & toddler utensils, baby wipes, feeding bibs, and some teethers. Although these items will not be used (aside from the wipes) until the baby is 4-6 months, these items can be expensive, and it can be startling for new parents when they realize they need all these things so their child can feed themself. You could even add organic baby snacks if you want to provide more variety, or a "make your own baby food" cookbook. Congratulations on the new arrivals! :001_smile:
  3. I don't even put up with that behavior from my almost 8yo. In our house, you will like our choices or you will choose to go hungry. Of course, I always have something the family likes on hand, but if their mood suddenly becomes one that they don't like what we have, that is not my problem. I agree with having her volunteer in a soup kitchen or to do a study on life in 3rd world countries. She's being very ungrateful for her blessings.
  4. I would be full of anxiety around this if I were your dd. I pray that things will work out in the end. You just don't mess around with such an important day & it saddens me that there are those out there who do. :glare:
  5. Happy, happy Birthday! Enjoy your day to yourself!!! What a gift!!! :001_smile:
  6. Oh, I LOVE Colorado, and so wish I could get my dh to move there! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Wishing you all the best as you start anew!!!
  7. That's wonderful news!!! Thank you for keeping us updated! :grouphug:
  8. Thank you!!! Very excited about this!!!
  9. Susan, I cannot thank you enough for being part of the homeschool world when I was researching this educational option. Being a former ps educator who had to eat her "I'm never going to homeschool" words, TWTM was the encouragement and guidance I needed when I came to the realization that sending *my* child to school was no longer something I felt right doing. We are in our 3rd year, and I am consistently reverting back to TWTM when I need the inspiration, motivation, and courage to continue when the days are rough. Discovering this forum was another gift you gave me (and others). I'm entirely grateful to have a place to go when I need some mommy time, some enlightenment, and some clarity as I continue this homeschooling journey. You are a blessing!!! Thank you so very much!!! :grouphug:
  10. How sad... I will definitely pray for them.
  11. I haven't read all the answers, but based solely on your OP with the added info, etc., I'm thinking you would really love Charlotte, NC. :) We came from NH to here 5 years ago seeking all you desire, and we have found it. We LOVE it here! Plus, the homeschooling community is very vibrant here, so that is a definite plus for you.
  12. :iagree: Especially with the bolded part. It's for this reason that I try really hard to incorporate a daily Bible/prayer time each day where I am by myself, reading the Bible and praying over it. Often the passages I read in the Bible will coincide with something on my heart. This has happened numerous times where I've just opened the Bible and started reading. That's when I really know I need to start listening! :D
  13. My son will be 8 in April, so I am aching for you and all you've had to endure so far. Sending so many prayers up for you. :grouphug:
  14. I finished Little Bee today. What a powerful story! I really liked it even if it wasn't the ending I was expecting. However, I think that is part of what makes it so good. Ds & I started The Canterbury Tales as retold by Geraldine McCaughrean today. That's going to take us a few weeks, since I need to chunk it out carefully so he's not overwhelmed with narrating the density of it. I'll be starting the 5th Outlander book tonight: The Fiery Cross. I'm excited to return to the 1700's with Jamie & Claire! :001_smile:
  15. Lunch: Salad with turkey on top for me. A cheese & mustard sandwich with sliced cucumbers for one ds; the other had a turkey and cheese sandwich. Different: Nothing here, and I'm starting to feel antsy about the routine. I really want to take a vacation. Wish: Inner peace & full contentment with all that I've been blessed. I'm tired and grouchy today, and I'm finding it hard to be thankful for what I do have.
  16. I not only sort it on the conveyor belt, but I keep it organized in my cart a certain way as well. I'm a bit of an anal grocery shopper! :D
  17. Five years from now... I want to be 100% debt free with a sizeable amount in the bank. I will be stressing out about choosing high school curriculum. The trees in my yard will finally afford us some privacy. I will feel more whole, leading the life God truly wants me to lead, and I will be at peace with it. I want to have a better relationship with my mother. I want to be thinner, healthier, and able to successfully maintain it. I want my marriage to be going strong & for us all to be healthy and happy.
  18. I'm not having Yahoo problems, but I'm not able to get to Facebook this morning.
  19. My first labor was almost 16 hours with no epidural or interventions. My second labor, I was induced (that was horrendous!), had an epidural, and it lasted 7.5 hours. My sister went 33 hours before needing a c-section (my nephew was stuck). My cousin's labors have never lasted longer than 3 hours from start to finish. It really depends upon your body as every woman handles labor and birth differently.
  20. Wonderful news! Praying for their safe return home. :grouphug:
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