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Everything posted by jenL

  1. :iagree: For some reason, we feel we have the "right" to see them, and I don't agree with this notion. It's done, and we've seen enough footage and heard enough information. There was a day where we were not privy to any of the information we receive today. We don't have to know everything that our military does in all the minute details.
  2. My heart breaks for you. I am so very, very sorry. I will be praying for you, fully. :grouphug:
  3. A study Bible. She was flipping through mine during a recent visit stating how she wishes she had a bible like it. I'm so excited to give it to her!
  4. Oh my... please share her thoughts on him! I am curious as to how she dealt with him. I'm sure she had an interesting day!
  5. Thank you!!! It's so nice to reward ds for something he loves to do! Our Pizza Hut will let us substitute the personal pizzas for the lunch buffet. I'm not sure if that's universal, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.
  6. Congratulations! Your experience yesterday is just plain AWESOME!
  7. Finishing up our 3rd year. I admire those of you on here who have been going strong for 10+ years! What a feat! :001_smile:
  8. I haven't read all the responses, but I thought she looked absolutely stunning! I've always thought she was beautiful, but today she took it to another level.
  9. Do try to enjoy it! If anything, it's some time out for YOU! :grouphug:
  10. Wow! Thank God she is okay. I've been praying for all those affected by the storms the past couple of days. It's been incredibly frightening.
  11. For K, we worked for a maximum of an hour a day. The rest of the day was spent reading together (or individually as ds1 could read already), taking nature walks, playing outside, taking field trips, going to/hosting playdates, etc. It was very light-hearted, fun, and interest-led.
  12. I believe it may appear that way because Singapore does not require as many problems to be done in their workbooks. However, there are plenty of problems if the textbooks are being used, as well as the IP and CWP books.
  13. Oh wow! You are awesome! Thank you so much for sharing!
  14. Draw pictures or use manipulatives. My father used to make lists and put pictures under them to note who had who, who spent what, etc. It helped immensely. We had all kinds of notes/drawings written on scrap paper! :lol:
  15. Just a friendly, little bump since there are a few of us interested. :001_smile:
  16. Has anyone gone from SOTW to Beautiful Feet? I'm contemplating this, but I'd love to hear thoughts from those who have done it. We've been using SOTW for 2 years now, and I'm feeling like I'm leaning less on the text and more on the supplemental books to get history done. If you use Beautiful Feet Early American (primary), what do you like about it? Do your kids enjoy it? TIA!
  17. :iagree: I agree, except I *did* have a nervous breakdown that forced me to stop during my 1st semester of my senior year. I went back for a scaled down second semester, took a summer course, and then had to complete everything during the first semester of my 5th year. Taking on a side job at a noteably challenging school would not be a good idea (imho). If it were up to me, having went through college the way I did, I would try to not work during school unless it was directly related to my major as some of my peers were able to do. This benefited them financially, in the classroom, and when trying to obtain a job after graduation.
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