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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I haven't read all the other posts, but I saw firsthand this year exactly what Nan is discussing in her OP. My son is in 2nd grade. Last year we began using WWE for writing, and we do narration a la WTM in history and science. Late fall/early winter, we had a lot of illness in our family, so I became lazy. We stopped doing WWE2 (I figured he was narrating "enough" in history and science, and we focused on writing through R&S grammar). I also scaled WAY back on the narrating in history around this time due to our crazy lives. Well, ds was tested last week using the Woodcock-Johnson Achievement Test (state requires yearly testing for homeschoolers). From last year to this year, ds went DOWN in passage comprehension! I was shocked, but I truly believe I can directly attribute it to the scaling back I was doing with WWE narrations and history narrations. We were still narrating in science and with our monthly read-alouds, but it was definitely not to the extent it was last year. You better believe we are going back to getting WWE and history narrations done on a regular basis! The suggestions in WTM work. I'm thankful I am learning this now. I am also very grateful for your post, Nan. As we are just entering the trenches (or are still getting our feet wet), it's reassuring to hear from someone who has been there and can see the outcome that is so far out of reach for those who have younger children. Thank you for sharing your experience and your advice! :)
  2. We also use the white board for all of the writing. Occasionally, I will give my son a "test" to determine how he is doing on a piece of paper. It's outside of a step lesson, so I don't review at all before it. It's not something the book tells you to do, but I find the reinforcement to be reassuring for *me*. Some days ds moves the tiles and doesn't write, other days he uses the white board to only write, other days it's a mixture. I let him determine what he wants to do unless I see he is struggling with a certain concept, phonogram, or rule. In that case, I will have him manipulate the tiles and write the words out by hand. We always do the phrase & sentence dictations offered; however, we usually don't do them all at once. AAS is an excellent program. I am a certified Wilson Reading instructor, and AAS is very similar. I chose it because it's less teacher/planning intensive than Wilson. The program does work if you stick with it.
  3. Thank you, ladies! I'm going to look at the TOC's for the later books - that is great advice! We do plan on continuing to narrate in other subject areas, so maybe it will be enough. I'm really just paranoid about writing and the skills being too weak. I'd hate to overkill it though and end up making my kids hate it. Lots to think about...
  4. :iagree: We are DR fans here, and we are working our debt snowball as I type this; however, DR doesn't live in all of our neighborhoods. Sometimes the reality of life/safety of our surroundings is more important than being debt free.
  5. Did you use it only for grammar, or did you use it for writing as well? I'm trying to contemplate if I should add a writing program to R&S 3 that we'll be using as our grammar program - this is for a 3rd grade boy. We've been using WWE thus far, and we used R&S 2 for grammar this year. I'm very concerned about writing as it is a skill that I believe must be thoroughly cultivated and made a top priority. I want my boys to be strong writers by the time they are in high school. Do you believe R&S is thorough enough to let it stand on its own as both a grammar and a writing program? Any insight is welcome! Thanks so much!
  6. I'm still tweaking this, but here is what we're using so far: Math: Singapore 3A/3B Grammar: Rod & Staff 3 Writing: possibly just sticking with R&S 3 or adding WWE 3 - not sure yet. Spelling: AAS 3 (finish) & 4 Reading: I have DITHOR 2/3, so I will probably use that. Or we'll just read & narrate a la WTM. Still pondering... History: STOW Volume 3 w/AG Science: Elemental Science Chemistry Art: Not sure. Possibly classes at the local art museum PE:Taekwondo 3x/week, soccer, and baseball Latin: Not sure if I am going to begin this or wait until 4th grade to get a more solid grammar background in place. Bible: Continue the Team Kid bible work for kids' ministry meetings every Wednesday night (similar to Awana). Weekly bible copywork/memorization of verses for Sunday school. Geography: Rand McNally Intermediate Geography I think that's everything. I feel as if I'm forgetting something though... :confused:
  7. It sounds as if she is incredibly talented! I wouldn't blame the doctor who is offering to help her study for trying to convince her to head to med school. Congratulations on raising a great woman!
  8. No snack or nap this afternoon as today was zoo day! We took a little field trip with dh since he took the day off. The weather was warm, sunny, and with a light breeze... a perfect day! Weekend plans include a trip to Aldi's, yard work, church on Sunday and then ice skating with our church in the afternoon. That should be interesting since dh & I haven't been on skates in years. I'm sure one of us will end up with a sore back trying to keep the 4yo on his feet. :lol:
  9. Personally, we would let her cry it out. I know others will disagree. By 20 months, she should be sleeping through the night and able to put herself back to sleep, imho, without needing to be nursed. At that age, waking in the middle of the night is not hunger related, so for your sanity, you probably want to teach her to settle herself on her own. She can do it. The same ideology goes for being able to fall asleep on her own at night. I would limit the nursing time before bed as well. My sister is more into attachment parenting than I was, and she limited her children's nursing before bed around 18-24 months. It was tough, but she needed her life back - she was utterly exhausted with getting up and them trying to nurse forever. :grouphug:
  10. Oh Impish, I am so sorry. You are definitely NOT selfish in feeling this way. Your reality has been tough, more than tough, lately, and you have every right to mourn what is happening to you. I, too, would be devastated about my hair regardless of what is happening in the world. I don't think that makes me selfish or vain, nor does it make you either one. A part of you that you treasure is disappearing, and you have already lost so much of "you" from movement, to desires, to general daily comfort. That is A LOT to lose, and one more thing would send most people over the edge. I think you are very brave in dealing with all you are going through. Please give yourself grace right now... you need to, and it is the right thing to do. Sending you much love and prayers! :grouphug:
  11. Figuring out curriculum for next year is my current obsession - we're entering 3rd grade, and I'm freaking out about making "just the right" choices. Also, I'm reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, and that has definitely become my reading obsession!
  12. I loved it. However, when I find books I do not like/hate, I paperbackswap them or donate them. There's no sense in keeping a book you know you will never re-read or suggest for others to read.
  13. Lunch was at Cook-Out today because we were running around and didn't have time go get home before our next appointment. I had the BBQ pork plate, and ds had chicken nuggets and a mint oreo shake. We all wore green today! That never happens since I usually forget what day it is when we're getting dressed. No St. Pat's plans here although we did have green frosted cupcakes at our friend's house this afternoon as our snack. She's good about remembering and celebrating ALL holidays. Me, not so much.
  14. I'm partial to Bar Harbor, ME as that is where we honeymooned. Acadia National Park is stunning! We're headed up there in September, and I cannot wait.
  15. I wasn't taught to fold the top sheet down. So, we just put the sheets on the bed with the printed sides facing up if they have a pattern on them. Any other way requires too much thinking. :)
  16. Absolutely no flames from me either. I've been right where you are, and we did what was financially feasible for our family. Our beloved kitty was euthanized because we could not afford her long term care. I am so sorry you had to go through this. It hurts like heck, but give yourself grace. :grouphug:
  17. I'm so nervous! I'm not sure why because I've watched many baptisms, and I have been baptized by my husband and dear friend. I guess it's because it's my sister. I want this to be such a special moment for her. She and I come from a very dysfunctional family, and it affected our relationship with each other for years. It's been through the grace of God in both of us that we have been best friends for a few years now. I led her to Christ about 2 years ago, and her life has been radically changed for the better. Her husband, Mr. Anti-Church before, is also being baptized tonight. God's work on them has been incredible. I'm in awe, honored, and humbled... I just needed to share! Thank you for listening!
  18. I completely understand your pain! Hoping your dc feels better soon... Hang in there!
  19. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, Cindy; however, as you said, when God cloeses a door, another one opens. He has answers for your life, and He will get you there in his own time. Your attitude is fantastic, and that may be part of His plan for you. Hoping another opportunity arises soon!
  20. No advice. I'm just happy you have some answers, and that you are working on a treatment plan with a doctor who is open and willing to listen to your desires. Hope you feel better soon!
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